The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


he he NOTICES. Revenue Cutter No. 1. ATHERGAS. Seven Intervening Libels died In the District Court or the United at for the Nort: of On'o, on the 12th day of M1 1353, agalust the Revenue Cutter No.

1, her boate, tackle, and furniture, as follows, to wit 1-By 1. a of Milan, Erie County, Ohio, claiming: there la Que him for late by him 02 Bald Rev tter No, at Milaa, 10, between the lat of January, 1857, and 15th cf Au. ust, 188t, the sum of $22,62, and inter. ou the same from August 10, 1S57. E.

Blar, of Milan, Ohio, c'alming that there la due him for labor by him performed on Bald Revenue Cutter No. 1 eat Milan, between of April, 1857, and the 16th of A Aunt, 3857, the sum of 217,25, and utcreet on the mine from the l3th of August, 1807. 8-By David Dale, of Milan, Ohio, that there in due him for labor By rerformed on Revenue Cutter 1. Millan, oh batween the It of May, 1857, and the 13th of tember, 1557, the sulu of $100,10, with lutercet from 15, 18 G. li.

Goodrich, of Milan, Ohio, claiming that there is que him for labor ty dim perform.ed on said Rove Lue Cutter No. 1, Milan. Oblo, between the let of January, 1857, and tte let of Peptember, 18 7, the Bum of $187,00, with intercat from Sept 1, 1857. McAllister, of Milan, Obio, claiming that there 18 due hit 'or labor by him performed on said Revenue Cutter No. 1, at, Mi, Obie, tween the lat ol Javuary, 1857, anc ti.e lit of 1857, the sum of with interest from Sept.

1 George Wood. of Mil Ohio, claiming that iLere la due him for la or by him periormed on said Revente Cutter No. 1, a. Milan chio, between the 1st ot January, 1857, and the lith Angust, 1557, the sum of $5,00, with interest from August 15, 147 ll. McG We.

of Mila-, Ohio, claiming that there is due him tor labor by him vert rined on auld Revenue Cutter No 1 at Muan, Chio. hotheen the let of January, 1857, anil the 6th of September, 1857, the sum of $118, with later at froli Sept. 6, Alto the in'ervebing Libel of William Lockwood, of Milap, Ohio, ed in Court on the sib of May, 1St5, claiming that there is due ru for watcriole, supplic, and labor furnish. ed solu Ret user No. between the lat of March, 1507.

and September 15, 1:87, the of $1,300, with interest froni Sep 15, 1357. Said Libellanta praying process and decrees against bald Rev. enue Cutter No. her boats, tackle, ap-arel and forniture, for the payment of tLeir said claims with coate. Now therefore id pursuance of the mouitions und the seal cf ea.d 'touri to me din cred aud delivered.

I hereby cite and 24 malden all persone luterwte. or claiming to have auy laterest in said Revenue Cutter No 1, Her bouta tackle, apparel and furu. ture, ito be and appear in said Court, at Cleveland, obio, the first Monday in June neXt, at 10 o'clock A. if that be a day of jurisdiction, ii Lot on the next day of jurisdiction thereafter at the same Lour, then and there interpose their clating and to make their allegations in that behalf. M.

JOHNSON, U.S. Marshal. JOHN CHOW ELL, Libelliant's P'roctor. Revenue Cutter No. 2.

THEREAS, Seven Intervening Libels have been died in the District Court of the Unite! or the strict 1 Ohio, on 12th day of Slay. st the Revenue Cutter 2, ber beats, are: aud fu: as tollowz, to wit: F. Wii mer, of Milou, Erie Ccuuty, Ohlo, thas there Is due Lam for by bin performed on No, 2, Mila no, batwe: ube let of 1857, a2d toe 15 of Augus', :857, the eum with terdat on the from August 15, 1857. 2-by k. Lair, of Milan, Ohio, c.

alwite that there is him for labor by him periorined on tuid Revenue Cuter 2, Ohio, between the lat of April, 1357, and the of AuxUte. 1507, the of 26, and interest on the 15, By Dav.d D. of Milan, Ohio, cisiming that due him for labor by him on eald Kevenue No, 2. 30 Mus Obic, between May lat, 1857 and 1257. the sum ut $100,10, with interest from 10, 1357.

G. I. Goodrich, of Milan, Ohio, clalming that Que him tr labor by pertormed on levelue o. 2. at Milau, January 1, 1857, and 1, 1337, the sum of $157,50, with luterest from S.

pt. 1, 1857. N. McAlleter, of Mhau, Onio, claiming the due him for ur by him performed on tad evenue Ny. 2 31 Lan, Onio, between nuary 1, 1267, and 1.

1257, the, cum of 3100,81, with interest from Sept suber 1807. George Wood, of Milan, Olio, claiming that sue dim for Caber by him performed on said levenue No. 9, at Milan, Ohio, between January 1, and August 3837, the tum (1 $0,,00, interest from August 15, 1857. 11. Me jone.

of stilao, Ohio, claiming that taere Que wu for labor by him perf riced on salu Keveuue No. 2, at Alilan, h.o, between the las of January, 1858, 5 the sum of with interest from 5. 1807. Al: 1, the irtervening Libel of William E. Leck wood, of Jan Ohio, died in said Court ou the 5th day of May.

hat there is due Dim for unaterials suppli a and said Revenue Cutter No. 2, between the lat or 1:57, and September 15, 1::7, the sulu of and 1om sept. 10, 1857. Said praying proses and decrees against said enue Cutter No. 2, Ler tackle, appurel and furniture, the payment of thei: raid claims with Now, therefore, in pirauance of the munition under the said Court to ice directed ant delivered, I do hereby cite all persoLs luterested or claiming to have anv Let in Dis Revenue Cutier No.

3, her boats, tackle, purel and furniture, tc be and appear in said Court, in ul Oleve land, in said N' ribern District of on the let Monday in Ju. next at lu o'clock A. If be a day or juriediction. it not then or: the next duyor jurisdiction at zaine hour,) then and there to interpose End to make allegations in that behalf. M.

JOHNSON, U.S. Marabal. Jons CROWELL, Libellant's P'roctor. Cutter No. 33.

WHEREAS, Seven Intervening Court of the tor the Northern Istrict of Chio, on the 12th May, 1338, against the levenue No. 8, her boats, alprarel and us folio to wit: F. mer, of Stilan, Erie County, Olio, the to ere is ave bim for labor by him performed on eid exu: Untter No. 3 'at Milan, Ohio, Ja try 1, 1837, Au: ust 15, 18:7, the sum of and Intere. on the from August 15, 1957.

9. By E. Bla of lan. Ohio. cisiming that there for labor by him performed on raid leveuue Cutter Milan.

OLio, be. ween April 1, ard August 15, sun: of and ictereet on the same from August 1957. 3 -ly Dav'd Dale, of Dillan, OLio, cl ining that there die hiD for labor by perioniued on said Revenue No. 8. aL Olio between May 1, 18:7.

and September leb7, the gum 10, with inter st from Sept. 15, 1857. I. Goodrich, or Milan, Obio, claiming that 18 Cur hi for lab. by hitu perfore.ed on raid Revenue at Ohio, between January 1, 1867.

and September 7, 1907. the sum of 4157,00, with lutereet from Sept. 1, 1857. 5-by A. a cA luster, of Milan, Oldo, claiming that were due lini for labor by bin performed ou nevenue No 3.

at Milan, Onio vetween January 1, 1857, And September 1. 1557, the of 00,31, with interest from September 1307. Iiy George Wood of Milan, Obio, bat there due lina for inbor by him pertormed on paid levenue No. at Oui, Letween Duary 1, 1857, acd August he Pumi of (u, with interest from August 15.

1857. Il. of Milan, Onio, claiming that there 4.03 Dit lor bor by turn performed on said Revenue Hu 3 it Milan, Obio, between January 1, 1857, aud Septembe; 6, 1857, the cum of with in from Sept. 1857. A.8.

the Libel of William 6 Lock wo. of lan, obio, filed in saiu Court on the 6.1: day of May, char there is due in for materials supplies and furnisnod to sald d'utter No. between March 1-37, and er 6, 1267, the sum of $1300, with interest 1r: -a Nept. 15, 1867. Said Libellante praying proceee and decrees agalust cale eDu Gutter No 8, Ler tackle, apparel aud furniture, tho ent st their said claims with cob'e.

Now, the ef re, in pursuar ce of the monicong under the of said Court to me directed aid delivered, 1 hereby cite admonisn all persons lute rested, or aiming to bave any st, 171 bind Revenue Cutter No. 3, her boats. tackle, apparel and to be and appear in Court, at Cleveland. on the fleet Monday in June dent, at I0 o'clock A. (if be a Cay of luri diction, it not, then on the 1 ext day of Juriediction a berrafte at tue fame our,) en and there to cla.urs and make their all a in ibat behalf.

M. JOHNSON, U.S. Marshal. CHOW ELL, L'bellaut's l'ruc or ma21-14 2w Revenue Cutter No. 1.

have HEREAS, teen Aled in Seven the District Intervening Court of the Libels ater. fur the Nur: he: tr of Ohlo, on the 12th day 47. 1808, agalust the Revenue Untier No. 4, her boa's, tackle, rel and turniture, as lol to wit F. Whitmer, of Milan, Erie County, Ohio, claiming th t.

bore la due bit tor labor by bum (n ca'd Cuter No. 4, at Mil Vuio, te ween uary 1, $11 Angu-t 15. 18:7, the earn of 992,02, and interest on BRIDe Bruin August 15, 1507. By E. Blar, of Dillan, Oble, c'aiming that there is him for labor by Dim 1 ertormed on raid Kevenue Cutter mallan, onlo, between ril 1, 1857, and August 15, 1857, of aud muterest on the from August 15, David Da'c, of Milan, claiming the the: due for labor by hi ed on rad lee venue Cutter No.

4, at Milo', Oslo, between May 1, 1857, and September 1. 1887, the of 10, with from September 1857. By G. If. Goodr'ch, of Milan, Ohio, cla'ming that there due Lin tor labor by tim performed on rad Revenue Cutter No.

4, at Milan, Oblo, een January 1, 1857, ard September 1851, the sum of 4,87,00, with from wber 1887. 6. By N. McAllister, of M'lan, Ohio, that there due him for laser thy him performed ou said Revenue Cutter No.40 Milan, Ohio between January 1,1837, and Septemb.r 1837. 1337, the of $100,81.

with interest frow septemb.r orge Wood, of lap, Oblo, claiming that there due luni for by him rertormed ou sad Revenue Cut'er No. 4 at Milan. Chio, betw. en January 1, 1807, and August 1837, the a um of 0,00, wi intere-t from August 15, 1857. 11 Mcdowe, of Milan, Ohio, claiming that there due IN1 tr labor by him portermed said Revenue Cutter No.

4 at Miran, Ohio, between January 1, 1307. and Septemnter 18:7, the sum of $108,00, with interest from de, tember 1867. Also, the in.tervenir Lite of William E. Lockword, of 0 io, fled in enid Cout on the 6th cay of May, Cialining tha: the re la doe him materials, a' lab furnisded enid venue utter No. 4, between the 1st March, 1807, a Sep 13, 1357, the sum of Co, interest S.

pt. 15, 1857. Salt pray' pg process and d. crecs against the said veste Cutter No. 4.

her boa's, tack'e, app. rel and furniture, the ra ment of their ea claims with costa. Now therefore, in pursuance of the mouitions under the seal taid ourt, to med rected and del vered, I hereby cite and admonish all persons inter eted, or claining to have any inter. in Revenue Cutter No. 4, her boate, tackle, apparel furniture, to be and appear in said Court, at Cleveland, the in Jace uext.

at 10 o'clock A. (if that a day of jurialiction, if not, then on the Lext day of Juridic tion their the claims rafter, and at wake the hour,) then aud there to luterpose their allegations in that behalf. JOHUSON. U.S. Marshal.

JOHN CROW ELL, Libellant's Proctor. Revenue Cutter No. 5. WHEREAS, Seven Intervening Libels the have Northern been His: fl'ed rict in of tle ohio, District Court of the againat the Revenue Cu'ter No. 5, her boats, day tackle, of May.

apparel 1854, on tae 12.1 furniture 18 to wit: that there F. ie Que Whitn him er. for of Milan, Erie donut, Otio, claiming labor pertormed by him on said Kev. enue August Cutter No. at.

Onio, betweeu January lat, 18:8, the sum ct 432,62 and interest cn the from August 15, 1887. 2 -By E. of Ohio, claiming that there la due tor later by him performed ca aid Revenue Cutter No. at Ohi, between April 1, 1567. and AuguR: 16, 1857, sum 0 8:11 interest on same from Aucust 15, 1857 David Dale, of Milan, Ohio, c'almin.

that there la due tor labor performed on said Kevenue Cutter No. 5, at Ohio. between May 1, and September 15, 1857, the of By t. with in. e.

ext on tarre from Pertember 15. 1357. (. (oedrich, of Milin, Ohio, claiming that there bin tor labor by him periormed on said Revenue Cutt b. SOT, at the Milan, guin Chio.

ber ween January 1, 1357, and Se: towber 1,1207. of $157,00, with interest on from N. McAllister, of Milan, Ohio, clain Ing that there is 6, aim at for labor by him performed on said Revenue Cutter 1897. the All'an, of OLio, 100,31, tetween with January 1, 1857, and September 1, 1837. lutcreet on same from hian tor Ocorge labor by Word, of Milan, Ohio.

c'aiming that there is 5, at Milan, OLio, him performed on gall Revenue ('utrer 1801, 1Le between with January 1, 1507, and August loterest from August 15, l1. McGowe, of Miler, claiming that there is him 'or labor by him performed on sald Revenue Cutter 6, at Milan Ohio. between January 1, 1857, and Septem1887, the sun of with luterest from September 6, Also, the intervening Libels of William Lock wood, of Milan, here la in said Court, on the 5 day of May, 1348, claiming due in for materials, supplice and furnielied to 16, Revenue cutter No. betwenn March 1, 1857, aud Sep16. 1807.

the bum of 21,800, and interest trow Said Cutter Libellants No. her praying process and decrees againat said Ilev. payment of the'r claims and CUrta, apparel and furniture, tor boats, tackle, wy court her t. fordin directed pursuance of the monitor a under the seal of all 10e and dellvered, I licreby cite and ad mid leverue persona Cutter or claiming to have any interest to be aid appear No. in 6, her boats, tackle, apparel and drat ju bicnday tu Juue next at 10 clock A.

M. (it that a paid Curt, at Cleveland, Ohio, on prealter, indiction, the same if not, hour,) then then on the neat day of jurisdiction and make their and that there to interpose their allegatiors in behalf. JOHN CROWELL. M. U.S.

Marshal. Libe lant's Proctor, May 2., may 21-062w STELLA SHAWLS- STELLA SHAWLS! and Elegant Desigue, Now and Elegant Designs, Dully additions made to our Stock. Daily adultior a made Stock, TAYLOR, CO. RIOT BYADERE SILKS. BEST, FREEMAN CO.

EDUCATIONAL. Street, Superior L. V. BIERCE, and others, Lecturers on Railroad and Marine Law. M.

A EEq, D. W. BROOKS, Lecturers on Ucmmercial Law. EXAMINING COMMITTEES. ON RANKING -E.

L. PS, Assistant Cashier Commercial Branch Bank. ON AND COMMISSION- T. DWIGHT Sec'y Cleveland Gus H. G.

CLEVELAND, Book -keeper for George Worthington Co. VORCE, Bock- keeper for Ed wards Iddinge. ON AILROADING -H. 0. LUCE, Auditor of Cleveland and Toledo Kairo J.

T. INS, ABs't Eus't C. T. R. Co.

H. D. WATTARSON, Clerk Freight Dep't O. T. R.

R. Co. J. M. FERMI8, Cierk Ticket O.

T. K. R. Co. I.

Clerk Ticket Dep': P. A. R. R. Co.

TUITION. For Full Course all departments, Lectures, Commercial Law, time For Half Course, do do For One Year Business $10 For Business 6 For Flourishing, ornamental l'eng unship, and l'en Draiwny, may be agreed apou. Special Lectures will be delivered frequently by gentlemen of celebrity literary and scienific subjects. At this Instliution ea student is required to para an exam. Irat on be fore the above Committees, in their respective de partmenta, acd if qualitied, receive their certificates.

Our manuscripts are now c. mplete, and the public are invited to call and xamite th' m. For further information call at College Rooms or address HOLLISTER, FELTON TOWNSEND. Cleveland, Marco 5, Granville Female Academy. SPRING AND SUMMER SESSION will commence on Thursday, Feb.

4th, and continue twen Ly weeks. Seveaty two dollars pays al 4 expenses tor board, watching, lights, fuel, room, furniture and tuition, for the B6J Granville 18 two bours from Columbus, via C. O. R. R.

This Instituton was Lever more prosperous and worthy of pat ronaxe. From Central Christian Herald Granville Female Academy la one ut the bent of our Insti utions for the thorough and christian education of young ladies. We rejoice in ite prosper. ity." From B. W.

Chidlaw, Agout of American Sunday School My contidence in the Granville Female Academny is unciminished, and 1 do most cheerrully commend it as an lusti tution worthy the patronage of parents who would educate their daughters for the realities crufe." From communicatiou to Daily Cincinnati Commercial.The Institution was, perhaps, never more prosperous, the Catulogue for the year contains nearly two hundred names. Considering 'he healthfulcess and of the place the rigid intellectual discipline to when they are subjected--the accommodations of the Seminary edifice, and the parenta: care of tai bful teachers, Granville female academy adVantages for education second those of no other Seminary in the west." Kev. B. J. Lowe says of examination closing Jan.

23, 1. have at ended here for the last ten years. This was the best one I have ever attended. This is one of the very best schoois tor the Christian ed. cation of our daughters.

'The Ins itution has been fortunate in securing 'Teachera S0 well qualitied for their prestions." Address W. P. KERR, I rincipal. Granville, 1858. da CLEVELAND FEMALE SEMINARY.

S. N. SANFORD, Principal. THIS operation INSTITUTION under th immeulate IS IN care and SUCCESS- inatruction of Mr. Mrs.

Sanford, and a larze and able corps of plished and successful instruc ora. To those who desire for their daughters or wards the advan. tages of a School of the highest orde: of excellence, combined w'th the advantages cf a well ordered christian famiy, it is fully believed that the Cleveland Female Seminary presents inducements which tew Seminaries in the 1-nd can equal, and noDe can excel. The tealth. the comfort and the happiness cf sil the members of the family will consulted, and their manners and their morals will be watched over with siduous care.

Prof. SAN'L ST. JOHN, L. L. will, about the fret of April, commence his valuable aid higaly interrestiug c.nrse8 of lectures ou Natural Failosopby and Astroucmy.

For informatiou or admission, address N. N. SANFORD. Cleveland Ohlo, 5 1001 Atwater OHIO. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE.


FELTON, JOHN TOWNSEND Principals end Profs. of Book Keeping and collateral branches. Wu. P. COOPER, W.

H. HOLLISTER, Proteasora of Practical and Ornamental P'enmanship. DENTISTRY. Porcelain 'Teethe DR. E.

DERRITT ESPECTFULLY INFORM THE VITIzeng of Cleveland and vicinity, that he has opened au Utice "No. 4 East Side of the Public Square, supply the loss or Tecth, which never change color ur w. thou springs or wire of any description, wulch 50 perfecsly resemble nature that the practiced eye of a Del tist conlu detect. No extractione of old, or auy painful operations, at the following charges: A sit gle Tooth, Full St la from 430. Dr.

having made arrangements, Le 18 prepared and Insert full Sets of Lue Porcelain Tee by Loomis. (see opin ons of the Preas.) Dental Rooms over Churchil's Drug Store, l'ublic TONS OF NO. I HOT BLAST, HANGING ROCK Iron, to close tue for tale by CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD CO. TONS OF COLD BLAST, HANGING ROCK 25 to close the consignment, tor sale by declari CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD CO. AARON SHORTS in store and 5000 gale by CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD CO.

DURE OHIO LINSEED OIL--ON CON. eignueut. For sale by feb9 101 CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD CO. 1858. ICE.

ICL. 1858. FOREST CITY to ICE our COMPANY. and -We prepared furnith customer: otuera who may favor us with their patronage, the coming 8011, with Pure Spring Pond Ice at reasonable ratca All orders otice, No. 97 superior or given to the Driver, weel with prompt attention, JOHN CRABLE, Propritor.

HARNEY IS DAILY Dress IN bought RECEIPT for cash, OF under NEW the best AND cir desirable Goo la, curustance, and will be sold on the same terms, (without ception) AT PRICES HITHERTO UNAPPROACHED THIS CITY. Among the la' cat noveltica receiied are DRESS SILKS, In Robea a la Robes a la Rayadere, Rotes Ficunced, Fancy Striped Silks, Foulard Silka, Summer Silks, B.ack Groude Rhire Silks, Black Mika, French Sating in ail colors, Mode Silk: of all kinde, Waralent and Sewing Silke. DRESS GOODS. New Styles English Dc Laince, Black Alapacas, French do Shawl Marines, Manchester do. French Cholerings, Hamilton and Pacifc Co.

Barage Robes, Fancy Baratif, SHAWLS AND MANTILAS. The Best Styles Manufactured. Stelle Shawle. P'rinted Shawls China Crape Shawla, Freneb Crape Slawla up to the dacet INDIA CASHMERE. PRINTS AND DOMESTIC GOODS.

la great varicty. In the roome formerly occupied by the Cleveland Library socatiou, where he is prepared to do a generul Dental Bus in connection with makng and getting LOONIS' PATENT PORCELAIN TEETH. in want of ARTIFIFICIAL TEETH, who are dc alrous of consulting beauty, durability, com ore, utility, and c'eanliness, are requested to call at our and examiue specimens. Numerous references can be given where persons lave discai. ded wold Plate and sobstituted this beautiful metlou, where teeth, gum and plate are tall one piece aLu made correct to life.

Dr. has, tor many years, been a FRACTICAL DENTIST and 0 Porcelain Teeth in Pittsburg, All my work guaranteed to give antisfaction. Dentist and others will be instructed, and Rights sold, to make and bet these Patent Teeth. All materials wanted are constantly kept ng Hep ily UK. J.

G. MOUBE, DENTIST. OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERvice to the Citizens of Cleveland and vinciuity. Dr. Moore laviug been for many years a prac icing dentist la confident that he will be able to give entire entistacuon to all may wish his services.

OFFICE WITH DODGE JOHNSON, No. 109 Superior etreet. FREEZING TO AVOID PAIN. STRICKLAND IS PREPARED for thepurpose TO use the patended. by, Dr.

Branch, vI rendering extracting and other operations upon the Teetl painless by tue application of cold. Dr. S. is also prepared ic all work the Surgical or Mechanical department o1 the Dental Art in the most perfect manner. All new Improve wents which have leen antiafactorly tested, will be promptly adopted.

Dental Rooms, 125 SUPERIOR STREET, where Dr. 9. 6 been located tor the last 15 veara. Graduate of tue HALLIWELL, Cleveland Medical DENTIST, College, continues AND to LINENS AND LINEN TABLE CLOTUS, the Lest makers. EMBROIDERIES Of all kinde, Collars and Gloves, Linen Setts.

Swias and Jaconotte Sella, and Trimmings of every deecription A choico of DRESS FRINGE AND TRIMMINGS, HOIESRY AND RIBBONS, other geode too numerous to mention are arriving dally at HARNEY'S GREAT CHEAP STORE, No. 154 Superior St. may8 ADIES' beautiful assort meat just received by H. RAYMOND 00. 20 30 bbls.

New NEW Orleans Molaasca. ORLEANS SUGAR; Just received and tor sale by M. CUMMINGS 00. PATENT MEDICINES. ANDERS Vegetable Elixir, 1858.

re 1858. Lake Superior. CLEVELAND, DETROIT AND LAKE SUPER OK LINE. "The favorite and last strawer NORTH STAR, B. G.

Sweet, Master. The splat did new Screw Stean er NORTHERN LIGHT, John Spaulding, Master. The well-known 1'ropeler MANHATTAN. C. Caldwell.

Master. 'Cha number ard character of them? Boats will te a suficient guarantee to the public of epeed. safety and promptuces In car. ry in passengers and freight to all polute en Lake Superior. For passengera.

Is affords greater contort and arced than has ever heen ofered to the put lic on that route. For pageage, freight or luformation 10 MANNA, GARRETSON Agents. J. G. W.

D. MoBKIDE, Late Hussey Late McBride Hamman, Cleveland. Cincinuatl. 1858. HUSSEY McbRIDE, Forwarding Produce Comission Merhants, River Street.

WINSLOW WAREHOUSE, Son the Dock. 109. 111 41 43 CLEVELAND, OIlIO. Receive Produce by Canal or Rail Itoad, for Sale or Shipment, DEALERS IN GRAIN. FLOUR, PORK FISH, SALT.

LIME, PLAS TER, INGOT COPPER, 'KE SUPERIOR ELOOM IRON. Agents fo, the LAKE SUPERIOR LINE" of Steamboats and Propellers. ('ash Adrances made on Consignmenta. aps AKE SUPERIOR the following splendid, low pressure steamers: CITY OF CLEVELAND," AND ILLINOIS." The Propellers: IRON CITY." MINERAL ROCK," AND GEX. TAYLoR." With the above ample steamboat facilities, enabling C8 to send ou three roa'8 every eek we are prepared 10 give prompt despatch to all freights consigned to our care, to the vari.

ous 1 on Laic Superur. 8-b100 HUSSEY Agents. 1858. 1858. The Northern Transportation Co.

Will, during the present a run their well known Line of FIRST CLASS STEAD PROPELLERS AND SAILING VESSELS! Regularly tetween Ogden burgh and Cev ero, ard the Upper Lakes. (forming a DA LY LINE BETWEEN OGDENS BURGH AND OSWEGO, AND PORTS ON LAKE ERIE; and a Tri- Weekly Line between Ogden burgh and Oswego, and Porte on Lake michigad, connecting as Ogdensburgb with the OGDENSBURGII VERMONT CENTRAL ROUTE, Between Ogdensburgh, Burlington, Concord. Manchester, Law. reuce, Lowell and Boston; abd at Us with HOVEY NEW WIGO LINE C7 THIRTY FIRST CLASS CANAL BOATS. (arge aiz ,) on the enlarged Car al between Oswego and New York, thus Kegular, Spee.

dy and Chrap Route, with but one transhipment between ton, New England and New York, and tue West. This Cou. pauy Laving made the most ample arrangements at Oswego for Dock and Storage facilities with abundant modations for handled, assorting and shippirg Freights, upon the plan precticed at Ugdeusburgb, can guarantee the safe, f'rompt aud Perfect Delivery of all Property Eutrusted to its Care. This Line connects at Cleveland with the NORTHERN TRANSPORTATION CANAL OF BOATS ON THE OLIO A LINE OF PROPELLERS ON LAKE SUPERIOR, And with Rail Roads Columbus, Indianapolis, Louisville and St. Louis.

AGENTS AND CONSIGNEES: J. MYERS, 8 Cantica Slip, New York. GEO. 113 Bread Street, New York. HOVEY CRAWFORD, O- wego.

New York. OTIS KIMB 108 State Street, Boston, Mass. CRAW FORD Ogdensburg, N. Y. M.

T. WALKER, Toledo, 0. K. R. MATHEWS.

Detroit, Mich. BARCLAY CO. milwaukee, Wis. MATHER Chicago, Ill. CONSIGNELS: LOCKER Racine J.


H. CRAWFORD. RAW FORD. COMMISSION SUIPPING MERCHANTS, OSWEGO, NEW YORK. Particular attention riven to the sale of WHEAT, CORN, FLOUR AND OTHER PRODUCE, in Cawego, Albany, Troy, and New York Market.

Alao, to the Shipment of Grain, Flour, and other property No. 3. from upon the Oswego most to the reasonable Ea tern terns. Markets with fidelity and marchi1-bi-ly 1857. 15th, Chamberlin, Crawford is 1858.


BRIND. Cutter 15, Forwarding and Commission Merchanta, DEALERS IN there Cutter FLOUR, PORK, GRAIN, AND HANGING MOCK PIG IRON, ON COLMUSION. Custer tY- Fire.l'roof Building, corner Mervin and Division 13 (Gear the Bridge.) 1st, CLEVELAND, CHIO. Proprietors of the NoRTHERN TRANSPORTATION is LINE. Onio canal, and Agents for Cutter NORTHERN TRANSPORTATION LINE 15, Between Boston and New York, and Cleveland.

Property Forwarded with dispatch to and from New la Boston, and all points in New England, via and Cuter debsburgh. March 11, 1968. Mi. REDUCTION OF FARE 1258, EUROPE. labor From New.

York: From tbarpton, lat, Flet 30 or to Auw. York. Second 60 Fir Cabin. 80 be ond Rev. for In the paddie wheel steamship 2.000 scal EDWARD CAVENDY, con.

mander, to sail trout Pier No. IC. D. LUDLOW, Commander, and NORTH STAK, 2 00 and North River, at noon precisely, carrying the United luter. viz: South Havre Bremeu for Southampion 0, and Bremen.

Southampton. for New. York. that March 20 Saturday. Ap'l 17 Wednesdoy, Ap'l North Star.

April 17 Saturday, May 16 Wednesday, May 15 North Star. June 12 July. July. Tne touch at Havre. Specie in London and l'arie.

For passage or freight a ppiy to D. TORRANCE, Agent, feb27-b27-9m No. 5, Bowling Green. New York. THE LIVERPOOL, NEW YORK AND of BUILT SCREW PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIPS.

STEAMSHIP CLYDE City of Baltimore. 2367 Capt. I. Leitch. City of Washington, 8290 P.

U. Petrie, lev. City of Manchester, 2109 Capt. J. Kennedy.

1557, The Kangaroo, City of Baltimore 1974 sails from New York fur Capt. Liverpool, Jettrey. the on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, and one of the due every These alternate Thursday, at 12 o'clock noon. 7. 4, compartmente.

Steamers are constructed with improved water the Each Steamer carries an experienced Surgeon, and every tention pald to the comfort and accommodation of passengers. Passage in Cabin $75. l'assage. Third Class, $30 and in provisions. 15, Ships P'AS from can Liverpool, also be Havre, secured by Hamburgh, drat class Bremen, Exiling and Packet warp to New York.

DRAFTS for any amount furnished parable throughout continents of Europe, Great Britn and Ireland. ist, For Broadway. further New particulars York, F. apply SABEL to k. J.

CO, CURTIS Liverpool, and La the Banking and Exchange Office of J. llerdman No. 11 Water Street, lat, nov6-r21-dly CLEVELAND, OILIO, AGENT. 1: Omnibus Notice. 15, A LINE STARTED, CALLED TIIE 19 And it to their comfort to take the Euchd Street going Station Hast Omni.

Euclid Street Station Line. Persons bua; escaping the noise and confusion of the lower depets, having a ride of two miles the most pleasant drive in Ohio.Passengers will be taken from the Hotels or regidences fo Mi. cente, Orders ordinary left at T. S. baggage Hat Store, will Includal.

promptly attended to. Jy23-pi-dtt W. W. REDHEAD, Axent. and TEAM BETWEEN NEW YORK AND BURGH.

2500 tona, Commander, CuM. MING NEW YORK, 2150 tore, Commander ROBERT GLASG- W. 1962 tons, Commander, J6. DUNCAN, Are appointed to sail FROM NEW YORK. EDINBUROU, 12 o'clock, noon.

0, Naw 26th luth Nov. EDEN FROM GLASGOW. at October, NEW November. 2nd December December. KATES OF FROM a LASGOW, FROM NIT TOLK.

First Class ..15 guineas, First Steerage, found with Steerage, found with cooked provisions, 8 cooked provisions, $80 Children under 14 years of age. half fare; In.fauts in 15:00. An experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamer, For Freight or apply to MES KAEBURN, Agent, 17 Broadway. Hew York Unty Bills or Gold only received for passage decsily SPECIAL NOTICE. STEAMSHIP VANDERBILT FOR EUROPE.

P'ASSAGE, WITH COOKED PROVISIONS, A LIMITED NUMBER OF 3d CLASS Passengers will be taken by the magnificent Steamship is VANDERBILT, 0208 tons, l'. E. Lefevre Master, to sail from New York on Saturday, April 10, fcr Southampton and Havre. N. forwarded to outhampton, Loudon, Antwersa, and Bremen at For pa sage apply only to D.

TORRANCE, No. 5 Bowling Green, New York. SOMETHING NEW AND BEAUTIFUL, wish particularly to call the attention to the new and beautiful kind of picture, taken by STIM PSON, 129 Superior street called which in the latcat and greatest Improvemeut, ever yet made taking pictures, and is the most beautiful style of picture erer be yet convinced produced. it It la cannot only necessury to BUt this kind of pictureto be by any other kind. It ap peara to stand out from the background with that relief neve before seen in any other picture, and possesses that brilliancy yet softnues of and shadows so inuch desired by Artists and cau be colored equal to the fincet painting, In fact superior (tor the color has the appearance of being under the sparkling eye, the rory cheek, the ruby lipa are all presented with a truthfulness which seems to bewilder the It is far superior to the Daguerreotype, Ambrotype or Photo giver graph.

on the can never fade, it is forwed by a deposit of pure eurface of the glass, and secure from change or Jury, by being eenled between two glasses. The CaD be obtained only at STIMP. SON'S GALLERY, as the procume is patented and Le has the exclusive right for Guyaboga county. 129 Ruperior street, (Entrance at the right band of Marchande Millinery Store. AND POCKET KNIVES.

A very Ane and well selected assortment just received at 29 SUPERIOR STREET. CE ICE! PURE LAKE ICE: THE CLEVELAND ICE COMPANY. M. M. SPANGLER 10..

PROPRIETORS, Are prepared to furuish Hotele, Railroads, and Faullics, with a superior quality of Late Ice, uson the most reasonable terina, by the season contract or 100 pounds. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Ottice 88 superior street. W. W.

GAINES. Agent. REO'D THIS Bleached Cottons at 6X conte per yard, at IT. D. KENDALI.

CO, 125 Superior street, 2 l'ublic Square. NEW TREATMENT FL.L AND CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICR. 1 'THE BUFFALO PRIVATE HOS. A for the cure of Syphillis, Seminal Weakness and the lourmitca of Youth and Maturity. by Dr.

AMUs SON, Butalo, Now York, Ofice corner cf and Quay (up A MOT SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An Instrument fur the cure of xenital debility, or Nocturnal Eminous, more properly known as Seminal Weakness. Van be perwanently cured in trotu Aileen 10 tweuty days, by the use of this instrun ent, when used conjolatly with medl. ciues. YOUNG MEN TAKE P'ARTICOLAR NOTICE.

br. AMOS cON take pleasure in aun uLcing that they have invented a most for the cure of the above diseases. it has been subfected to test by the most eminent physician. in London, l'arie, I'hiladelpula and New York it has been declared to be the only useful instrument ever yet discovered for the cure of Seminal Weakness, or any disease of the genitel organt, caused by the secret Labits of youth. Dr.

AMOS SON, in erder to the most skeptical as to the merits of their instrun ent, pledge themselves that in any instance where they may prove unsatiafactory after a fair trial, the money will be refunded by returning the Instrument in good order. wishing the above Instrument will obeerv that the price, with the accorapanying directone, securely packe and ent by express is ten dollare. NEW REMEDIES AND QUICE CURES Dr. AMUS SON may be consulted from eight o'clock in the until niue at night, in every stage and symptom Seminal of Disease, Secondary Symptome. Weakness, Impctence and strictures of the Urethra, and all those dreadful adlectione arising from a secret habit of youth, which produces constitutional debility, renders marriage bible, and in the end destroys both body and mind.

The treatment they adopt la the re cult of upwards of thiter years' extensive and successful practice in Europe and Am (a. Dr. AMOS SON bare, for a long series of yeure, been eu gaged in an extensive practice in the treatment qualided of these Physiciaue deli tc complaints, ano are ube only legally who now advertise in Western New York, to cure private complaits. lt 18 a melancholy fact that thousands fall victius to Private Disease, owing to unsailiful mien, who, by the cause use ulce. of that deadly poison, nercury, ruin the rations with blotches on the head, tuce and body, dimness of 6 nolee in the ears, deatness, nodes on the shin bones, ulcerated core throat, diseased nose, with nocturnal pains in the head and limbe til at length a general debility and decay of the cons itution ensues and a melancholy death puts a period to their dreadful A CURE WARRENTED.

Ir. AMOS SON have devoted their attention exclusively to this 1-eculiar class of maladies, and the relies they have consequentiy been cuabled to render their fellow by creatures, is fully testined and gratefully acknowledged convaleacent 12- tients and others dai arriving in town from ail parts of the country for the express purpose only of consultations, while their exertions have been crowned with the most signal advantages; yet from what they have experienced in enyuiring into the causes of theso infectious complaints, (from their most aimple condition to that of the most dangerous and inveterated.) iney Lave always entertaiued the possibility found el their p. evention removal, aud like wise invariably that the most borrible and malignant forms of disease could almost invariably be traced to one of the following causes: -Ignorance, neglect. or the ill eftects of unskillful and improper treatmeut inerefore Dr. A MOS SON have succeeded in discovering, in the selection of their remedies, a entectual and caitions course; omitting a.1 combination of remedies which bear an equivocal character, as well as those whose or injudicious ap.

plicat loa might be productive of had consequence in the hande of pri rate individuais. In short, the laudable end of their ram. is the lesseninz of a ArCat of Luman niserv by the allev ation, relief ard prevention of those grevous attlictione Lat are in reality the secret to0 of life, and which, while they FO tensively surround us, call aloud for our skill and interfer. enc tor their extermination. COUNTRY INVALIDS.

ersons in any part of the world may be successfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of L' cir case, with a remittance fc Medicines, Address Dr. AMOS SON, corner Main and Quay stree butalo. N. Y. A YER'S CELEBRATED CATHARTIC PILLS.

YER'S CATHARTIC PILLS OPERATE by their powerful influence on the Internal viscera to rify the blool obstructic! stimulate of the it lato stonach, healthy bowels, action. liver, They and of her organs of the body, and, by restoring their move the irregular tion to healtr, correct, where exlet, such trial derangements are the drat causes of disease. An extensive of v.r.ue by Protestors, l'h; siciane. and Patients showr of dangerous wiscases almost beyond belief, were not: ubstanuared by persons of such untruth cxalted Their position and acter as to forbid the cusp cion of which the certificate are published in my tree Ameri to An all Almanac, inquiring. a geuts low AnneXed named we give Directions for their to furnish use in the complaints which they have been to bd to or cure.

two FOR COSTIVRNIES Take oLe or much quantity as to gently move cause the of PILES, bowels. acd the cure as of la one frequently complaint the cure of noth. No persou can feel well while under aggravating tive habit of body. Hence it should be, as it can be, promptly relleveu. FOR DYEFErSIA, which is sometimes mid the doses cause of Costiveness and always nuco stomach take and liver i to -from healthy one to -to stimulate the and action Ther vill do it.

and the heartburn, When bolyourn, soulburn will rapidly disappear. it ls gone. don't get For a FOUL STOMA. 11, or Morbid Inaction of the Bowcle, cured you. which produces general depression of the aririte smaller and bad health from tour to eight l'ils at diet, and doses afterwardz, until activity and strengta is stored to the NAUBZA.

system, FOL B. PICK HEADACHE, Pain Lack, or Side, take from four to eight l'illa on going to bed. If they do ot operate euillciently, tako more the next day until they do. These complainta will be swept out from the Don't wear these and their kindred disorders cause your atomich is foul. FOR SCROFULth an A re all 10 keep of the Skin, take the Pila freely ty, Ennircy wand Disease bowels open.

Tue eruptione will generally soon b- gin to diminish and disap pear. Many dreadful ulcers and sorce ge have l'ihe, teem hea'ed up the purging aud pfri vin, edects of the ond come gusting discuses which seemed to saturate the whole the system have convictely yielded to theirinduence, leaving perfect health. L'atienta! your duty to world. society forbids that you euculd 1arado yourself around the or covered with pimples, blotches. ulcera sores, arid system all wants any of the uncle.n direnses of tue skin, because your cleateing.

To TiLE BLOOD, they are toe beat medicine over di covered. rney should be taken freely and frequently. and the Impurities sow the dike chant of betorp incurable the diseases will swept out of the do as stein much good in preveuting as by wind. the By remark. this able property cures they are makingevery woree.

they obo LIVER CORPLAINT, JAUNDICE, and a 3 Bilious A fections frown some torpidity, congestion, arise. struction of the Liver. Tornicity aud conges lou vidatthere and render it unit for digestion. This is disastrous to the health, ank the constitution is frequently undermined by 110 other cause. Indigestion is the Ohatruction the duct which empties the bile into the causes the bile to overflow into the blood.

This produces Jannaice, with lond dangerous train o1 evile. Costiveness, alternately costiveand diarrhea, prevails. Feverish symptoms languor, low Spirits, weariness, restlessness. and melancholy, with sometimes inability to elcep, and great, drowsiness sometires there is paio in the side: the akin aud the wite of the bucome 3 greenish yellow; the stomach acid; the bowele to the touch; the whole eyetum irritable, with a tendency fever, which tony turn to bilious fever, bi lous colic, bilious A medium dose of' three or four Pills taken at night, tollowed by two or three in the morning. repeated a few days.

will remove the cause of all these troubles. It la wicked to cutler euch when you can cure tor 25 cents. Gour, and all In Fever: are rapidly by the puttying eileeta of these Pills upon the blood and stimulus which they afford to the vital principle of Life.these and kindred complaints they should be taken in mild to u.ove the vowels gently, but freely. AB DINNER PILL, this is both agreeable and useful. No can be tuade more pleasant to take, and certainly none Laa made Diure effectual to the purpose for which a dinner pill is employed.

PREPARED BY J. C. A PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMIST, LOWELL, MASS. THE RETIRED PHYSICIAN, whose gratuitous recipe for making the Extract of Canabis Indica has cured po Inaly case: of Consumation, baving been requested by bundreds to do so, hereby known his other great remedy, 'h PURIFYING AND PILL, an intense concentration of rue foreign herbe, diecovered during years of research in the Est Lodica, many of which are vukoown in the modern which no: 1tively and permanently cures costivenes. (no matter of how JODK standing) and pleasantly and safely remedies every other of the rowele, and of the rest of the viscera.

It la regar. in Europe and America, n8 the only infallible cure ever dis for all INTERNAL COMPLAINTS. The Old Doctor makes it known by this method only because be is oblige 1 to. 'The AND REEULATING PILL will regulate, surcly, the bowe. a to one natural motion 8 day, and no disease of the stomach, liver, intestinco, or blood can main when the howels act thus naturally.

It thou be distinctly understood that the l'ill 18 not to open or move the bowels mercly. Is must b3 us in all 8 0: DIARRHUA, LYSEN. TEBY, OOLIO, BILIOUS OVERFLOWA lendice to violent purging dc. The greateet estur: along the many valuable character, larica of this Pill, is the quiet and easy method by. which it works its miraculous char in the ring human It A Not one of those remedi that make people sick, In order the' they may portiolly well.

It immediate' acts upon the ch heart, liver. bowels, kidneys, and bladder, and opon8 and regu utes all the channel of the g'em that may cleaved an eh ed. From the moment it con mence8 Its searching and purifying, but almost operations tall. the healthful promp ings and impulses that raimated la ore sa of any fort had lain its touch upon you, it imparte a genae of relicf, a feeling of cou. tentment.

and a buoyant ergy and activity. worth millions of dollar: to those who would a ve for unal ored Each box contains doece, and com. panicu by special he for every particular and by luformaticn as to eVErY complaint, for which a medical man wou'd otherwise have to be called in. Sent any where, free of po. tape, at one dollar a box, HI.

JAMES, No 19 Grand Jersey City, N. J. Er N. -This to certify that I hare no business connection with 1)r. Thos.

I. 11. tot. and that he, no- bis agent, Dr. Gubert, has no medicine for sale prepared by me.





S. respectfully C. call the WHITING attenticn of the public to 1beir large and varied assortment of CONFEUTIONERY, Both of home and foreign manufacture, which they now offer for sale. Having COMPETENT WORKMEN Ia their employ, they are to furnish at al LImos Confecwovery of all kinds and quality, in quantitica to suit purcha sers, and at prices that cannot fail to be satisfactory. They are also ready to SUPPLY PARTIES With various delicacies at all times and on short uclice.

'The actention of the SMOKING PUBLIO Is also lavited to their large stock of CIGARS, which have been selected with great care, to suit both the Wholesale and Retail trade. Ice Cream Rooms, Are also attached to the Establishment, which in point Ele gance and Comfort, are unsurpassed in the city, And where all times may be found all the delicacies of the season. June 231. 1667. CHALLI DELAINES.New Stylee.


CLEVELAND MAHONING K. TIME TABLE NUMBER 12 TO TAKE EFFECT ON AFTER MAY, 21th, 1508. necting the Atlantic cities with Western, North- western and South western States, by a continuous Kallway hus road also connects at Pitteburgn with daily line of Steam. to all ports on the Western Kivere, and at ('levelaud and Sundusky with Steamers to all pointe ou the North-western which Lakce; making the most direct, cheapest and reliuble route by lurwardeu to and the Great Wert. RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND P'ITTE BUKG.

FIRST Boots, Shuts, late and) Cape. Booka, Dry Gods, (in boxes, bales aud trunka,) Drugs (in boxes and bales,) Feathers 75 per 100 28. Furs A SECOND Sheeting. (in Shirting and licking (in original bales) caste,) tacks,) Wall larcware, Wool, Leather, and Liquor 60 per 190 De. l'ajer, Sheep Pelta, eastward, TAIKD CLASS- Anvila, Chains (In Hemp Bacou, and Pork.

Salted, (loose or in Backs,) P'aints (dr; and la oil,) (except 60 per 100 lard and FOURTH FIsh, Bacon, Beef and P'ork (in Casks or boxes, eastward, Lard and Lard oil, Nails, Soda Ash, Gerrzau Clay, tured Tar, Tobaco, l'ith. a Kosin, bieel, Manufac 1. per 100 Te. Oil, Queensware, gar, (hogsheads, barrels aud boxer,) FLOUR 15 per bbl until further notice. GKAIN-35 cte per 100 tba until further uotice.

per bale, no: exceeding 000 ta weight, until further notice. In particular shipping to MARK Goods from any point cast of Philadelphia, be packages "vin Kailroad' All goods Pittsburgh, consigued will to the A gouts of this Road at Philadelphia or be forwarded without detention. Memphis, FREIGHT AGENTS K. F. -Clarke cast Chicago; Parker Evensville, Ind Co, St.

P. G.O'Riley Bingham, Louiev lle, Ky. k. U. Meldrum, Madison.

H. S. Fierce Zances ille, Astor Leech House, N. No. t4 Kit No.

Street, Bceton Lecch Co, No. 2 1 William Street, N. E. J. Sneed.

er, l'oiladeiptia; Magraw Loons, Laltimure; D. A. Stewart, Pittsburgh. H. H.

HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. HI. J. LOMBAERT, sup't, Altoona, Irania. Going Enst.

Going West Clev'd Trains Leare Yrest'wo Clev'd. Mail. I Exp. Exp. I Mail.

M. P.M. A. P. M.

8 80 Cleveland. 10,40 7.1-4 6,16 8,01 10,19 43 6,45 4,12 9,57 6,14 7.161 4,41 9,34 6.13 1,671 Aurora, 9,08, 6,12 $8,35 5 40 8,85 4.09 9,10 6,09 8,06 3 32 0.10' 6,25 7,50 8,29 6,46 Braceville, 7,09 3 37 10,81 7,15 H'arren, 2,19 7,86 6,89 1,49 1.58 6,32 1.59 11 8,04 Brier 6,111 1,19 12,05 8,15 6,00: 1,10 April 14. CHAS L. RHODES. Sup't.

Cleveland and Erie Rail Road. EA Winter Making Connections At Cleveland with Cleveland 'Toledo, Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati, Cleveland Erie, and Cleveland Pittsburgh Kall Roads. At Solon witt Hacks to Chagrin Falls, etc. At Mantua with Hacks to Ravenna etc. At Braceville with Hacks to Newton rallf, etc.

At Warren with ticks to Sharon. Greenville, Mundville, Bloomfeld, Canfeld, Youngstown with Stages to New Castle, Lowell, Poland, and ELon Valley, and thence by P. F. W. U.

R. K. to Pitte. burgh. AFTER MONDAY, MAY 10th, 9:00 A.

M. Chica2o Express and Man Train stope at all way 1857, Passengers Trains will run as A follows: LEAVE CLEVELAND. stations except lite, Mentor, Perry, ville and Saybrook, and arrives at Erie 12:55 P. Dur kirk 3:10 P. Budalo 5:20 P.

M. 8:50 P. M. Cincinnati a apress Train etops at l'amesville King, vlile and only Girard, and arrives at Erie 7:20 P. Dunkirk 9:45 P.

Budalo 11:16 P. M. 4:20 1'. M. Accommodation Train for Connesut and Way tions.

10:00 I'. M. Night Express Train etops at Ashtabr. la. Coureaut and Girard only, and arrives at Erie a' 1'10 A.

Dunkirrk 4:05 A. Buffalo 5:40 A. M. LEAVE ERIE. 200 A.

M. Night Express Train stops at Girard, Conteau af Ashtabula, and Painesville ouly, and arrives Cleveland, 6:00 A. M. 11:00 1'. M.

Mail Train stop ut all way stations except brook, Unionville, Perry, Mentor, and Wicklit and arrives at C'levelard 8:00. M. 1:51 P. M. Day Ea press Train stope at Girant, Conueant.

Aal. tabula and Paicesville only, and arrives at land 3:80 P. M. All of the through trains going Westward connect Clere with Trains for Toledo, Chicago, Columbus, Uincinnst', tc. And all the trains going East ward connect al Dankirx with the trains of the New York and Erie Railroad, and at Buffalo with those of the New York Central and Buffalo and New York City Railroads.

H. NOTTINGHAM. Superintendent. Cleveland. May 10, 1857-00v23 1858.

1858. Cleveland, Columbus Cincinnati Railroad. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS, AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 10th, 1828, Passenger Trains leave Cleveland 18 follows: 6:45 A. M. Cincinnati Express, stopping at Berea.

Granou, New London, Wellingion, Shelby, Crestline, dailion, Cardington and Delaware. 8:80 P. M. Accommodation stop ing at all Statione. 6:10 P.

M. Cincinnati Night puss*nger, stopping at all Way lions between Cleveland and Gallion, and at Cardington and Delsware; alge, stopping to leave passengers at all stations touth of Gallion. CONNECTIONS. Shelby, Sandueky, Manedeld and Newark for Mt. Vernon, Newark, Zauesville, Orestline, Pittabureb, Fort Wayne, and Chicago Railroad, for Forest, Upper anduky, Lima, Ft.

Wayne, Laporte, Chicago, west and east tor Lionsfield, Wouster, Massillon, Pallion Bellefontaine Railroad Line, Alarion, Bellefontaine, Siduey, Uniok, Muncie, Terry Haute, Vinconnes, Evansville, Louisville, Cairo, St. Louis, Delewnre, Dayton and Cincinnati Line for Springfield, Dayton, Hamiltor, Cincinnati, Richmoud, Indianapole, Terre Haute St. Louie, and at Cincinnati with the Olio and Mississippi Railroad for Louisville, and all ponta on the C'hio River. Columbus Little Miami and Columbus, and Xenia for Xenia. Dayton, Indianapolis, Terre Haute, St.

Louis. Morrow, Loveland, and Cincinnati and with the Ohio ane Miselesippi Kailroad at Cincinnati for Louisville, Evanscille, Cairo, St. Louis, and a'l points OR the Ohio River. Columbus, Central Ohio Ra'lroad for Newark, Zanesville, Wheeling, Columbus, l'inus and Indiana Rallroad for Piqua, Urbana, Er For Tickets to all points, anu information, at the Union Ticket Ofice, 61 struet, or at Sistion. Mar 10.

1803. E. S. FLINT. du'pt.

CLEVELAND ARRANGEMETS. RAIL ROAD. To take effect Monday, May 10th, 18:8. Traine leave Cleveland, Sunday excepted: For Toledo Chicago 6:30 A.M. 8:80 and 6:00 P.

At. For Detroit 6:80 A.M. For Jackson 6:90 A For St. Louie, La Fayette, Ft. Wayne and stione on Toledo, Wabash estern Kaliroad 6:30 A.

M. and 6:00 P. M. For Cincinna I. Dayton a stations on Sandusky, Dayton Cincinnati Railroad :80 A.

M. and 6:00 P. M. For Norwalk and Stations on Southern Division 6:30 A. M.

and 8:00 P. M. For Sandusky and Stations on Northern Division 6:30 A. M. and 8:30 P.M.

Trains arrive in Cleveland: From Chicago 8:40 A. M. 8:05 9:45 M. Toledo via Nerwalk 8:05 and 9:45 L. M.

From Toledo via Sandusky 8:40 A. M. and 7:90 P. M. May 10, PHILLIP'S, Sup't.

HEALTH! GRACE! AND BEAUTY! Conferred upon LADIES, by wearing DOUGLAS SHERWOOD'S NEW EXPANSION SKIRT, WITH THE ADJUSTABLE BUSTLE, April, WHICH medical HAS authority BEEN to be the DECIDED most beuefcial BY garment eve- introduced for the ladies' use, the weight belug only 12 oz. of DOUGLAS SHERWOOD'S celebrated SKIRTS are stamped with their trade mark, and none genuine uuless 80 stamped. For sale at all the principal stores in tho United States and and Canadas. The above SKIRT is for sale in Cleveland, only by S. HYMAN CORNER OF SUPERIOR STREET AND PUBLIC SQUARE.

Ladles are invited to call and examine. 500 PIECES OF HAMS THOSE FINE SHOULDERS, SU. by Carten Wrights. bu Bags Java and Rio Coffers. 300 Cheete fall Y.

H. Impel al and Black Teas, fresh and cheap. Trade, in etore assortment of GHOCEKIES for the Jobbing and arriving. To be sold cheap for prompt pay. mb12 BAEco*ck HURD, 16 Water street.

JAMES SPEAK, Central Market Ground, Pittsburgh Street. IN NEW AND SECOND and HOUSE FURNITURE, STOVES, BEDS, CEDDING KEEPING ARTICLES GENERALLY. l'er. to SODA replenish wishing to go to house keeping, 9.8 well as those wishing thair Furniture, will And thie the moat economicai lac tin the city to purchase. tan1 TANTED TO EXCHANGE.

-A SIX year old beef Cow for a new much, Cow. For particulars enquire at this office. Rah13 WANTED. $10,000 $109,000 NOTES Illinois, ERIE Wisconsin CITY and BANK. VirginMouey, "at favorable rates.

LAND WARRANTS of all denominations. feb3 A. M. FERRY 00., Bankers, 97 Superlor-st. MILLINERY OPENINGShaw Co.

Will open en THURSDAY acc. FRIDAY, Oct. 8th and 9th, test Fall Styles Ladles Hate, Head Dresses. Caps. of laand approved to which they invite the attention of all.

New Millinery Store. oct7 129 SUPERIOR STREET. DRY WARREN is offering Bargalus viz: Yard wide worth Bleached 10 cents Sheeting, six pence yard, Fast Colored Calicoes, de a yard, for pence a yard; new styles of (if Laines, Goods one in ebilling Cleveland. a yard. AIr the beat stock of Staple SHETLAND Recelved SHAWLS.


KINGSLEY'3. RAIL ROAD CARDS. For Dyspepsia or Indigestio. and Jaundice, Boucks, and and Bilious quent Complaints Weakness L083 Of of the Appetite, Ne vous Complaints, Head. ache, dour Nurnac tivences.

Flatulence, and Co. MEDICINE IS perfectly COMPOSED safe in EN. tirely of Vegetable substances, children la aud TETRODE or the most de its opera tion, and inay be given the to leant risk or inco. nvenience. The icate babita, without UNIFORM SUCCESS used Which -in has Boston attendel and in use varlous other parts of che Union, an the of it where it bren extensivel in table the West pergons-adorde, Indier, attested next to by a trial dieinterestel of the iLedic.

1t: elf, th ahu respe best commentary with upon it. its It has been foune offered singula ty All ca virtues that can to' those tha are accquainted cious It le in not casca lagured by age, but will remaiu good for iA o1 the obstinate beadaube. any climate. We are constantly receiving tratimoniale of the Cy nO the medicine from of che Lixbest in cue instance te our knowledge has ic tailed to what it profeat8 to cure. 1: la rapidly gaining the entire conndence of ine public.

No family ausuld be without it, ad it la particulariy adapted to this cilmate. Follow the directions are and from CCItain cure is warranted. Tue following testinonial gentlemen well known to the citizens of tor Guy what aboza every County: other Elixir has accomplished me luedicine (and I have given the most of them a fair trial) 1138 failed to do; Lamely, restored to perfect health. Sufice it tu Bay' that for many years I Lave atticted with Jaudies, or Liv. to give me pernament relief, until I was induced to try er Complaiut, in its most aggravating form.

Nothing eremed IDE; and although I have takan but one bottle I feel that Lou a Elixir, which has nad a most woundertul edect I upon at free trom any atection of the Liver. My health was never better; consequently it becorues iny duty to rive publicity to this fact cat the thousands at this moment suffering frem this and mmilar complaints way learu what your Elixir bes done for me. Most Kespec.fully Yours, Norwalk, Dec. 1807. k.

P. GEEK. ULIVELAND. MAY 14th, 1807. Sir: -For some time past I have sutlered extremely from an tack of Dyspepsia, accompanied with severe headache and shor breathing, boding it impossible to take a long breath--in fact was completely untit tor my daily vocation.

Noticing the advertig meut of your Medicine, Anderson' Vegetable Elixir, and having a previous knowledge of the high in which it WaS la Boston, where have formerly resided, I embraced the opportunity of providing myself witu a bottle, and have ta ken it regularly slace, with the most satielactory resulte. My Leadsche left we at once, and by continuing the use of your I And self rapidly regaining wy health. I experience no ditticulty in my breathing. so much couldence have 1 it your medicine, that seveual of my incude have been induced by too to maLe a trial of it, and I am happy to say, have experi eared the beneticial Shouid you this In of ad) tervice, you have M17 conselL to use it. Kespectfully yours, CHIAS.

CALIGAN. Put up by G. LEMON. sole proprietor, Clevelaud, Ohio to the late E. G.

Lemon, of Roxbury, Mass. soid in Clevelaud by the Druggists generally. HUTCHINSON PALMER, Wholesale Ageuta, Clev land, Ohio. Prile $1:00 per bottle. 1n5 dir LIST OF UNCLAIMED BAGGAGE Remaining in C'.

E. K. K. Baggage Room. CLEVELAND, April 12th, 1553.

Black Trunk marked U. F. H. 24-Carpet Bag marked Mary A. 25 RueBel Vallee marked B.

Hull. 26-Black Trunk marked P'aimer C. Hunt, eontaina Mens Clothicg, Letters, in 27-Black Trunk marked Joseph dare, contains Mere ing. Letters, Clock, pu 29 23-- La black ge Trunk Box Mark ked James D. Jobuson.

Harper. ma: al re Biack Valse marked 0. G. Kicg. ac 32-blus 81-Black Chest Trunk marked marked 'I A homes gusta Keau.

Kellogg. their 88. Pine boX Kelogg contains Light Stands. Wood CLeat worktu Mima Kazzel, CoLtal1.8 they 85-Red women Du ch chest u.arked Letters. tic.

Shana Kropf. char. 80-Russe: Valle G. I. Lockey, contains Linen Shirts be 37-Bisck Letter: Sail.

r's Bags marked Watson, Books, Laters, dc. Black oak Chest marked T. Marshal, clothing, beddirg, the 4. 99. b.ack Box Ba; marked marked Henry Henry Mier, Misersties, cOn is 41-Dry Box marked Pine 12 Black l'acking Trunk marked Mra.

Pease. 48-l'ine Box marked I'. D. bite Sack marked Nathan Reed. four 43-Cloudsa Clue Chess Call.

Echade, contains b. d- diug. of I Pice marked Thomas Sechlor, coutalne clothiag. for 47-Hair Trunk marked A. P.S.

contains clothing, 45-l'ine Box marked V. contains leaf tobacco. 49-Dry Good 13 a marked kev. D. lie, Contains pooka.

take -Ked Wed Leatuer Ches, marked A. C. Smeao. 51-sole valise masked 1). S.

Thompson. 02-puss*t Valise marked A. Turner, the 08-Simall Wood Box Mrs. Word, contains cloudug, line Chcs: marked To mas Wart utod. Covered Cheat marked Tomas containe be.

Valise book, marked Geo W. Willey. Trunk marked Jotu ll. Woolen. 68 'Trunk marked Albert Going, clothing, bocks, Violin, dis.

09-Carpt S. ck, coutaius rag carpet log chain. by ARTICLES WITH MA MARKS. ou-Small Black Truuk, eggs, 3 farcy rer box, clothing, 61-Black 'Trunk, coate, I ante, loote, carpenter's tools, scal 02-French containa old clothirg, german cha, tc. 03-Lead Colored Chest, con.

sins catrage balls, 04-Sailor a Lineu Bag, contains cletbing. 05-Saitors Linen Bag contain.a ciothirg. be Li: en lax, con' ams womens clothlug. 05-Flour Bag, ta': 8 wore ne clothing. G9 Black Tru.

contains women clothing. 70-Dry Good Box, contains pillowz, glaes ware, bedulug, bocte band box, ac. 71- Black Bag, contains woolen b'anket, clothing, 72-Lurset Trunk; contains l'ealar'a Goods. 73-Carpet Bag; contains Mene clotb DE, 74 Music Box containa Base Violin. Gruen woods chest contains white shirte, looking glass sinds, wood best, contains Buckseine, Boots, bat, linen lotire, 77- enca, clothing.

78-Plue Cheat, paint black, comra'ns men's clothive. 19 -White Sack, coutalr Bedt irg. 80-l'luc chest, wowen's 8: -Carpet bag, contains women's clothi 'g. 82-Carpet bay, women's clothing.

contains wen's clothing. 81-Carpet bay, contails clothing and children. ck oil Bag, conta ne men's clothing. -Carpet tax, contain meme clothing, Blue B'anket, -Ru vet Trunk, centains tens clothing. of cloth covered trunk contains womens clothlug.

-ODe Scy the and Snathe. Smali Pine box, contalues Masons tools, 91-Carpet Bay contains meus clethi g. 92 Black oil cloth bag containg men clothing. 91-bunule of Bedding. 93-Emegrant chest, contains tia ware and German's goode.

94-Hair trunk, containe bedding. 96 Linen back, contains bedding. piue box. contains Dutch clothing, 95 Grain bag, contains a clothing. 99-U.

arse sack, axe and tin ware Grain bag. contains Mens clothing, boots, 1-Sinall Pine Box, Marked F. Banwud, contains Giacs. Trunk, ma'kep Capt. Bartholenew.

8-Large Pine Box, Darked O. W. Bates. 4-Kurset Valise, marked Q. M.

Case. 5 Black Trunk larked b. A. Cuase, contains Womeng Clouing, Letters, 6-Big Trunk marked B. F.

contalca Mens Ul thir K. Let ers, 7-- Trunk marked Willians Castlic, contains Mons, Letters, 8 Ha.r Trunt O. Colburn. y- Black Lag maraed W. Witt.

10-Small Green Box marked H. Doyle. 11 Role at Maps marked A. Elwell. 12-Black Truna marked Jo: Fuller.

18 Piue Chest marked Mr. J. contains Tin Ware. 11-Pine Box marked J. D.

Ford. 15- Dry Good box marked Mra. U. II. Ford.

15-Black Trunk warded A F. 17-Kusset Valise P. E. Fox. Blacs O.l Cloth way marked Mr.

Ford. 19-black Bag marked S. B. GoGley. 2-Larze Dry Good Buz marked Jaco Varte, containe Bed ding, books, dic.

21-Pine Box marked Gilbert. Trunk Marlab Henderson. 101-Long Dox, contains beddi. 2, ritles, saw. gun bag, datirons, cletoing 102 Black Trunk, containe womens letters, Owners are requested to come for ward and claime thia bag.

gaxe on or before the 27th day of July, 1808; otherwise it will be auld at auction by U. Molien, on account of whom it may concern. NOTTINGHAM, diecovered Supt. O. E.

K. R. E. I. PAOR.

Lest beggaze Agent. April 12-013-td. PASTURAGE 1858. THE PASTURES OF THE subscriber, about 800 in the Cuyabora Valley, will be open on and alter May 1st. Per.

80LS who may reud Cows rre hereby Loudled that but, WILL charged for the tatire ABon toroa date ot eutrance to Nov. unless they give Lotice in writing at the time of an earlier with. darawal; and, al: that the under-igned will not be liable for any animals that may a ray from, or be injured, while on Bald premises. Terine, 50 cen'8 per week, payable every Monday, In advance, unleas arrangements are made with the eubicriber for the rior season. Apply at Wm.

my office, Merchauts' B. nk, t'upestreet, or to FORD, Herdsman, at 1be auce gates, near Ashcruft Hipe Foundry, or at brick dwelling house on Univereity Heigh'e. S. S. STONE Cleveland.

April 28th, Novi 'THE NEW CASKET. AS ament THIS and re IS daement, THE the AGE snb3criber OF taken pleasure IMPROVE. ing that be is now prepared to turnieh an entire new article rayin the Uu It crtak Dg line superior to anything ever belore el. and la is of his own manufaure, made in the C'asket form, highly ornamented, with a thick plate glass running the entire length or the top. THE of CASKET the old has style none of of the gloomy Fand unpleasant apCoffins Tuey are perfectly air.

tight, and are very light and convenient transportation, or putting in vaults, or common interments. the Per above one line, losing will friends dad and wi-hing to procure a ytaing in it much to thel: interest by calling and examining for themse'ves, where they will tinu every attention ven. apr26-448 8m DANIEL W. DUTY, No. 59 Erie Sweet.

BARGAINS! At S. Hyman fortment, STELLA SHAWLS, jut received express, large Bold greatly reduce pricee. comprising all styles and qualities, which be A every Orlor, A WOOL which will be DELAINES- sold at CENT- Consisting A YARD, of worth to cuts. S. HIMAN Corner Superior street ard Pub.

Square. WE large lot ARE of JUST IN RECEIPT OF A DOUGLAS SIERWOOD'S PATENT SKIRTS, Which we a telling at 4,00 tach S. HYMAN 3p26 Corner Superior street and Pub. Syuare. SPECIAL of NOTICE.

I have opened a Wall Paper, Decorations and Borders. The l'atierne are of the newest designs, and for 60 days I shall sell at prices far below those that propose to sell at lean than coat! Painting, Gralning and Paperbanging at reduced rates. J. DOWNIE, Corner Wood ar.d Rockwell Stree's. 100 COPIES AMERICAN OF LOST METHODISM, CHAPTERS recovered.

Price OF 15c. J. Waverly. REVIVAL INCIDEN or paratives of Remarkable Torversions in the Gruel Revival. Price $1.

WHAT SHALL I DO TO BE SAVED? By J. S. Peck. INGHAM BRHGG. A Travelling opened.

A new article for TAYLOR. GRISWOLD CO. VICTORIA excelent Summer Corset. Just opene a few mry5 E. I.

BALDWIN 00. PARASOLS. by A full E. I. assortment BALDWIN of CO.

latest 200 Shilling per yard. CHINTZ BRILLIANTS at E. I. BALDWIN CO. good Dwelling Houses and Lots, varying in price from: $800 to $2,000.

Also, Thirty Village Lots. G- Land Warrants Wanted. G. M. BARBER.

SHADES Hollands, AND 23 Inches to CURTAIN 6 feet in MATERIALS. width; Gold Bordered Shades; Painted Shad Lace Curtains; Cotten Musiin and Curtains, by the yard or pair; Worsted Damasks; Turkey Red Print, Bhades put up on the abortest notice. CARPET STORE. DAILY, THROUGH excepted. TRAINS EACH WAY Pittsburgh, Philadelphia Wheeling, Harrisburg, York.

Baltimore, THE RAIL CLEVELAND PITTSBURGH ROAD COMPANY, I Having made an arrangement with Wayde and K. K. 10r the P.tueburgh, Fort their Track between Rochester and Gi Will run Trains Daily, (Sundaya Pittsburgh, mencing March exCepted.) 10th, 1853. as follows, com. PITTSBURGS AND WHEELING MAIL.

Leaves Cleveland, Bridgeport 6py ante. 9,10 P. 1.00 P.M. 8,15 P.M. ...12,00 M.

New 6,80 P. M. A COMMODATION. M. Leave; Cleveland, ARRIVES Hudson.

4.45 P'. 4.05 P.M. 6,30 P. Millersburzu 8,40 I'. P.

M. 6,25 EASTERN EXPRESS. Leaves Train from Cleveland on arrival of Chicago. ARRIVES: 9.55 P. M.

B. oppo: ite. 543 A. This Train ruL9 th-cuzb to Wheeling. A.M.

Pittsburgh on Sa urday Philade ..11,80 P. enirg. Pas eugers can leave Now 11,43 P. M. for Philadeiphia on Sunday 5,80 A.

M. evening st 10,00 P. M. At GOING Hudson, EOUTH AND EAST CONNIOTIONE ARE At Alliance. for Canton, Cuyaboga Massilon, talla, Wooster Akron and Miller MADE At for lion, Dover and New Salem.

At StruDenvlile, for C'adiz, anc Newark. Pulladelphie. At Bellair, Wheeling, for for C'ambridge, Baltimore and gion. At P'ittsbu ch, for Harrisburgh, Zane vil'e and Circlevilla. and New York.

Baltimore, Polladelphia RETURNING TRAINS. CLEVELAND, BUFFALO AND CHICAGO MAI. Bridgeport opposite. 6,45 A Leaves Pittsburgh 31 do Wheeling Arrives at Cleveland 7.14 A. at Buttalo 3'.

.11,00 245 P. M. do at Chicago 9,00 FAST TRIOLOU EXPRESS. Leaves Arrives at Pittsburgh Cleve and at 2,85 I'. M.

do at Buta'o 6,00 9,50 1'. M. do at Chicago at. A. M.

2,00 P. M. MUI ATION. Leaves do Hudson lavenna At 9,00 A.M. Arrives at Cleveland 11,15 9.45 A.

A.M. M. Connections are made with Returning Trains from the CLEVELAND points as are made South and East; for S- Lduskr. Toledo. Detroit, ('ulcago, Erit, Warren Duckirk, and Budale, New Castle.

Niagara Falls, ard Canada, Young town, fr Baggage checked through to all points, and transferred of charge. Oilice. 51 For Superior Tickets or street, information apply at the Urion Ticket Rail Road 'Ticket Offices. at the offce in the Depot, and at all F. k.

MYERS, Gen. Ticket Ag't FARMER, Olevr laad. Sup't, Cleve J. CLEVELIND AND TOLEDO BAIL ROAD, tackle, claiming Lev. Javuary, in due No.

led. farce there is Cu ter September September toere is Cutter september there is Cutter September 1st, there 18 Cutter 11 Cutter and Set. Mi. 1:69, labor March, interest Rev. for aud inter.

apthe Ohio, that their Libels United day of tackle. claiming Rev. and same due CHANGE OF TIME. AND AFTER MONDAY, MARCH 15. Trains leave Cleveland as followe: 8:00 A.

For Stations on both Diviel oF. Toledo, De. MI. For troit, Stations Chicago, on St. Northern Louie, Divine.

C'incinnau. Toledo, c. 3:30 P. Cincinnati, 10:00 P.M. Vi Norwalk, for Toledo, Chicago, March 12.


ZANESVILLE CINCINNATI Rail Roads. 1858. Street, York, 0g TO Havre, to 40 tour, tons, 8, 21 19 .11 Line tight at- Antthe 117 at wil and a' M. aud bury ty in 1 and died or trie Secure the for poor in The ceased Lure. tart ()N going and South after cau leave March Sth, 1858, on the traia Passangers of the CLEVELAND PITTSBURGI TAIL ROAD at 4:15 P.

Orville and (changing care tor Falls, Akron, Conuecting at Orville with on the PITTSBURG. CHICA 30 1. Kuru and West fur Canton, Massillon, Wooster, Loudenville ALl MaLadeld. Trains leave for Cleve and at 6.05 A and 1:85 P. connecting at Orville with trains ou th Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne Chicago Nail Road.

by which yers from Caulou, Worster, a Mausdeld reach Cleveland by the evening train at 10:00 P.M SIMON P'ERKINS. gupT. I A Corner of MANY and Frank fort HALL opposite HOTEL, the Park and City Hall, NEW YORK. This hotel is still conducted on the EUROPEAN PLAN OF LOLGING ROOMS, meals. as may be ordered, in the large and spacione Refec tor LADIES, AS WELL AS GENTLEMEN, Havirg recently added an bivguut J'arlor for the of Ladies.

his popular fiotel is in the iminediate vicini. of Business and places of Amusem*nt, and oders every into those who coLeult and ecouomy. l'ar. lee going to CALIFORNIA OF will he turniabed with all the iatormation desired, and be protected in the pur chase of passage tickets. mar25 CHARLES BROWN, Proprietor.

PHOTOGRAPHS. DEFORE THE DISCOVERY OF THIS truly wonderful art few were able to secure even poor like. nesses of their friends, but now a miniature, true to life, is withthe reach of all. Every fainily therefore should Lave a well executed Likertes of each individual then shouid the Substance fade away, the Shadow would have practised this beautiful art for the last lourteen years, there are Lundreds of pictures, which 1 have taken, in the: possession of the surv.ving triends ol the departed the: are vul. above price.

Tucre are many however who neglect attending to it. portaut matter until it is too late. How often de it rein arked, would give a hundred dollars :1 I had a good Dagu0 Ambrolyge of my father, wother, son or daughter, or come ou that was but now la not. Allow we to give this advice: the Likeness of your friends while in Evalth. Go to best Artiet you call and if he docs charge mort thau others; a good Likenese in bettor worth one or two dollars, thou 3 one is worth one am prepared to furuich to all the best etyle of the art, the pictures: Ambrotyres, Plain P'hotograpbs, and in Oil, size of life, or auy size desired.

Daguerreotypes of depersons takeu the elze of lite, and warrented true to pa. Ambrotypes of' adulte taken .83 well in cloudy us in clear weather. Firret I'remium awarded at the New York State Fair for the Ambrotyres and Daguerreotypes. Rooms, Melodeon Building, Ch velaud, Ohio, nov25 W. C.

NORTH. at in 1, 1, 6 tor of and on le for and and hum, 5, the Lima, lan, BUIlt due No 1, be: due No. 1, ber due No. 16. 1857.

due NO. her 18.7. obio, that said tember her the Auld mouth the day E. WM. ROGEKS, LANDSCAPE GARDENER, HEMLOCK PARK.

CEDAR STREET. CLEVELAND. W. R. perience in TRUSTS, laying out FROM HIS LONG EXParks, Cemeteries and Pleasure Grounds, In England, (where the highest br: nch of Landscape Garsiening an cleant Art is so generally cultivated,) he 18 fully competent to give satisfaction to those who way employ aim.

professionally in the mbellishinent of their homesteads. W. I. bus also a in. stock of Larre Ornamental aims fr Trees, Which be will plant and warrant for two years.

at moderato prices. Every variety of llardy Decidious Trees Flowering Shruba, Fruits, loses and Merluceous Plauts, ad low 88 Any uursery. VINEYARDS PLANTED AND ESTABLISHED On favorable terms. dell z9b dly WIGS! WIGS! WIGS! Rico. Greenfield, 6 Bank Street, opposite Weddell House.

Manufacturer of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wige, Toupees, Braids, Banda. Curls, dc. He has on baud a must wagnitice Di of every variety of color, which he offers at we lowest puss*ble cash pr'ce. lie also calis particular attention to his selection of French, English and American Perfumeries, Combs, Brushes, Ladits' Hair D'ressed for parties at his rooing or at their own residences. Particular attention pull to the Cutting of Children's audi Misses' Hair.

dec14 48 D. E. FIELD. Watch Maker, Jeweler and Engraver, 15 BANK WEDDELL BLOCK, GIVE DIS of Watches, PERSONAL Clocks, dc. ATTEN.

tion Repalring Jewelry of all zinde made to order and repaired. Sectacles Engraving reset executcu with in the warranted very best P'ebble manuer. Cs and the beg English Glass. Orders respectfully solicited. April 21, 1857.

1881y TRENCH'S HOTEL, Frankfort street and City-Hall Square, opposite the City loll, NEW YORK CITY. This Hotel is conducted on the EUROPEAN PLAN OF LODGING ROOMS, and meals as they may be in the spacious 'There is a Barber's Shop, with Baths in connection therewith. This popular Hotel is in the immediate vicinity of mercantile bus and the principal places of Amusem*nt, and. otters every inducement to those who consult convenience aL de economy. Tho.

going to California or Europe, will be furnished with. all the information they may desire, and also be protected from imposition in the purchsec of passage tickets. R. FRENCH, Proprietor. N.

of Kunners who eay we are full, 88 are interested in saying go. war YOU ARE IN WANT OF ANY KIND of PRINTING, take your orders to the PLAIN DEALER JOB OFFICE. GOODS--BY EXPRESS. Elegant Stella Shawls, sl Borders, New Styles Robes a Quille, Drere Silks, a splendid variety, White Piqua 7-1 and 8-4 Berages for Shawls, Berng: Noben a Quille, Carsiweres aud Vestings, Goods for Boys' Wear, Berages. 2p27 l.

BALDWIN CO. DERSONS DESIRING TO AVAIL, heinselves of the advantages of a Private School, cau du. 80 by enquiring at No. 89 Walnut street. MONEY carcasses SAVED.

dead GEO. Ilorses, Cattle SCHMIDT or liogs will free of charge, thereby raving an expeuse or $4,00 or 35, by leav ing orders at the of BANTUA BROS, yo and 89 troit street, wer sice. Sna C. PENDLETON Coal Dealers. OFFICE, No.

5 EXCHANGE, YARD, FOOT SUPERIOR 3000 store BARRELS and 1or sale CHOICE by BRANDS FLOUR 12 CHAMBERLIN. CRAWFORD 00. STRAW are now opening Spring Goode splendid assortment. B. CO, April 20, 25 Superior Street NOW TAKEN Came into my sure Friday evening.

May 7th, a dark red low, with 4 star in her forehead. The owner con have her by proving property and paying charges. Superior etreet, near Aterling Aveuue. MICHAEL FANNING, De. TEW GOODS.

RIBBONS, Tr.n mings, Mantillas, ces, Corauts, Paratole, now opening at the Kibbon and Trimming Store, No. I P'ablic. Equare. J. H.

DaWITT. And.

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.