Things that Sweeten Life Right Now (2024)

Welcome to the grand finale of the year – a time for glittering reflections & resolutions for others. I like to build off what’s working, instead of swearing “this is the year of….”

Last year, I rode the wave of inspiration from authors I admire, sharing a list focused on what's working right now. This approach celebrates and builds off our current joys and successes, not postponing them for a 'someday.'

Since we’re all enchanted by lists - they’re like secret maps to someone’s heart and mimd - I’m at it again with a list.

A blend of old loves and new discoveries.

From strength training to the serenity of sleep, from the bold journey of living alcohol-free to the thrill of exploring new horizons both in work and wanderlust – every item on this list has made life easier, better, and sweeter.

Snuggle into your comfiest spot and read through with me, and maybe, think what your list would look like. ⚡️

1) Strength Training (& Fundamentals) Predictable? Maybe. But it’s always the best thing I have. This year, the gym and I had a 'less is more' relationship but I still am dirty strong. Whether I was lifting in a state-of-the-art gym or improvising with a tidal tank in a jungle (yes, that happened!), my mantra remained the same: hinge, squat, push, pull, carry. These aren't just exercises; they're the fundamental building blocks to thriving in any environment – gym or no gym.

Lifting weights is more than muscle-making. In the thick of the mundane, the chaos or travels, those weights have been my grounding force. They remind me that strength isn't just about the biceps or the quads; it's about the resilience that we carry within us. Muscle is the protector of mental health and physical health and our longevity.

2) Reverse Retreats with my Clients Talk about a happy accident turned game changer. It all started in Mammoth Lakes, CA, with what I like to call a ‘semi-retreat.’ A client & I cohabitated for several days and she felt like it was easier to internalize the rhythm of healthy living (like savoring three full meals a day, and finding joy in daily habits).

The 'Reverse Retreat' was born. These retreats aren't your typical 'escape from life' scenarios. They’re a deep dive in how you live and finding how strength and health can seamlessly weave into the thick of every day life.

From the wilderness of Canada, where I joined a nomadic couple on their road trip, infusing fitness into their adventurous lifestyle, to the streets of Albuquerque, where we revamped identity languages, each retreat has its own flavor. Asheville was a mix of kettlebell mastery, golf swings, and macro magic (yes you want that much protein!).

Each retreat is customized, flexible, and a chance to play, learn, bond and grow with a sidekick. My heart is hopeful for a few more of those next year, and maybe I’ll even wrangle a location for a small group one! If you’re itching for this kind of life-enhancing experience that’s as real as it gets, let’s chat about it.

Things that Sweeten Life Right Now (1)

3) Working in Focused Sprints & Intentional Travel Lifestyle choices are dynamic. Ennegram 7 me demands adventure & adores being untethered. I had the chance to bounce around — to visit friends, clients, and spend spend a month in Mexico — but plot twist: Constantly switching backdrops and juggling storage solutions started to play havoc with my focus and a sense of belonging.

Turns out, the gritty nomad lifestyle, as alluring as it is, isn't quite my jam right now. So, here's the new game plan: I'm doubling down in Denver (this city just won't let me go…hi Mom!) and embracing the art of focused sprints. This means opening and closing my personal training client roster with precision to ensure clients get full love and attention, as well as my business growth.

Travel should still be on the menu. Intentional escapades, reverse retreats, spontaneous trips with a home base planned. If I don't manifest these visions out loud, they're just wishes floating in the wind. So here I am, declaring it to the universe (and to you, dear reader) - it’s happening! 😘

Things that Sweeten Life Right Now (2)

A post shared by @anne_reuss

4) Protecting My Sleep Another from last year’s list – sleep is precious. We have our own unique 'sleep shoe size.' One size does not fit all when it comes to catching those Z's, nor is it true you will not succeed if you don’t march at 5 AM. I'm a proud card-carrying member of the Night Owls & 8/9-Hour Sleep Club. When the early birds rise, I am happily dozing in my cozy cocoon.

Honoring this personal sleep pattern has been a game-changer. Brain fog? A thing of the past. I wake up recharged, ready to tackle the day with clarity and gusto.

Find your 'sleep shoe size' and wear it like a crown. Whether you’re an early riser or late night beast like me, honor your body. In the kingdom of health and wellness, sleep is one of the rulers.

5) No Alcohol. Also from last year’s list (!!). Another full calendar year. So neat. I took the plunge into an alcohol-free life in 2021 and summing it up is impossible. It’s like describing what it’s like being Deaf to someone who isn’t Deaf. It’s endlessly fascinating and ever-evolving.

Living every moment fully awake (except for those hours in my 'sleepy cocoon') has been exhausting, revolutionary and fresh. This choice was one of the boldest I've made for my wellness and adds a dash of bold to everything – my coaching style is more profound, my sleep is deeper, my entrepreneurial spirit skyrocketing.

And here's the icing on the cake: a growing number of my clients are also proudly part of the zero drops crew. From creative directors to authors, from the publishing world to just pure gold souls – we share this. It’s not a client requirement. (I got help from an well-known leader in the recovery space who loves my push ups & Bulgarian squats 🤣 - thank you Laura!) but it is special to share this power with my clients.

Behavior change – it's at the heart of my work. Sure, the focus is often on physical strength. But any kind of lifestyle change is a big deal and the ripple effects are majestic.

It's about breaking down the Herculean task of lifestyle change into bite-sized, doable, and yes, fun steps.

I have room for new clients if you want to jump on a call with me. This is my happy place, taking you from ‘I can’t’ to ‘I am strong.’

6) Substack I’m still new here but this platform feels like my new playground where I get to connect with people across the globe, sharing ideas that just can't be squeezed into a fleeting six-second Instagram story. I’m not your disciplined writer running on a schedule, I strike when inspiration hits, usually at 11 PM at night or after a client conversation. I write with one hope - that my words inspires, pushes or helps at least one person. It also refreshes my memory of things. (Because I am not a walking text book). And sometimes it’s therapeutic!?

7) Leveling Up My Business with TrueCoach Software Can I get a hallelujah? The days of wrestling with Google spreadsheets are officially behind me. My clients access to customized workout plans, complete with exercise videos featuring yours truly. I'm always adding new content to my video library, keeping things fresh.

It's like having a personal trainer in your pocket.

We're talking full-on engagement through messaging, comments, and the pièce de résistance: video accountability. It’s a powerhouse of personalized training from anywhere in the world. Best investment of the year.

8) Dope Stuff: Let's switch from the juicy stuff and dive into a treasure chest of awesome products, books, and more that I've been loving! And as a personal trainer with an unhealthy obsession for living well on the daily, I count on few things to stay humming. When you create a “shark habit” you prevent decision fatigue.

  1. Unshattered. You must know this non-profit organization: Their mission is as beautiful as their products. The founder, Kelly, and I have a friendship blooming online. She caught me on a Southwest flight (on my Instagram story, no less) and told me about their products handcrafted by women artisans thriving in recovery. One of their collections. “Possibilities Take Flight” uses recycled Southwest leather to make stunning bags. One day, to my surprise, she sent me a gift from this collection to celebrate my sobriety and I will forever be in love. Check it out for gift ideas. 🎁

  2. Getting enough protein (100g & up per day) through food & help of Ascent Protein. MUST try the peppermint mocha! This protein powder has been my go-to for 5 years – mixes like a dream and tastes great. Bonus: Use my code ANNEREUSS10 for a sweet little discount.

  3. Breath by James Nestor. INHALE this book ASAP! Trust me, the power of nasal breathing is no joke – it's a total wellness booster — and it soothes anxiety over time.

  4. Drinking a LMNT packet every morning. My tasty hydration heroes, especially living at high altitude. They help maintain my electrolyte balance (esp. when you don’t a lot of processed food/salty things), ward off those pesky dehydration headaches, and kickstart my daily water intake. Use this link for a free sample pack with any purchase.

  5. Tidal tank. Remember this from the intro? It’s a playful companion you can put in your suitcase. But it’s harder than it looks, too. Lifting, swinging, and carrying a tube of water is a hoot. ⚡️

  6. Salad Freak Cookbook by Jess Damuck. I won’t get into a “eat your vegetables” lecture, but when frozen vegetables become a snoozefest, this cookbook makes it an thrill to eat the rainbow.

  7. Lane Eight shoes. Half of my clients have joined the fan club. Perfect for those who want the sweet spot between comfort for walking, jumping, skipping AND have stability for lifting. Sustainable, durable, and good lookin’ – what more could you ask for?

  8. Reliable workout clothes My latest obsession? A jumpsuit from Vitality. It's all about feeling fantastic while working out, and these brands deliver. Lululemon, Beyond Yoga, Weylyn Apparel (a new, more affordable favorite), and yes, the classics like Nike. Durability is key when you live in your workout gear. (That said — I’m also always looking for recommendations).

  9. Merit’s Day Glow stick. It's like a little tube of sunshine. I’m happy every time.

  10. Arnold’s Pump Club daily newsletter brought to you by Arnold Schwarzenegger & team. I sip my coffee with glee as I open up this email every morning — every email is so clear, helpful, and positive. Takes 5 minutes to digest.

  11. MOIST Body Butter (locally made in Denver): Yes, MOIST. Just saying it makes me giggle. In the dry Colorado air, this is a treat for my hands & smells so frigging good I struggle to not overdo it. The Potion Masters, based in Canada, also have incredible magic balm that works overnight!

  12. Tispy Elves Onesie: I waited ALL YEAR for this. When I step into this, I am transported to cozy sanctuary vibes. I’ll be cooking, writing and watching Seinfeld reruns in this until it’s spring.

As we tie this up list with a ribbon, here's a nod to extra little things that brighten my days – sunsets that paint the sky, walking for iced coffee, the freedom of Southwest miles & my pre-boarding perk, and Oreos.

What would go on your list?


Things that Sweeten Life Right Now (2024)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.