The Rushville Republican from Rushville, Indiana (2024)

Pentsjlnnia Its 2:00 C0UITTY H0TE3. 2XIJX- 3l Raven Wilkes 18853, Race Record of Trotting. ii Sire of 2:17 V. Dr. Wilkes, Leland 232 V.

Western (3) 234V. 2nd four more in jLsts Talk About Shoes. Center. Some of our people will attend the district meeting at Knightstown, this week. Several of our citizus attended the dedication of the new O.

F. Hall, at Knightstown, ou Thursday last. A arge crowd was present and some good speeches were made showing the benefit of this and other orders. Sired by Guy Wilkes, (sire of 4 in 2x19 or better, and 19 in son of Geo. Wilkes, 2 32.

s. 1st dam Lady Maud, 233 V. by Rockwood, by Fleetwood, 239 V. by Happy Medium 400, are of Nancy Hanks, 2x34. ad dam Lady Clark, (dam of 2 ia 2:35) by Keslar, son of Rysdyks Hambletonian I a.

gd dam Sherlock mare, by Young Morril (sire of Fearnaught, in 864. Note. la offering Raven Wilkes, 2:15 V. we offer one of the best Stallions in Indiana, in way of speed, breeding, sire of speed, and sire of great sellers, as his colts have sold on an average higher than any horse's get in the county, and all of them green colts, with no records, except one. At the late Cambridge City sales his colts averaged $721.66 the highest average on any number, of anv sire in the sale.

He is a great sire of individuals, and always throws plenty of speed. Raven Wilkes will make the season of 1900 at Riverside Park, at $15.00 the season, or two mares $25.00, with usual return privilege. Mares kept on Grain or Grass at reasonable prices. For further particulars call on or address W. A.

JONES SON, Rushville, Indiana. ItwlStu PURCHASING SHOES the olje of the buyer to get as good a bhoe as possible for the money. Price alone should never be considered. A first-class Shoe, made by A a reputable firm, will out-wear two or three pair of cheap, shoddy ones, and the customer has the advantage of having a well-made, stylish, up-to-date Shoe one that will give satisfaction from the start, and in the "long run has paid out less money. We have an abundance of Spring Shoes, made by responsible firms, fully guaranteed, and at a reasonable price.

Well be- pleased to show you what we have; you dont have to buy. Wilsons Shoe Store, Main Street, West cf Court House. We Do Repairing, Too. ARROWOOD 10729, 4 Tb.e Cream of the Blue Blood The sire of more extreme speed and a greater number in the list than any other stallion in Rush county. TERMS $15 the season or two mares for 125, with the privilege sf breeding until a living colt is secured.

Will make the season at RIVERSIDE PARK. JEROME rwtta Breed To ROY WILKES, STANDARD. REGISTERED No. 16660. By Adrian Wilkes 6560, son of George Wilkes, 232.

dam Flora (dam of three, 26)4, 2:18, 235), by Blue. Bull 75; grandam of Bull-of-the-Woods (thoroughbred), grandson of American Eclipse) great grandam by Quicksilver (thoroughbred), (son of imported Quicksilver). Brown Horse, 15K hands high, weighs 1200 pounds. Sound. warsww gas aia Hil IS OOi fastest stailioa ia tbe world of hu as because He Has Held Tfcese World Records: ISw-SuJIis record high wheel soil -To wagoa til, higk wheel lull urn Oa -miie track.

fcHjJ high wheel sull -Vf-mile 0:27 high wheel ul! mile, t.Q, 4..... high wheel nil 192 Stallion race record 00 regulation trai 1893-Mtle ta race (uabeaten). high wheel sull UHK1 Stallion race record 2.U6 (to a ra and without a prompter), Sanhed in walk. wo fastest beau ia race be staliio id. ua 188 First premium at World's Fair Complete meat nmcai taken hy 5, (ierfei as the type of the Amertcaa trotter.

Because He is a Speed Producer, niT i ut iu thM racs hones ALL ACS RECORDS 1 Ptarl tMit Wault truck i.UKl: Roysl Victor, 1 08V: GolJ Band, S.I2M: Alia Mont, I lil4; Sophie tl: Tear! Blue Wilkes, ZIBV; Lucky Boy, 21; Gennette Wilkes, 12 Alfred B. tllU (tmle track); Sharley Sleeth, tH (Vi-mile track); Lady Roy, LSI; Frracc Rot. 8 17 U-mik track); Royal Sid (. tMIC Marr (3), 8-3674 track; Penny Royal (3). 2:274 (S-mile ice land King, kSO; Royal Kane.

2-204; Mina Wilkea. tiV'-i. Rdelbute. 2 'i (sire of gdtaeid P), Royal Vein, kiltd: Scappoose, -2U; Dan 2 224; Lillian Roy. ,2 24, and dam ot Nutoroy (S), 2.JO: Royailah, 8:30 ALL RAGE RECORDS.

(hen TiVsa With reture privilege hi 1901, or fee returned at our option. Cash or good note Bummer keep ou grass $3 00 per month. Winter keep on grain. 17 00 per month. For further particulars address HARRY LEWIS, Manager, Riverside Park, Rushville, Ind.

May lAwlStn Moscow. A large erowd attended childrens day at this plee. Mr. and Mrs. A.

Tevis were at Bnshville Thursday last. Mrs. Ora Mahan moved from here to ler father-in-laws last Tuesday. Solon Tevis will soon move to his father-in-laws farm close to town. William Price, of Bnshville, is talking of drilling for gas at this place.

The gas men here have commenced drilling a well for Alonzo Harcourt. There was fifty-two dollars taken in at the festival on last Saturday night. AMicrs. Carthage News. Will Sparks was np from Bushville, Monday.

The I. O. O. lodge will observe next Sunday as decoration day. Colorado Grants Big Tent Show Is rilled for Carthage next Friday.

A few from here attended Field Day at SpiceUnd Academy last Friday. Nathan Gauze, of Dublin, is visitiDg bis son Mr. Clark Gauze and family. Mrs. J.

M. Stevens, of Bushville, spent Sunday with at this jlace. Miss Edna Creigor, of Elwood, is lere to spend tbe summer with her parents. Miss Eva Johnson has returned rom a few dayB visit with relatives at New Castle. Mrs.

Parintha Macy came home rom Richmond last Thursday tore-main a week. Rev. and Mrs. T. J.

Anthony and children have been visiting at Laurel the past week. Cyrus Coffin has returned from Bloomiogtou, where he has been attending school. Miss Minnie Jones, of Panli, has been tbe gnest of Miss Winifred Trueblood for a week. Miss Glencora Reddick, of Lynn county, Kansas, is visiting Mrs. Sarah Price and other relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Dennis attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs.

Jrisciila Butler, at Dublin last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hughes and children, of Greenfield, were guests oi Mr. and Mrs.

W. P. Henley, Sunday. Messrs. Oscar Symons, of Spiceland, and Francis White, of Baysville, were calling on friends here Saturday evening.

Miss Effie Hackleman went to her sisters near Greenfield "Sunday, 'to meet with another sister from Lafay ette. A party of twenty-six of oar young people enjoyed a hay-ride and picnic last Friday, returning home by way of stushville. Mr. and Mrs. Gurney Nixon sod tbeir guest.

Miss Todbunter, spent Sunday in Greenfield, at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan C. Binford. N.

G. Wartb, of Indianapolis, superintendent of the Central Union Telephone, and R. L. Harrisop, of Knightstown, were here Friday on business. Dr.

Jedediah Clark, who holds a good position at tbe Insane Hospital, at Richmond, made a wheel trip to Carthage last Friday, to see his home-olks. Mrs. A. N. Marlatt and daughters of Motristowu, visited at Prof.

J. Scholls last Friday. Mrs. Scholl ac corapanied them home and remained over Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Saltier, Mr. and Mrs. Noble Miner and Philip Sattler went to Lawrenceburg, Sunday, to spend tbe day with their sister, Mrs. Mary Deitz.

Messrs. Walter Henley and Ben Birtell and Miss Electa Sparks, of Richmond, came Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. Dunn.

Miss Sparks will remain several days. Mrs. Enos Henley, Mrs. Alonzo Kzer and son Jesse, Messrs. Hiram Henley, Isaac Hill, John Weingart, Charles Hill and others went to Cincinnati last Sunday, on the excursion.

Mias Amanda Elliot, of Moline, 111., who is spending her vacation with her sister, Mrs. Will B. Hill, had charge ol the Natural History Class last week, during Mrs. Caroline Miles Hills absence. The church festival was held at the Christian church last Saturday even icg instead of on Mr.

Campbells lawn, as first announced. It was well attended, and everything for sale disposed of early in the evening. John Van Lindley, a prominent nursery man, of Pomona, North Carolina, arrived here Friday on bis way home from the National Fruit Growers convention at Chicago. It is his custom to annually visit his relatives, Thomas W. Henley and family.

He remained but one day, leaving for the south Saturday. T. T. Newby, who sent, a barrel of fine apples to the Pans Exposition, has received an official letter him that his exhibit of fruit has been awarded a second prize. Mr.

Newby is one of the best authorities in the State on horticultural matters, and his model oountry home with its beautiful surroundings attests to the practical application of his knowledge of fruits and flowers. It is rather unusual for a church to have the pleasure of hearing two ol! its former pastors on one day, but Ibis pleasure came to the membership the M. church last Sabbath. Rev. W.

N. Fletcher occupied the pulpit in the morning, and Rev. Jesse Miller in the evening. Rev. Fletcher and wife will be entertained by friends until Wednesday, and Bev.

Miller was here to visit bis daughter, Mrs. Roy Peters. The Republican office Is the best equipped oountry printing office in the State and can compete with the large cities in both quality of work and prices. Low Rate Excursions to Chicago via Pennsylvania Lines. June fifth and J7th for Nation! Prohibition Convention, low-rale non-trnafeenble excursion tickets will bo sold to Chicago via Pennsylvania Does, valid for return trip until July 4th.

24w8frt. Cheap Tickets to Charleston S. C. They will be sold July 3d, 5th, 6th and Rlh via Pennsylvania Lines, account meeting of National Edneatkwmi Association. Anybody may take advantage of the special rate and enjoy a vacation -outing.

Information about variable routes, stop-over privileges, through time and other details will be furnished free by Passenger and Ticket Agents of the Pennsylvania Lines. Apply to the nearest one. 2(w(frl. 4th OF JULY TRIPS. Excursion Twee's Will Be Sold via Pennsylvania Lins Following tbe annual custom, reduced rate tickets will be sold via Pennsylvania Lines for Fourth of July trips.

They may be obtained July 3d and 4th at any ticket station on the Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburgh to any other station on those lines within a radius of miles. Keturn coupon will be good until July 6h, inclusive. For particulars about rates and time of trains, apply to Pennsylvania Lines Passenger and Ticket Agents. Z4w3fri. Excursions to Des Moines Iowa, via Pennsylvania Lines.

June 17th to Slat, inclusive, account Annual Convention Music Teachers Association, tickets at reduced rates will be sold to lies Moines, Iowa, from Pennsylvania Lines ticket stations; valid returning Saturday, June Sid. Inclusive. Sla4w. i tours ens to Columbus via Penn sytvania Lines. Vi 'd BAVBnMIKI uiini VIN Dl Sl id June 25th, SWh aud 27th via Pennsylvania nea, good returning Saturday, June IS b.

uWiiUk AN OUTiNQ AT THE OCEAN, teas tore Excursion via Pennsylvania Lines Wilt Be Run August 9th The annual low rate excursion to the see-' shore will be run vie Pennsylvania Linea. Thursday, Aurust 9th. On that date reduoed fare tickets wtil be sold lo Atlantia City, Cape May, Angleeea, Avalon, Holly Beach, Ooeaa CUT, Sea Isle City. lid wood. New Jersey, Keaoboth, and Ocean City, Md.

Toe round-trip from Rushville, Ind will be $14.59 to either of the ten resorts mentioned, which constitute the most popular summer aureus along the Atlantic Coast. No more enjoyable vacation outing can bo planned than a visit to the seashore in midsummer. Arrangement may be made for participating in the pleasures offered by this excursion by oommuuicatlng with J. A. Jones.

Ticket Agent, Rush villa, ind. lTwSLt BIG FOUR EXCURSION. Half Rates on Big Four on Account I July Fourth Within a radius of 00 miles Tickets wi'l be on tale July 3d and 4th, good eiurntnf entil July 6th, Inclusive. 24w4lu. Low Rates to Si Paul, On account or the niennlal Convention ni the National Republican League, July 17-12 Hum trip In kuta will ho on sale I rom nil poin on tlo llig Four at very tow ntfea July 14th.

15th and 16th. These ticket 'HI Im Mood roe continuous passage in tat direction, iroinn trtuto commence on date ot Attle. Final return limit Icuving 8t. Pawl not Inter thnn July 31m, lie sure to $ro vn tbe popu'ar 11! Pour Koute. 24wMu.

Half Rates to Kansas City Via Big Four Route," account Democratic National Convention, Kansas C.ty, July 4th, 1900, one fare round trip. Tickets will lie on sale July 1. and 3, good for continuous passage In each direction, and will be good tor return leaving Kansas City not later limn. July 9th. 24w6tu.

Popular Cheop Excursion Niagara Falls, Thursday. July 2Rth. Four Route," on iy round trip from Huslivillc. Ind. Ale andria Bay, Thousand Islands, only $6.50 mote than rate to Niagara Falls.

Tickets good re turning twelve days, including dale or saie. F.legant trains of and high-barked roaches, personally conducted by represents-livee of the Big Four" who will look ttlei the wants of passengers. Tieee excursions need no to the public, and the popularity ot the III Four the natural mule to Niagara FaiiS 1 1 Buffalo- is well knowo. Full iulorntatlon In pamphlet form can be obtained front Big Four eket office. SUMMER 0UTINQS.

Where to Go and How to Get There. The Seashore, Mountain and Lake Resorts eonsUtutn the most attractive pleasure grounds for the summer idler. They ere within may reach via Pennsylvania Linea. and agents of that railway system will furnish full in formal ion about rates, train service aud through car comfort to any of the summer haveua. They will assist In arranging details for vacation trip and give valuable Information free of charge.

Apply to the nearest Pennsylvania Linns Passenger and Ticket Agent and be relieved of all bother in shaping preliminaries for your summer outing ana vacation trip. J. T. Jones, Ticket Agent. lltrVfrt.

Home Seekers' Excursions at very Rates to many points in the following territory: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, British Columbia, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indian Territory, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Manitoba, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon. South Dakota. South Carolina, 'iennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming, over the Big Four Route. Selling dates May and 15, and Jane 5 and 19, 1900. For full information and particulars as to rates, tickets, limits, stop over privileges, etc- call on Agents "Big Four Route," or address the undersigned.


Gen. taaa. Tkt. Agt. A.G.

P. T. Agt, Ciciati, Omo. BETTER THAN EVER, Niagara Falls EXCURSION. Arrange your Sums Outlog so aa to Join THR OLD KIUABLJ Lake NIAGARA FAILS EXCURSION arty ta Angwat.

Ml C. F. DALY, aesnt Pass sugar Agent, IXMAMfOUfi 1, We were favored with dry weather all of last week, although it threatened rain and was cloudy most of the time, with lightning and thunder; still no tain fell beyond a few light showers. The cultivation of corn progressed lap-id ly last week, and it is now doing well in most of the fields. Considering the amount of rain we had, it is doiDg splendidly, and with seasonable weather a big crop is assured.

We will.ven-ture tbe assertion that there were more plows running last week than at any time before in the history of this locality. The oat crop is immense. Some of the fields are as fine as we ever saw. What citizen of this State can read the speeches of Fairbanks and Watson in Congress, and not feel proud that tie is a HoosierT How vividly the speech of Watson on the occasion of the acceptance of the statue of Morton irings back to our memory tbe days when the enemies of this government were endeavoring to take this 8tate out of tbe Union. How he met and defeated them at every attempt.

How be stood in tbe way of every maneuver they planned. How he disregarded tbe red-tape of tbe military laws when Cincinnati was threatened with invasion, and sent help sooner than they could obtain It from tbeir own State. How he looked after the welfare of the soldiers on every occasion, and how we boys loved him in those days and will ever revere his memory. How well we remember on the Friday before the State Election October, 1864, when all the soldiers in the camps of the 8tate were furloughed home to vote. He spoke to all the boys on that day In Camp Carrington alone there were 11,000 volunteers, drafted men and substitutes.

Of tbe number in the other camps I cannot now recall; but all beard him, and he showed them the duty of the citizens and soldiers of this great republic so plain and so well that we make the assertion, that no man, living or dead, ever made so many votes for the grand old Republican party in one dsy before or since. We remember an incident related by Col. Holloway, at that time bis private Secretary, showing his indomitable energy. One Saturday afternoon, feeling that he must have some rest, he took the train for Knightat-towo, to remain over Sunday at the springs (now the site of the S. O.

Home). Soon after he left, word came that Smith was moving on Cincinnati. Uollaway telegraphed to all tbe new regiments then forming, to report immediately at Indianapolis, and then chartered a special train for Knightstown; procured a conveyance, went to the springs, and aroused the Governor Although he needed rest so much, he was back and hard at work long before morning. There seemed to be no rest for him when bis country was in danger, or any of its citizens. I fear but few of us know how much we are indebted to him for tbe position Indiana holds in tbe Union today.

All honor to his memory! The ancients believed that rheumatis was the work of a demon within a mat. Any one who has had an attack cl sciatic or inflammatory rheumatism agree that the infliction is demonia' enough to warrant the belief. It never been claimed that Chamberlain Pain Balm would cast out demons, but it wilt cure rheumatism, and hundred-bear testimony to the truth of this state rnent. One applicat.on relieves the pain, and this quick relief which it affords is alone worth many times i cost. For sale by F.

B. Johnson ft Co Diuggists. New York City finds itself under the necessity of passing the bat. The celebration committee last May spent $2400 more than was appropriated, and now there is much ado as to how the deficit shall be made up. ire the most fatal of all diseases.

FOLEYS KIDNEY CURE GUARANTEED remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by all eminent physicians the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. Prica and Slqoi FOR SALE BY F. B. JOHNSON Cl Thev in much 8k.

COATED ELECTRICITY science eat make them. Raeh OMpradnca a mock nerve-building substance aa la contained in the amount of food a man consume in week. Thia is why they have cored tbooaanda of ton of nereoaa diseases, inch a a Debility, Diaaineaa, Insomnia, Varteocele, etc. Thee enable you tothink clean, ly by developing brain nutter; fore, healthy circulation, core indigee. tioat, and impart bounding vigor to the whole System.

AU weakening and thnedatrariaf drains and losaes permanently eared. Delay njf mean Insanity, Consumption Price, per box stx boxes (with Iron-dad guarantee to core or re-fond noaqrlk Book ooataining positive proof, Iras. HARGROVE ft 11ULLIN. TUESDAY REPUBLICAN. 1 II Street Names and House Numbers.

The Street Committee and the Special Committee appointed by the Council inet at the Council Chamber, last Friday night, and received bids for furnishing signs for naming the streets and numbering the houses. Five bidders were present and submitted propositions, the local bidders being Frank Vredenburg, Grand M. Carr and Lncien Osborne. The contract was awarded to Finley 8. Brooke, of Cincinnati, Ohio, The street names will be a steel enameled sign, with white letters in a blue back-ground, and will cost 30c.

each on cars at Cincinnati. The house numbers are also of enameled steel, the figures being white and the back-ground blue, and will cost 15c, each on cars at Cincinnati. The cost for street names and bopse numbers is estimated at $300. Soldiers' Monument. The committee appointed by Joel Wolfe Post, G.

A. to consider plans for the erection of a monument to the soldiers of Bush county who served in the Civil War, met atdko Sheriff's of-9 flee last Saturday. This monument is to be erected on the lot owned by the Grand Army Post at East Hill cemetery. Plans for a monument were submitted by J. Scbrichte and agreed upon by the committee, which will in turn be submitted to the Post at its meeting tomorrow night for ratification.

The proposed shaft is twenty-one feet high with the bronze statue of a soldier surmounting the top. The monument will be of oolitio Bed- a ford stone, and will be eight feet square at the base. The cost will be about $1400. Air Compressor for Waterworks. The new air compressor for the waterworks plant arrived yesterday from the factory at Dayton, Ohio, and will be installed at once.

A solid foundation has been bnilt back of the smokestack at the plant, on which the compressor will stand. This will eventually be enclosed by building a wall, making a room for the air'eom-pressor alone. The new machine is of the Smith-Vaile 12x12x18, and cost the city $2112 The compressor was bought last spring, after a thorough teat bad been made of the wells at the waterworks plant. It wss then found that the supply ot 'water in the wells was ample, and as a result the compressor was purchased by the city to pump the water out of the wells, thereby increasing the supply to consumers and for all other purposes. Rushville and Brookville Electric Railway.

The promoters of the Bushville and Brookville Electric Bailway have met wilh good success in this city. The ctpital stock of the company is $50-000, divided into shares of $100 each. Of the five hundred shares in the company, 310 have been subscribed for in Bushville. Lon Stewart, John A. Titaworth and A.

V. Spivey drove out today to look over part of the proposed route. Interruption to the Honeymoon. kotno, special to tbs Indianapolis Journal Last evening James Webster and wife, an aged couple just married, had tbeir honeymoon interrupted. The bride was recently divorced from Newton Irvin, an old and well-known resident of this city, and they came to her old home on the wedding tour, the grooms home being at Versailles, Ind.

Mrs Irvin had neglected to pay her attorneys. Harness A Vorbia, anc tbe court costs in the procurement tbe divorce, and no sooner had the woman with her new husband arrived in town than the former was taken into court. Tbe. husband promptly paid I be court costs and arranged a satisfactory settlement with tbe attorneys. The old people are nearly peventy years of age.

i uat Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you, if -you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands id sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take.

Try them. Only cents. Money back not cured. Sold by F. B.

Johnson ft Co, Druggists. I The Catholic Schools. The annual entertainment of the Immaculate Conception schools takes place tomorrow, Jane 20th. The pupils of the Catholic school of this city then render the following program in the old church ball, on Perkins street, at 7:30 p. Our Patron.

tableau. Welcome Chorus, bjr school. A Little Boys Dream," by Leo Schetgen. Ribbon Drill, by our little glria. "Morning Invitation," select ctoir.

Jacobs Dream, tableau. A Little Speech by Louis Straub. The Central Union Depot Soeoe, humorous. Little Speech. by Elinor Demmer.

Who Made the Speech? Mary Ellen CarroM. Medley quartet, select choir. My New Slate, by Joseph Sohenkel. Home of Nazareth." tableau. Grand march with song and fan drill, by senior grade of girls.

The Sleigh Ride," by William and Austin Joyce. Do You Guess It Is I by Bernardlne Mc-Entee. Dclsartean Class Pantotnlne Home. Sweet Home," quartet. The Funny Boy, by Edmund Kelley.

Song The Merry Dru miner. Martin Carroll. The Guardian Angel," tableau. Merry Little Gypsies, a number of little girls. i Our Nations Hope, by George Murphy.

Flag drill, ouf boys. Song The Foolish Little Maiden, by Sadie CAuley. Dialogue, the Senior grade of girla. "Agony in the Garden," tableau. Good Night, Farewell, by children of Mary Choir.

A moat pleasant evening is promised to all. Admission 15c. Street Fair Notes. The committee that visited Marion last week, succeeded in securing several privileges for stands at the street fair. Fon.

Biggs, Dyar Hazelngg, R. F. Scudder, Will Bliss, Homer Havens and Col. F. W.

Frank went to Cincin- nati, today, to confer with the railroad companies for rates to the street fair, and also to look after amusem*nts for the week. Medicinal Effects of Vegetables. It is Baid that a man who knows bow, when and what to eat pays no doctor bills. Below is a list of a few vegetables and their medicinal virtues: Spinach has a direct effect upon the kidneys. The common dandelion, used as greens, is excellent for the same trouble.

Asparagus purges the blood. Tomatoes act upon the liver. Beets and turnips are excellent appetizers. Lettuce and cucumbers are cooling their effect upon the system. Oaiona, garlic, leeks, olives and shallots, sit of which are similar, possess medicinal virtues of a marked character, stimulating the circulatory system, and the consequent increase of the saliva and the gastrio juice, promoting digestion.

Bed onions are an excellent diuretic, and the white ones are recommended eaten raw as a remedy for insomnia They are a tonio and nutritious. new uiscovery tor bioodpoisoning. DR. a WARNERS COAfl'OUND OF SEVEN CURES, the Great Cancer Remedy, and for all diseases of the skin and blood, from contact id secondary or hereditary causes. William Terror, mascot goat of the battleship Massachusetts, was with bis shipmates at the battle of Santiago, and came out unscathed.

Later he fell and broke his leg, bat the Bhip-Biirgeon mended it so skillfully that William is now as strong as ever. An Epidemic of Whooping Cough. Last winter during an epidemic ol whooping cough my children contracted the disease, having severe coughing spells. We had used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy very successfully foi croup and naturally turned to it at that time and found it relieved the cough and effected a complete cure. John Clifford, Proprietor Norwood House.

Norwood, N. V. This remedy is foi sale by F. B. Johnson, Co.

Druggists Secretary Long has sent to Speaker Myers, of the Massachusetts House a handsome big gavel for the Speakers desk. The head is made from wooc from the Olympia, and the handle from the rail of the Spanish gunboat Sandoval, captured in the late war. A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E.

Hart, of Groton, S. D. Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs cough set in and finally terminated in Consumption. Four Doctors gave me up, aaying I could live but a short time. 1 gave imyself up to my Savior, determined if 1 could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet ny absent ones above.

My husband ras advised to get Dr. King's New Dis for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in al right bottles. It has cured me. and God.

1 am saved and now a well and healthy woman." Trial bottles fret at F. B. Johnson Co, Drug Store. Regular aixetoc. and $uxx Guaran teed or price refunded.

I. Iona island, in- the Hudson river, has become the property of the Government, and will be used for a naval magazine. SAMPSON, Manager, Neatness, Skill and Thor ough Experience characterize all of the work doste by ou work men. After choosing your wall paper from our exquisite stock of new and hand somc.patterns and colors, that vie with tht freshness of Spring flowers, we take pridi in having it laid with neatness and despatd at low prices. CROSBY Commercial Block.

Rushville, Ind Cheap Rates via 0 Democrat Slate convention, IrMlanapolie luce 4ib and 5lb, returning June b.b. New Orleana, one lare round trip, doing May 18, 19 and 20, reluming May 2H. A. R. National Encampment, Chicago round trip, (loins A ug- 251 Ii, 2M L7ili, 2m and 29th, returning have Cldeaa Aug SIM.

liy deposit, ticket return llml will tie extended tn Hr pi. Soili. Milwaukee, ll to round trip Going June il to 4ib returning June llih. By de- roa'tlnc ticket ean be extended until une 30th. Walt for ihe C.

AD. la, a Falla ex c*nt on Aug. 9th, Puli particular iaier. Atlantic City. The CL, H.

D. Ry. have arranged lor an excursion lo Atlantic City from Rerent points on Ih-lr Une. Train will leave Indianapolis on Auguxt 2d. Kates same a laat year.

Details can be bad from any H. A Agent. I9ri3tu Niagara Falls. One of the nonet enjoyahle and popular rx'ura'ons of the season wilt be via titO. D.

Ry. to Niagara Fall on August 9th. Same rates as were in effeei la.t year. Details can be bad fiona any Cm H. A U.

Agent. Yandalia Line Home Seekers' Ex -1 cursion Mav 15th, Jane 5th and 19th. For Information about reduced fare on above dates to the North, North and Southwest, appiv to Vandal is Line Agent, or address W. W. Bichardaon D.

P. A. Indianapolis, Ind. DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION. Kansas City, July 4th, 1900.

If you area Democrat you should attend thia Convention. If you are rot a Democrat you should make the trip lo Kansas City anyway, for a delight foi outing and a short stay at one of the prettiest and eitiet In the West. If you have friend tn Kaosat or Missouri, visit them lo July and take ad-YKXtage of lie superior service and low rate whtrb will be tn effect at tbat time Via tbe iKeourt Pacific Kallw-y, wtaieh foi low tbe banks of tbe Mi son ri river tbe greater part of Ihedialarce between 8L Lout and Kansas City, making the icanety moat pic tnre.que. In addition to the elegant service alnady In operation, the Miamrart Pacific Hallway will run epnciai through trains lot accommodation of Ohio, Indiana and I (lino a l-cmocrmt and their friend, who wisb lo attend tbe Convention, Then special train will carr Kecii 1 Chlt t.H (neats free) and Pu 1 1 m' Kleeplng Cara, equipped with tbe moat modern con venierces for comfort and safely. Ka aa City is making great preparations or tli accommodation of parties aUetdlns till Convention and there will be no trouble In seen ins deal ab1 quarter (or all.

or foil Information spun thia subject, call on or addrea O. A. Ueaoe, Jr. Traveling Pa-aenger Agent. Mtaaonrt Pacific Ky Til MeCrea Bt Indianapolis.

Ind. La? Blank Deeds, Mortgage, Cbatte Mortgages, Quit Claim Deeds, BUnka tor ustices of the Peace, Notes, Re seipts. Rent Receipts, etc, are. kept i ttnek and Im tale at the Republican c. Binders and Mowers.

I now have samples ol the Buckeye Harvesting Machinery on exhibition at my Hay Market, and desire that all who contemplate buying would see our 1900 machines before -placing your orders. Durability, Simplicity and Lightness of Draft are our strong points. See them, draw your own conclusions and we will abide your decision. Respectfully, Travelers Guide. Trains arrive and depart at the Bnahvtll Mattona aa followa CiaClltHATl, HAlflLTOK ARB DATTOH.

Goinf u(. Chicago Eiproa 5.06 Cincinnati KaM Train 2.23 A. 4'iiictuaa'i A. Cincinnati train 3:44 p. Chicago Vcnllbule 5:38 P.

eeommodaUoa 3:11 p. doing Wat. Tart Mall. 5:42 A. a Chicago and Lafayette Accoxn .10:46 a a Chicago eat IA) p.

koonnamotlaUon. 6:12 P.M t. Louis UM p. Chicago Veatibnie P.M Tratna marked with run dally, Sunday included. O.

M. Dali, Ticket Agent. PITTaBUBO, C1R TI, CHICAGO A ST. LOUIS. Going Soulk.

So. 7 69 a. No, 276.... Through Fgt and doing North. o.

275 .11 A. a No. Faaaenger. 5:43 p. Ail trains atop at ail atattons.

AU train Jaliy except Sunday. For time canid, rate lare, throogh ticket, baggage check, amt any further I form Hon regarding tbe running of train, apply UfJ.T.J nea, ticket agent, ttuahvitle, ind. C. A St. Lv-Mlcblgan Division.

Going Sontk, No, ...........738 A.M No. '3 .3:23 P. No. 65 mixed train Carrie passenger only to Ureemburg. Going North.

No.24.....,.....,FengeT.........ll:r4 a. No. 4 3 28 P. a daily including Sunday. rr.vAvat, cikciphati abb uwiiviui.

Going North. Express ..6: 55 p. a Mall 6:15 A. Coming South. Mixed Mali and 8:55 p.

S- scribe for tbe Hzpublioa.

The Rushville Republican from Rushville, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.