Perfect Pastry Cream - Easy Meals with Video Recipes by Chef Joel Mielle - RECIPE30 (2024)

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Perfect Pastry Cream

Perfect Pastry Cream

A basic and versatile custard cream for cakes and tarts

Pastry cream or as know in France “crème patissière” is a french custard filling used for a variety of pastries. It can be used for cakes, tarts, slices and as filling for choux pastries such as profiteroles or chocolate eclairs. You will see it in many of those exciting pastries you see in French patisserie windows. It has a thick consistency and sets further once cooled. Some make it with plain all purpose flour, others mix half with corn starch, I prefer 100% corn starch (corn flour) as it gives you a glossy texture which is more pleasing.


  • 1 quart - 1 litre of milk
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 vanilla pod or 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 7oz - 200g sugar
  • 4oz - 115 corn flour (corn starch)


  • Step 1

    Place all the milk into a saucepan. Add the vanilla and half the quantity of sugar. Turn on heat to medium, mix ingredients and gently bring to a simmer.

  • Step 2

    In a mixing bowl, add the corn starch and sugar, mix dry ingredients. Crack four whole eggs and add to mixture and mix well using a whisk.

  • Step 3

    When your milk is just about to simmer, pour half the milk while whisking into your mixing bowl. Pour the mixture from mixing bowl back into the saucepan containing half the milk. Keep whisking for 2 minutes over medium heat. Mixture should be thick.

  • Step 4

    Pour creme onto a sheet pan (kitchen tray) to cool down faster. Place clingfilm directly onto the surface to avoid a skin setting. Once cooled down, refrigerate.

Little Tips

Pastry cream will keep for several days once refrigerated.

You can reheat it in the microwave, whisk hard and it becomes spreadable again.

Keep an eye on your milk, you don't want to boil it only just start to simmer

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Perfect Pastry Cream - Easy Meals with Video Recipes by Chef Joel Mielle - RECIPE30 (2024)
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