The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

MTEON HAMLIN, Plainuf, against CLINTON FRENCU, SEL HAM BERLIN, lUe I AND HENRY WICK, and othere, Deludaats. NOTICES. R.URUS William SANGER, ajor, John B. EDWARD Stephenson, LAM- William A. later, A.

Davidson, 'Thomas W. Gibsor, Richard John K. thay, adwar Jaursy, Artbur W. Jadrar. W.

Jauray, Davi a Stirratt, Jacies Kingon, Davi' loughton, Samuel Sanger, Ichabod Gage, James M. Sloan, Hiram K. Dater. Daniel William K. Fuller, Willam D.

Hart, licory M. Joseph B. Eaton, Lyman Nichola, Zo nay Cushing, niel W. Fierce, Gustavus IL. Mower, Wilson a Son, vho are made defendants in said action, and non-residenus of the State of Ohio, are herebr notifed that on the 30: day of April, 1889, the said Myrou Hailin died, in the t'ourt of Conimon Picas of Cuyaloga County, Oblo, his petition against them, Clinton Fro.cb, aud othere, ube otject and payer of which is to recover a judgment against the sand Chuton French, and for toe sale of a certain lot of land, situate in the city of Clevelaud, Cuz abcga ard Stat of Valo.

bounded- B. zinning at 3 point on the South side of superi la taid city of Cleveland, being at a point in the North- Wear corner of the ot owned and occupied by Mr. Vincent; toeuce Westerly along the Southerly line (fra Su. perior etreet. tel, thence Southerly parallel with the West line of Vincent's lot to a point bal: way between said Superior and Euclid streets; thence Easterly along 8 lite half- way between Bald superior and Euclid streets to the Westerly line of said Vi uLeuce Northerly along the Westerly line of said Vinceut's lot, to the place of beginuing.

And which, on the 22 cay of 1850, said Clinton French mortgaged to said Myron Hamlin to secure the payment of three promissory notes of sa'd Clinton reuch of 1279 84 10 tho dollare each, all dated the 7th day of April, 1855, and payab'o to the order 0. sand Han lio in one, two and three yeara from tbe da the date thereof, with per ceat. payable an nually; no part of the priucipal of said uote, falling due April 7th, 1:59, has been and: the inter. at on the same is due and unpaid from April Tun, 1858, Said mortgage was left for re cord with the Recoruer of Ouzaboya county Oct. 23d, 1:50, and recorded.

said petition also that said defendar Lave, or to have, some lien OD, or Intercat in, said land, by virtue of mortg ge, judgmelt, or otherwise: but which are subject to, and to, said plaitu's lien. The eard defendants are further notided that they are required to Bald jeiltion on or velore the ed day of July, 19:9. BINGHAM HOVEr. 63 ow at'y for Plalatia. TOTICE FOR PROPOSALS FOR SUPU.

S. DISTRICT OF GA, Orio, Muy I st, 1858. In Court of Common Pleas Cuyahoga County, 0. NOTICE 13 bereby given that eealed proposale, accompanied by proper a to foring to be furniehed on apps.cation aL this will be received thereat, until 12 0 Meridlan on the drst Tuesday June next for the supply on the alar de llospital at th.8 city, with the articles The of Provision. Medicine, enumerated in said f7 riDE.

quauities stated are est.n.a ed with re erence to the usual number of pa leuts la the llospital; but the Uuited States re. serves the to take wore or less of taid articles, according as the, way be actually in squired. If of the the articles phye clan, delivered of the cu the Ho: al are t. beat ty and adapted to we, Le will be at libert, 10 reject the and to purchase other articica in their etcac, and to cuarge tie coutractor with any excess COaL over the prices. The United States reserves tLe right to accept the propoeals for toe waule or portion of the ard specided.

was: 101 Collector. MARTHA A. la Court of Common Pread, VE. hoga County, vuto. D.

P. W. E. DAY, l'etition for morey and to charge and. DEFENDANTS, D.

P. W. DAY, A ice E. Day, aud Byron Rice, will take notice that on tut of April, 1558, plaud tiled her peticon ju the Ucur. of of CouLLy, ubio, tor the recovery vI juugmeut Dat defendants D.

P. Day aud Al ce b. Day, tor ah sulu of $141, for in crest uue on 2 certain promissory notes, date Maich 12, 18.7, 10: the suin of 4300 cacD, sole in tour anu sux years a.ter dale, with remi aubually at the rate of eight per cent. per waich no. ed were secured by upon the following property of tad D.

P. W. aud ALCe b. Day, to wit: 2 0. acres of land iu cast Cleveland County of Cu, a.

nog.a, hiv, auu from bounded a beginning ID to the the center shaker of the village. ShaRer rua 1, leading Dual and at the L. cur. er ol isud own.u by l'ear Bigler, and deeded to piurevast and Leonard; thence S. 41 deg.

al the ceater of taid road 2 ty CO D. 29 dig. W. l0 chains and 19 links to the W. une of lot 411; N.

along the W. mi o1 lot 411. 8 chains 85 to land own. el by ca.d Bigier whence N. 47 deg.

2 min. E. 4 chains 4 links to tuc place ot be inuing. Aleo a tr augular piece ot land, bounded: beginuing as a point la the center of the on the est hire of sot 411. I4 chains 95 li.

ky from the N. W. corner of said lot; thence South dug. M. along 8 til Todd 4 to D.

M. 4 had. to the est line of cald lot; tuelce Northerly on said W. flue 6 chaius Jo unks to we place of DeADLILg; it Delug vounded ou two to wit: the E. adu by part ol the game lot deeded to Salu'l Cowles on the 6.b day vi Nay, 1835, and con ule ac.

more or ICES. Tue whole veiL 8 06-100 acres, and belug the conveyed by deed by IN. Van Vitca aud wile to bid 1 P'. V. Day aud Alice L.

Day. And 1ur bu oruer tor the tale of suiu land ad crived in the ur in this Auu Band to a swer said peniciou on or ore the 1 day Juur, A. D. BINGHAR HOVEY, PI'S Dated April 20, ATTACHMENT NOTICE. CHARLES V3.

WILSON Peace, Delore Clevel 1. 0. ud Vail, Justice of Unio fithe JAMES Tit Defendant an order of will attachment take Wad, notice the that 16th da; at 01, 1538. by guid Just.c, against the goods 3-d chaticlo, rig bid, credits, moules and cite le of the raid James a a nou tesident ubtor, fur the fur en acven dollars a Lu uts and said 18 bet for Learing on the 12th day ol June, A. D.

1855, at 2 v'elock P. m. April 16. 1808. 3w CHAS.

E. WILSON. JoHN WOODs Beivre b. 454., 8 usuce v9. of the Peace, in and tor.

Cuyauo, a Couuty R. C. Olio. the 12th day of April, said JusLico I sued an order of attachment in above action tor the suur of be, Cuteen 21-100. us do lars.

JOIN WOOSTER. Clevelard April 12. 1818 SARAl COALY Court of Common Picas, Cuzaboga Va. County, Ohio. Petidon fir Divorce.

WILLIAM CONLY. SAID WHILLIAM CONLY is herethar Sarah Conly has f'ed in the Court petition praying for a divorce, on the ground of abaudenulent and the absence or cald William c*nty for more than three curs wit bout just cause, anu that said cause will be tor at tie Day term o1 68 Cc urs, 1838, anu that depositions wi. I be taken Cze as the other vi L. J. Isider, in the City of in the County atoresaic, on the 16.h day of May, 18 between he hours of A.

M. and 9 o'clock vs the part of the l'A itioner. L. J. Attorney for Petiticner.

Cleveland, April 22 1d, A ELINA KuX, Court ot Coumon Picas, Ouya V3. begs County, Oliv. WOLSTEIN H. LICKOX.) PETITION FOR DIVORCE AND ALIMONY. olstein lI.

L'ckox. that Deliua Hickox has AId TO SAID her petitiou in said Court, tor a divorce and nable fro1n caid flickox, on the around of three years habitual grues neg. ect of duty, a.d extreme crue. ty Said petition will be beard at the of tad Court May 17, 18.8. COFFINBERRY Att'y tor Petitioner.

on TOTICE or about IS the 11th HEREBY day of May, GIVEN 18:8, 0u application THAT, vall be made to the Governor vi the State of Ohio, to pardon Henry on, age 13 ears, on behalt of bis aunt. Airs. G. Brown. The bald lieury Nelson convicted of burglary as the Feb.

term of the Court of Cow non Pitajor Cuzalega County. and to yeare impri: Oumen. in the penitentiary. L. J.

RIDER, Att'y. Clevelard, April 21, MARY LAFLER, State of hio, Guyabog1 Co. V3. Court of Connuon Play. HOSEA LAFLER, Defendant.) Petition for money and at tachment.

ANIE SAID HOSEA LAFLER, a resident in the State of Iowa, will p.ease to take notice that Mary Later. the County of Cuzaboga, State of Ohio, did, on the 12 day of April, 1853, tile her petition in the Court of com. MOM Picas, within and for said County, agaluet the said Hosea Latter, de setting torth that there due to her from the defendan, the eum of $100 and luterest tuereon from the dret day of Jann ry, 1868. ou a promissory note given by bald deter dant to raid plaint (a copy ot which rove is attached to Raid petition) praying judgment against auld defendant for 18 suni and lutores, and at a' binent: nd that the raid IloLatler is required to answer said petition on or belore the Doth day o. June, 1858.

April 19, 1868. G. W. LYNDE, Att'y for PIt. NO PARTNERSHIP -The undersigned bare purchased of F.

l'underson Ala entire tOCE 0 Drugs, Medicines, Paluta, GroCerica and have this day fornied a Co- the purpose of currylug on 8 Wholesalc and Retail Drug, Pa nt and Grocery Business, under tne aire and etyle of STRONG They would re pectfully vol cit the patronage of Druggieta and Deal. era generally, who have 80 long traded at the old stand No. 73 Super or street. STRONG ARMSTRONG. S.

M. A LONG, A. U. Ule-t lanu Marco 26, 1868. Improvement in the Science of Medicines.

THE Let. l'atent Eng'and, and accured by BY the deals ROY. of the Ecole d'e P'uurmacie de Paris and the Imperial College of Mei ne. Vina. No.

1. is a remedy for Relaxation Sperma. di. tori 04, an al. the dis treating c.n& quences arising from lacriminatin ate excesses or to long residence in ho: climates, and a 1 d1 qual for marriage, are effectually subdued by this discovery.

TRIESEJLI, No. 2. completely and entirely all traces of ulcorders were Copaivi and Cubebs have so long been thougut an autidote, to she ruin of the of a vas. portion popu a.lou. TRIESEMdJ: No.

3, is the great European Rem: dy for all of tue System as well as St condary Syluptoina, und la a never hug rewedy for that case of disorders which unfo. tuna cly the Physician aus with Mercury, to the inc table (estrucuon of the patient's constitution, and which all the Nar-Antilla in th world cannot cure TRIE No. 1, 2 and 8, are prepared in the form of a loz. taste or su.ell, and can be car ed in the coat pocked. Soul in tin cases and in seperate doscs, as admin.

istered oy Valpau, Ladleman, lous, Kicord, dC I'rice $3 eat, or four cases ic vae for whtea RaVeR and in 427 Cates, whereby there la a saving or 19. To be had, aud retail, of Dr. 157 Prince reet, a fow blocks west Broadway, New dork. I on receiving a bARROW will forward the 'Trie to of the world, securely packed and a dressed according to lustruc tiona of the writer. fr 4 118 aud Consultation from 11 A.

M. to 3 1'. aud in he unlug: sold a'so by Sp. cal Agent fur ('leveland, GAY LORD HAMMOND. bie To P'ractical had aiso from Dr., I'duce StrePt, hew York, Meuic al Work, HUMAN FRAILITY; ur, gical heat arches, beautifuuy illustrated. It costalna c. p- lous instruct one for the pert C. restoration of thoto lo penuted by lojed iron cutering into the marriage 4. a or the permanent cure of ail diseases or all from u- with ubserva lone ou the refut of Carly abuse; a a proturtl, al dissertation, illustrating reaulta of cu in.

cal dasta, and examination of LLe oza. by the Patentee's Newly constructed Micr. scope, with powertul leaws. Pr.ce 25 Do thee of Postage to 80) part of the couutra, 10 had also from Special Agents for Clevclad, GA LORD HAMMOND. way OATS, CORN AND MILL FEED always mb81 Af.




LLIS and BATISTE DRESS GOODS. BEST. FREEMAN CO. BLANKETS AND for large Heats-ut assortment of Blankets, Quil.e, Curtain Stuffs, Aplo BECKWITH'S CARPET STORE. WANTED $10,000 lavorable $109, rates.

NOTES 00 lillno1, ERIE CITY and BANK. VirginLAND WARRANTS Of all denominationa. fe! 841.6 Bankers, 97 Superior -st. A. M.

PERRY MILLINERY OPENINGShaw Co. Will open en THURSDAY SEA FRIDAY, Oct. 8th Ard 9th, Fall Styles Ladles lair, Head Dresses, Caps, of the latest and approved styles, to which whey invite the atteation of all, New Millinery Store. ort? 129 SUPERIOR STREET. 1858.

AC 1858. Lake Superior. CLEVELAND. SUPER OR DETROIT LINE. AND LAKE The favorite and last steamer NORTH STAR, B.

G. Sweet, Master. The spler did 1 cw Screw Steamer NORTHERN LIGHT, John Spaulding, Master. 'The well-known P'ropeller MANHATTAN. C.

Caldwell, Master. Tha number ard character of these Boats will be a sufficient guarantee to the put lic of epced, satety and Lake promptuees Superior. car. assengers and freight to all pointe on For pastengers. It afforda greater comtort and a peed than has ever been offered to the put lic on that route.

For passage, freigut or Information apply to MANNA, GARRETSON Agen'9. J. G. HUS Er, W. D.

MORRIDE. Late Hussey Sinclair, Late McBride liamman, Oleveland. Cluciarati. 1858. HUSSEY Forwarding Produce Comission Merhants, River 109 Street.

WINSLOW WAREHOUSE, SOn the Dock. 111 41 43 CLEVELAND, OILIO. Receive I'roduce by Canal or Rail Road, for Sale or Shipment, DEALERS IN GRAIN. FLOUR, PORK. FISH, L' SALT.

SUPERIOR LIME, PLAS TEK, INGOT COPPER, KE BLOOM IRON, Agents fo, the LAKE SUPERIOR LINE" of Steamboats aud Propellers. Cash Advances made on Consignments. 8p3 AKE following SUPERIOR splendid, low LINE. steamers: the CITY OF CLEVELAND," AND" ILLINOIS." The Propellers: IRON CITY." MINERAL ROCK," AND GEN. TAYLoR." With the above ample steamboat facilities, enabling L'9 to send ou three loa'a every eck we are prerared give prompt despatch to all freights consigned to our care, to the vari ous points on Lake Superior.

8-0100 MUSSEY MoBRIDE, Agents. 1858. 1858. The Northern Transportation Co. Will, during the present run their well known line of FIRST CLASS STEAD PROPELLERS AND SAILING VESSELS! Regular'y between Ogden burgh and Cave.

ard the Upper Lakes. DA 'LY LINE BEIWEEN OGDENS BURGH AND OSWEGO, AND PORTS ON LAKE ERIE; and a 'Fri- Weekly Line beetweem Ogdensburgh and Oswego, and Ports on Lake michigan, connecting Ogdensburgh with the OGDENSBURGH VERMONT CENTRAL ROUTE, Between Ogdensburgh, Burlington, Concord, Manchester, Law. rence, Nasuaa, Lowell and Boston; ANd at with HOVEY NEW LINE OF I MIRIY CLASS CANAL BOATS, (large size,) on the enlarged Car al between Oswego and New York, thus ufording a Regular, Spee. dy and Cheap Route, with but one trapehipment between Boa. ton, New England and New York, aud the West.

This Con pauy Laving made the most ample arrangements at Oswego for Dock and Storage facilities with abundant accommodations for handled, asaurting at Shipping Freights, upon the plan prrcticed at Ugdeusburgh, can guaran the sate, Prompt and Perfect velivery of all Property Entrusted to its Carc. This Line connects at Cleveland with the NORTHERN TRANSPORTATION LINE OF CANAL (BOATS ON THE OHIO CANAL A LINE OF PROPELLERS ON LAKE SUPERIOR, And with Rail Roads to Columbus, Cincinnatti, Indianapolis, Louisvule and St. Louis, AGENTS AND CONSIGNEES: J. MYERS, 8 Canties Sulp, New York. GEO, CLARK, 113 Broad Strect, New York.

HOVEY, CRAWFORD, O. wego, New York. OTIS KIM I LL, 109 State Street, Boston, Asas. CRAWFORD Ogdensburg, N. Y.

WM. T. WALKER, Pole do, k. K. MATHEWS.

Detroit, Mich. BARCLAY CU. ailwaukee, Wis. MATHER Chicago, Ill. CONSIGNEES: LOCKER Racine.



Particular attention given to the sale of NEAT, CORN, FLOUR AND OTHER in the Oswego, Albany, '110y, and new York Market. Also, to the Shipment of Grain, Flour, and other property from Oswego to the Eat tern Markets with tidelity and de patch, upon the must rea terms, Chamberlin, Crawford 1853. P. CHAMBERLIN, J. H.

CLAW FORD, A. J. BREAD. 1808, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, DRALRAS IN FLOUR, PORK, GRAIN, AND HANGING RocK PIG IRON, ON CONMIGION. re Fire-Proof Building, corner Merwin and Division Strecta, (near the Bridge.) CLEVELAND, OLIO.

Proprietors of the NORTHERN TRANSPORTATION LINE Obio NORTHERN canal, and Agenta TRANSPORTATION for CON'S LINE Between Boston and Now York, and Cleveland. I'roperty Forwarded with dispatch to and from New York, Boston, and all points in New England, via Va sego and 0: densburgh. Marco 11, 1863. HEAT REDUCTION OF FARE TO EUROPE. From New.

York: From Southampton, Havre, First or B-em to New York. Second 60 Fir 80 Se ond 65 40 In the fret -class paddle wheel steamship ARIEL. 3,000 tone, E. 1. LUDLOW, and NORTH STAR, 3 500 tons, EDWARD CAVENDY, commander, to tali trout Per No.

North river, at LOOD frectely, cerryirg the Untied Mail, viz: South mp'on, llavre Bremen for Southampton Sud Bremen. Southamrton. for New. York. Ariel.

Saturday. A p'l 17 Ap'l North Star. Aril 14. Saturday, May 10 Wednesday, May 15 North Star. June 12 The steamships touch at Havre.

Specie livered in London and Paris. For age or freight app. D. TORRANCE, Agent, feh27-b27-8m No 6, Bowling-Grun New York. THE LIVERPOOL, NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP CLYDE BUILT SCREW STEAMSHIPS.

City Baltiraore, R. Leitch. City of Washington, 8280 P. 0. Petrie, City of Mauchester, 2109 Capt.

J. Kennedy. Kangaroo, 1874 Jettrey. 'The Uity of Baltimore sails from New dork for Liverpool, On THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, and one of the every alternate 'Thursday, at 12 o'clock noon. These Steamers are constructed with in proved water-tight compartments.

Each Steamer carries an experlenced Surgeon, and every tention paid to the comfort and accoma.odution of passengers. Passage in Cabin 975. Passage. Third Class, 380 and tourd in provisions. AGE can also be secured by tirat clase sailing l'acket Ships from Liverpool, Havre, Hamburgh, Bremen, and Ant werp to New York.

DRAFTS for any amount furnished payable throughout continents of Europe, Great Britain and Ireland. For further particulars apply to K. J. CURTIS Broadway. New York, F.

SABEL Liverpool, and the Banking and Exchange of J. Herdman No. 11. Water Street, CLEVELAND, VILIO, AGENT. nov6-r21-dly Omnibus Notice.

A Euclid Street Station Line. STARTED, Persons CALLED going East THE wil dud it to their comfort to tase the Euchd Street Station Omulbua; escaping the noise and confusion of the lower depeta, having a ride of two miles--the most pleasant drive in Ohio.Passengers will be taken from the Hotels or residences fo 1 celts, ordinary baggage Included. Orders leit at T. S. PADDOCK Hat Store, will promptly attended to.

Jy23-pi-dtt W. W. REDIIEAD, Agent. STEAM AND BETWEEN NEW BURGI, 2500 tons, Commander, Wx. Cum.

NEW YORK, 2150 tons, Commander CRAIG; A 1902 tons, Commander, JOEY Are appointed to sail FROM NEW YORK. 12 o'clock, noon. Nov. NEW 16th 4 FROM GLASGOW. October, NEW November.

2nd December i December. HATES OF PASSAGE.I FROM GLASGOW, FROM NEW TORI. First Stecrage, found .......16 with guineas, First Steerage, found with $75 cooked provisions, 8 cooked $80 Children under 14 years of age. half fare; in Si4 $5:41. An experienced Surgeon attached to each steamer.

For Freight or apply to JAMES RAEBURN, Agent, New 17 Broadway. York Ulty Billa or Gold only received for SPECIAL NOTICE. STEAMSHIP VANDERBILT FOR EUROPE. P'ASSAGE, WITH PROVISIONS, $35. A LIMITED will be taken NUMBER by the OF magnificent 3d CLASS Steamship VANDERBILT, tous, I'.

E. Lefevre Master, to sail from New on Saturday, April 10, tor aud Havre. N. forwarded to outharu; tou, Lo.deu, Har re. Aut were, Kotte aid bremen at $35.

For pa-bage apply only to D. TUKRANCE, mar15-b19-8w No. 5 Bowline Green. New York. SODIETHING NEW AND BEAUTIFUL, WE the wish Dew particularly to kind call of the picture, attention taken by STIMI'SON, 129 Superior surves called SPA PES, which is the latest and greatest improvement, ever yet made taking pictures, and la the moet beautiful style of picture ever produced.

It is only necessary to ace this kind of pictureto convinced it cannot he equalled by any outer kind. It ap pears to stand out from the back ground with that reltef neve before seen in any other picture, and possessee that brilliancy softness of ilgl. ta and shadows so wuch desired by Artists can be colored equal to the finest painting, in fact superior (tor the color has the appearance of being under the skin.) 'The sparkling eye, the rosy cheek, the ruby lips are all prescuwith a truthfulness which to bewilder the seusCs. lt far superior to the Daguerreotype, Ambrosype or l'hoto. grapt.

It can never fade, as it is formed deposit of pure elver on the surface of the glass, aud accure from change or inJury, by being sealed between two glasses. The SPaRE TYPE likeLess can obtained only at STIMI'SON'S GALLERY, as the process is patented and he has the excusive right for Cuyahuga county. 129 superior street, at the right band of Marchards Millinery Store. DEN POUKET KNIVES -A very toe and well selected assortment receival at 29 SUPEKIOR STREET. TUN THE ICE! CLEVELAND PURE ICE LAKE COMPANY.

10E! M. CU. PROPRIETORS, Are prepared to furuish Hotels, Kallroads, and Families, with a superior qua. Lake ice, uson the most reasonable terme, by the at asuu contract 100 pounds All orders will meet with prompt atteution. Unice 85 superior sureet inh 0-698-2m W.

w. GAINES. A gent. EO'D THIS DAY. -Bleached Cottons at cents per yard, at H.

D. KENDALL CO. 125 Superior street, a l'ublic Square. Street, Cleveland, Marcu 4. 1858 Granville Female Academy.

SPRING AND SUMMER SESSION will comuence on Thursday, Feb. 4th and continue twen ty weeks. Seventy two dollars pays alt exp uses tor board, washing, lights, fuel, room, from furniture and tuition, via for 0. the K. I.

diM. Grauville la two bours Columbus, 0. This Institution was Lever more prosperous and worthy fratronage. From Central Christian Herald Granville Female Academy is oue of the best of our Ineti utions for the thorough aud curistian education of young ladies. We rejoice in its p10sper.

ity." From B. W. Chidlaw, Agent of American Sunday School My conduence in the Granville Female Academy is unciu.inished, and 1 do most cheeriully commucad it as lusti tution worthy the patronuge of who woulu educate their daughters for the realities of From communication to Daily Cincinnati Commercial.The Institution was, pernaps, never more prOsperouz, ad the Catalogue for the year contains Dearly two hundred names. Considering The and quietness of we place the rigid intellectual discipline to which tLey are eubjected-the of the seminary editice, and the parental care of tulhtul teachers, Grauville F'emale A possesses advantages for educatou second to those of no other Seminary in the West." Kev. B.

J. Lowe says of examination closing Jan. 23, lave at cuded here fur the last tell years. This was the best oue I have ever attended. '1 his is one of the very best schools for the Christian ed.

cation of our dauguters. The itution bud been exc fortunate in securing Teachers so Weil qualitied for their KERE, prestions." Addiess W. I'. 1'rincipal. Gr-nville, daw CLEVELAND FEMALE SEMINARY.

S. N. SANFOKD, Princi; al. INSTITUTION IS IN operation under the immeuiate cure aud instruction OL Air. Mre.

Sautord, and a large aud able corps of ace InTo those who desire for their daughte: 8 or wards the advan. plisteo and 1a of School ot the highest orde. of excellence, combined with the auvautages of a well ordered christian faniy. it id tul'y believed that tue presents which lex in tat 1 ud can cyual, and nouc can excel. The the comfort aud the happinces cf all the members or tie family will be consulied, and their manners and their suorals will be watched over with as.

siduous care. 1'rof. SAM'L ST. JOHN, L. L.

will, about the drat of April, commence b's valuab.e a higbly courses ot lectures ou Natural ruilosopby and For information or admission, audrees b. N. SANFORD Cleveland. Ohio. Block, Atwater OHIO.


of Book Keeping and collateral branches. Ww. 1', COOPER, W. I. HOLLISTER, Professore ot Practical and Ornamental Feuma.chip.

V. and others, Lecturera on Railroad and Marine Law. JARVIS At, ADAMS, D. W. BROOKS Es-! Lecturera on Commercial Law.


DWIGHT EELLa, Sec'y Cleveland Gas Co. H. G. CLEVELAN per for George Worthington Co VORCE, Book-keeper for Edwards ON RAILROADING -U. C.

of Cleveland and Toledo h. E. Co. J. T.

SIMPEINE, Ass't Sup't C. T. R. L. Co.

H. D. WATT ERSON, Freight Dep't C. T. R.

R. J. H. M. H.

BEELED, Ol: rk 'Ticket Department O. P. A. Ticket Dep't O. T.R R.

Co. B. R. Uo, TUITION. For Full Book- Keeping, including all departments.

Lectures, Con: mercial Law, time $10 For Half Course co. do 920 For One Year Busines For twenty. dive Lessons Bugicess $5 For Flourishing, Ornamentel Penmanship, and Pen Drawing, as may be agreed upon. a Special Lectures will be delivered frequently by gentlemen of celebrity, upon literuly and scientifc subjects. At tais each student is required 10 pass an exam.

ination betole the above ca, in their departments, and it qualted, receives their certifieates. Our inauuscripts are now complete, und the public are lavi. ted to cali sud examine them. For further information call at C'ollege Rooma. or address MOLLISIER, FELION TOWNSEND.

Cleveland, Marcu 4. 1858 DENTISTRY. Porcelain Teethe DR. E. MERRITT RESPECTFULLY vicinity, INFORM he TIE hag opened CITI- an Vitice "No.

4 East Side of the Public Square, In the roome formerly occupied by the Cleveland Library sucatiou, where he is prejured to do a general Denial iness, la conuection with u.akng and setting LOOMIS' PATENT PORCELAIN TEETH. Persons in want of ARTIFIFICIAL TEETH, who are a rous of beauty, durability, com.ort, uulity, c'eanliness, are requested to Gail as our rooms and exundue specimens. Numerous retrences can be given where perscue have discar. del Gold Plate and this beautiful methou, teeth, gum and plate are all one piece and quade correct to br. MEKKIT1 has, for wony years, been a PRACTICAL DENTIST and manufacturer Porcelain Teeth in Pittsburg, Pa.

All my work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Dentists and others will be lustructed, and Rights sold, make and set there l'ateut Teeth. All matcriala wanted are constantly kept on band, sep5-dly UK. G. MOORE, DENTIST.

FELRS HIS PROFESSIONAL HERvice to the Citizens of Cleveland and vincinity. Dr. Moore havlug been 10r many years a prac icing dentist is condueu: that he will be able to give entire satisfaction toall who may wish his protessional services. OFFICE WITH DRS. DODGE JOHNSON, aug-214157 dUm No.

109 superior street. FREEZING TO AVOID PAIN. R. STRICKLAND IS PREPARED 'TO use the appuratus patended by. Dr.

Branch, for the purpose vi renderiug extracuug and other operations upon the leets pulless by sue application of cold. S. is also prepared perform all work in the surgical or Mechanical department cue Dental Art in the most perfect All now Improve. ments which have been sauziactoruy tested, will be promptly adopted. Dental Rooms, 125 SUPERIOR STREET, where Dr.

S. beun located tor the last 15 vara. DE Graduate of the MALLIWELL, Cleveland Medical DENTIST, College, continues AND supply the loss or Teeth, which ever change color or decay, thout or wire of any description, which so perfecdly resemble nature that the pray lice eye of a DeLtist could Lot detect. No extractions ots, or any paintui operations, at the following charger: A si gle Tooih, $1,00. Full Sate from 3:30.

Dr. baving wade arrang meats, he is prepared and will insert full pets of lure P'orcelain 'Tee l'acented by Dr. Loomis. (ace opi.ous of the Press.) Deutal over Drug Store, P'ublic Sq. TONS OF NO.

1 HOT BLAST, ROCK 100 IC so close cue consigument, tor sale by CILAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD CO. TONS OF COLD BLAST, HANGING ROCK PIG 25 Iron, to close the consignment, fur by CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD CO. 5000 bale by BUSHELS AS CHAMBERLIN. in store and CO. for CRAWFORD DURE OHIO LINSEED OIL--ON CONteb9 1:1 eignment.

CHAMBERLLY, CRAWFORD (:0. For sale by 1858. ICE. ICE. 1858.

FOREST prepured CITY to furnish 10E our former customers and -We all utuers who may tavor us with thur patronage, the coming sea80D, With Pure Spring Pond ice at reasonable rates All orders left at Olico, No. 97. Superior or given wo the Driver, will weel with prompt attention, marly-b66-Sin JOHN CRABLE, Propritor. ENDERSON'S HAIR RESTORAUVE fast becomi known and bids fair to become Taqued, woe tollowing cer.itcate will thow. it can be obtalued ot the subscriber under we American louse, Ju this city.

t'rice 81,00 per buitle. Wat. HAIR The undersigned were bald on the top of their heads and their hair was and rajr idly growing thin al over their heads, when Mr. Wur. Header.

BOLL, the barber under the American, appl ed his justly ce ebrated Hair Restorative. and in a abort time the o1 bair was stopped and new hair bera to grow, aud with now the tine pa. ou our heads that was entirely bald is covered a cont of hair. cordiady recollend Mr. lenderson'a torative believing it to be the best article of the kind lu market.


Cleveland, Jan. 25, A CAED. THE OLD DR. SI Rochester, New York, well known by bia success in treating by CORRESPONDENCE, Chronic and elLale ol any denomination, (inclucing such of Gelicate nature), invites 11 vites Invalids to send tor bu Vircular. He Lag gamed Disrep utstioa by his original method, curing mostly such maladie: which lave been given up by the old school practice, as Catarrh the Discares of the Eyes, Scrofula, Brodchitis, Con sumption, Liver Complaint, Dienepela, Utenue P'RIVATE DISEASES, tC.

Besides restoring a blowing gunerni health, Vegetable Prescriptions are pretered tor the permanent toue, vigor and coerxy they unpart to the nerves. Addreas DAS. BALOETZER, NO. 10 Atwater Sirect, 8024 147 Rochester. New York HAIR BRAIDS.

M. DAY, MANUFACTURER of every description or Ladies' and Gent's HAIR WORK of Lue most uatural and appeara.ce Jet made, concisting in part of Wiga, lop piccs, plalu Bands, with natural or transpa rect Also long Braids of llah, (or siue, frost or back Da Curls, Laudeaus, and, to tact, every article lu the Mine: made of the best quality of and warranled to ct. Private roulus lor Lucite' mad Children's liar Cutting. UP TUX BRAD. Persona can have lg or 'loupes forwarded to order with the curtaily of a perrect by following these directions: Around he head.

2d. Forehead to nape. 8d. Ear tu ew over the lead. treme vi baldness, 81.

liar 10 beadier idle head. 4th. A -lat. Areund the Forehead to ex. baldness over the crown Opposite the Fountain, 56 PUBLIC SQUARE, 2anl CLEVELAN, 0.

daw E. W. Koby a CONSTANTLY ON HAND AT their Yard, a few rods rods west of the Columbus street bridge, a large stock FIRE WOOD! Of the best quality, SAWED AND SPLIT, which they ar2 prepared to deliver to customers tu such quantitics as they wish. Orders may be addressed to the subscriber through the Post Office, or left at the Drug Store of br. 0.

E. A corner of Superior street and the Public Square, or at the Insuracne Ofdad of Cou May, No. Superior urders wust invariably accompanied with the CASH te noure aticudou. sepli 0. L.

FITCH. Ageat. ADIES' HOODS. -A beautiful assort Just received by 8. RAYMOND CO.

PATENT MEDICINES NEW TREATMENT PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE AT THE BUFFALO for the cure of PRIVATE Syphillis, HOSeaknees and tue Inurmities of Youth and corer staturity, of Main by Dr. and SUN, Butalo, New Yorx, A (up MOST blaire.) SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An Instrument for we cure of genital debility, or Weakness, Nocturnal Can Ewissions, be permanently luure properly cured in KLOWD from AR to twenty days, by Demiual ent, which used conjoiutly with medl. the use of taw clues. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE.

Dr. AMUs SON pleasure in aun for uncing the cure that of they the have above invented diseases. At has beta subjected to 4 test by the most a incat important instrument eminent physician 8 in Loudon, the ouly l'hiladelphia use.ul and instrument New York it Lax declared ty ever yet discovered for the cure of Seminal by the Weakness, secret or habits any of disease of tLe genital organs, caused youth. UT. AMUS C3 SUX, 10 order to the most skeptical use to the merits where of they their may prove after a tair trial, pledge that in 54C ca by the Instrument in goce Order.

Persons wichir the above ureful Instrunent will observe that the price, with the accompanying direcuone, eocurelr Daube and pent by NEW express la REMEDIES ten AND QUICK CORES dollars. Dr. AMUS SON may be consulted trom eight and o'clock in the morning untit mine at night, tu seculuary every stage Seminal of Discase, Impotency and trictures of the Urethra, aud all Gonorrha, Gleets, those Weakness, alectioLa arising from a secret pabit of outta, which produces constitutional both debility, bouy ana reuders mind. pOre sible, aud in the end auljt is the It vI wards of thirt years' The ext treatmieut have and Lucy succeelul Lull al Ane v9. Dr.

AMUS SON have, for a long series of years, been en gaged au compialut, extensive ano ale the oily tagally qualilled fbysiciane the uri atment of these deli who ie now advertise in Western new York, to cure private plain is. 1u 13 a melancholy wo tact that men, by the victims Lise tall to Private Disease, owing n.ercury, ruin LLe coustitution, cause ulcethat desul) with on the head, suit bouy, rallous noise in the cars, dealutas, nodes on the bones, ulcerated sore at diseased length a LOot, general debuny and decay of the with nocturnal prius in the read auu Lizube ensues ur and a melancholy dentu puts a Period to con their A anteriugs. CURE WARRENTED. AMO8 SUN live devoted and their the reliet attention they have exclueirely coLbr. to this peculiar class enabled of to render their wHow-creatures, is tul.

ly been and gratelully acadowledged by convalescent pa others uai arriving 111 town of from all consultations, rarts of while the country and for hue express purpose only excruous have been wowued with the in most enquiring gual advau- into tueir sages; yet h.out whey have theso complaints, Grow their in most simthe causes conunion of to tLat of the dangerous and pie have always cutertained the possibility of weir prevention tuey likewise invariably loved that the most borald rible and removal, mangnant and terms of disease could almost be traced to one o1 thu and cauzea treatineut; we retore neglect, the ill MOS o1 DON nave succeeded in discovering, in the elec improper Dr. ticu A vi their remedies, a sale, electual C3 A course; all combination of which or Lear equivocal pucation 83 well De those productive Tuose of bad consequences in the hands prematue lu score, the laudavie cud of their rum vi pri 15 rate toe of a great nuwan nitery by the CV are relied reality and tre sucres log of life, and wich, while they grevous what surround us, call aloud for our sklil and interferso 0. Leusively tor their COUNTRY INVALIDS. 1 416008 warding in a part correct detail ot their case, remittance of the worlu may be successtully treated by or tC Medicine, Adurtes Airos DON, corner Main and Quay strects, babulo, N. Y.

HEALTH BEFORE WEALTH. DOCTOR WRIGHT STILL OCCUPIES WATER THE STREET, SAME thin 3 Squirrel's jump el Superior Street, in Davis' No. 1 up stairs; and. as usual, is fu is trom Twenty to seven years of uninterruptad practice in this 7 in the evouing. ty such given as him are the result or Imprudence and Indiscretion.complete control over many complaints, Now, wy you feel alarmed or -especially ever invited to ear pees about JUu ale Up to the Captain's oftce and get 3 Ticket.

Tule move you will procably never regret. If, bowerer, nut convenient to dro; in drop a lice, a8 ethers ure doing ery da) 5, nub. them, you will get operates prompt and du wer. Medicue varunese, and and C32 he with perleco safety by Express TO PAY OF THE COUNTRY. Counsel and Advice Gratis.

np and co7 thrown CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATIONS TAR'S PILLS OPERATE A by their powerful stimulate induence it into on the healthy Interual action. viscera Th.y ritz move she the obstructions of the stomach, la, liver, blood and other o. the body, and, by restoring their irregular tiou to correct, where. or the, An exie, extensive trial of such derangements as are the by Protestor8, and has drat causes of not cures by persons or euch exalted position Ad daugerous uigeases almoat teyoud belief, were as to turbid the Busy ciou au ol Almanac, untruch wit ca the A gents acter published in my Aweri are low dio furni. ba tree to all inquirie.

Annexed we have give been to Directions bu to for cure. their use la the which they Late one or two Pills, or gu. hi BOR gently move Lue vowels. Costiven.83 18 frequestly as to Cause of FILES, the cure one compl.unt No person can Rel well wulie under tue cure bit of cf woth body. leuce it should be, as it ca; be, rive relieved.

which la the cause of Costiveness ruE uncocfortavi, take mild doses -trom oue to and always stimulate tue and river 1 to b'althy action -to do it, and the heurtburn, budyburn, ard I bey will will ramdiy dieappear. Leu it la HOLe, don't dyspepeta wha FOUL cured you. STOMACH, or Morbul Inaction of the Lowels, For depression of the spirits auu bau produced at i'uds at ares, and sivaller dogs afterwards, from to cud is to the systeiv. until activity HEADACHE NAL'SHA. Pain FoR N.

RVOU. NE 9, Side, tour to cight Pula op Stomach, Jitbey Lack, or do ot operate wake more the to Led. nese complaints will be out day until they Don't do. wear these nad their kindred disorders the cause system. your atomrch is foul.

UR Sums ULUI irecry an tiy, knutrey uand Discause bowels A Ys clul 10 ELEp IPELAS, of the take tue will enerally soou gin to du.inish and The erupuors dreadful ulcer: and sores have teeu bealed rear. Many and puri vang I there out soma the purging Dich LEt to 8: turnte the whole gusting ctely yicided to their izduence, leaving the Dave perfect comy. Palente! our duty to soce ty forbids in parade yourself around the world covered you should ulcers, sores, and all or any of the of the blotches, because your sy: um wants diseases BLOOD, tury are the best ever TO PURI ney THE should be taken ald frequently, and covered. I sow the seeds vi incurable will in purities of the system alke chait the wind. By swept out they do as suuch in preventing as by the able property cures whey are wuree.

LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, and aza torpiany, Bilious A congestion, fectiona from the Liver. ity conges ion Vhiatibere struction of it for digestion. This is dieastroue to bile and auk render the consutation 18 frequently undermined by coure. Indigestion 14:8 bile into the omach cauca tue bile is 1Le 8) IL ptoiu. Unstructiou duct which into empu: the 6 bided.

Tuis reduces Jannuice, with a and overtow gerous train 01 evils. Costiveness, uiternately L8: 8 and wen a lueds, an u. chaucholy, with prevails. guor, 8, and drowsiness; sometin. luabilty to sicep, in the side; luc and the wite of there is severs pall greenish yellow; the stomach acid; the eyes to become the 34 touch the whole ryeum irritable, wild tenderc, bore which way Lu: Lu Dalious lever, bi lous colic, to lever, A me.

ium dose of three or diarrhea, taken at night. tollowed by two or three in the inorDing, dysentury, Pills few days, will relbove the cause of all ulu repeated It 34 13 wicked tutor euch when you can them RHEUMATISM, 25 cents. GOUT, and all Inflammatory Fevers are cured by stimulus the which puriying iney attord to the vital principle of Lite three upou he bloou the and kindred complains they abould be taken in For these dudes, to DINNER Love the PILL, vowels this 19 gently, both an useful. but Pill A8 can a be luade n.ore pleasant to take, and certainly none been wade wore edictual to the purpose for wluch pill is ewployed. PREPARED BY J.

C. 44 PRACTICAL AND LOWELL, ANALYTICAL MASS. CHEMIST, THE RETIRED PHYSICIAN, whose gratuitous recipe for making, of the consul Axtract duou, of Canavis DAVINg Indics bus requested by nurdreds 10 do so, Lereby MA. known cured co ru nis en other great remedy, 14 AND RAGULATING luteus: concentrat on ot rule foreiga herbs, PILL, covered al during years of research in the bast Indies, which are the n.odern mutter of whah aud standing) aud pleasantly and eately every permanently cures song the ones, aud of the rest of the viscera. It is dives of Europe and Aucrica, as the ouly cure in covered tor al INTERNAL COMPLAINTS.

Old Doctor makes it klowu by was n.ethod only PILL because I is be oblige LO. The PURiFYING AND ALEULATING surely, the bowe.a liver, to one intestince, natural or blood mouon a can aay, inalu when the bowels act thus naturally. 1t aboud be dit tinculy disease of the stomach, understood that the Pill is in not all to cus.8 open 0. or move the DYSEN. bowels erely.

It wust b3 used lawny to v.ole.t purging dc. TART, The COLIC, greatest BILIOUS eature the many valu cuaracter, OVERLOWS, istics of dis onderiul I'll, is tie quict the and tut. easy ring metiod burran which mI. it It works not one of those rethedi a that make people its miraculous CAULK 8t order that th may riinily (t weil. it upon the stomach, heart, liver, bowele, channel.

vi kidneys, Lue aLu Bit bladder, opens and regu. ates all eb ed. prom the moment it conimances be lla scarching and puritying, but L. percepuble operatious. unti.

you ice. the ore ewe tse of healthtut auy port prowp.ings had sain impulse that you, it impar. 3 sense of relief, ta of aninated be tenth: ut. upon aud a i uv) aut 4: ergy al.d activity. worth millions dollars to those who would ave for I unal oyed 8, and (n oy 18 ment.

com. baca box contains eighty-fre by 82 cial uir: ctie N8 for every for particular which a midlal and man wou informal on otherwise as to ha every to be calied in. sent anywhere, 1.ce of po. lay at oue dollar a box, Addrees DIt. IT.

JAMES, No 19 Grand Jersey City, N. J. N. This la to certif; that I Lare no burness nection with 1.r. Thos.

J. li.on. and that he, nor agent, Git est. has no unedicine tor sale prepared ty me. 020 DR.


A FOR 1 MELODEON BLOCK, CLEVELAND, O. Continues to dispense la invaluable remedies to those addicted with Sucre. with the success attendan: ycars of er.oral exper and practice in his profession leave his treatment half cured.always gives the beat of satisiactio Syphilis, Strictur Suppressiou of the 8 Female successfully treated. Young men, who by indulging in Bebabus, have contracuing that body dectroying vice, should apply to Du. PALMED with.

delay. tar beware of a.mpirics and Professors ATTEMPT cures but never suc eed. Dr. P. 18 the only perline In establieumed and responsible physician in bis pecuMortuern Olio, and Dis practice extends through State in the Unioe and the British Provinces.

-Da, PALMED is sole agent tor FEMALE MONTALT PilLs. Among the many thousand boxes of these Pills anuusold, not on. compaint das yet been made againet them. in a certain situation chould not use them -the particuof which will be found on the alrectlone accompanying box. Price $1.

Scut by mali to any part of the world. Persona addressing Dr. t'. by mall, expecting a reply, plcase enclose a postage stamp. communications addressed Dr.

I. D. PALMER, No. Melodeon Block, Cleveland, Ohio, will meet with prompt attention. w2y 0.


ANDERSON'S Vegetable Elixir, For Dyspepsia or of the Indigestion, Stomuch and Jaundice, Bevels, and and Billious conscsequent Complaints Weakness Loss of Appetite, Nervous Complaints, Head ache, Sour Stomach, Futulence, and Habitual Costiveness. MEDICINE IS COMPOSED ENtirely of Vegetable substances, is periectly safe the in its most opera de tivu, aud way be given to chloren risk or and verona inconvenience. or Tue icate habite, witwout the least UNIFORM SUCCESS Which has attended the use o1 at where it las of been the extensivel used--in Borton and in various other parts and bignly Union, respe in the West Indice, attested by disinterested of the medicine itself, th best table commentary upon its virtues that can ofered to chose tha to a trial are acquainted with it. It headache. 1ounc singularly effica cious It 1g la not ngured by age, but will reinain good for yeats in casca of the obstinate any We are clinate.

coustantly recelving tratimorials of the the medicine from of the Lighest respecubility, accomplish in what no one to cure. As is rapidly gaining the cuure contider ce instance ta our kuowledge has is to of the profess public. No fowily saculu be without it, as it 18 particularly adapied to this climate. The Follow felowirg the testimoLial directions and are a from cer. tail gentlewen cure 18 wel.

xoown to the citizen: of Cuy-hoga County: warrauted. Elixir nas accomplished of tor them me a what fair every trial) other baa medicinc (and I have given the west to perfect ucaith. it failed to that do; for rawely, many years 1 Lave a ficted with or Liv. restored rue or to say Complaint, in l18 most aggravating form. Nouhing seemed to give we pernament relict, uutul has I nad was a most induced to wounderiw try Anuer: edect aud although I have but one bottle I feel that Vegetable Elixir, which I upon amu from buy adlection of tue Liver, My heulth was LEVIDe; er bet er; it becomes this uly duty to give frt publicity to and this 13ct similar complaints may learn what you: Elixir las done that the thonsands at woment for we.

Norwalz, Dec. 11th, 1857. R. P. GEER.

Most Leapec.fully Yours, ULIVELAND. MAY 14 Lit, 1801. -For Loice time past I Lave with uttered severe extremely headache from and aD shor Sir: tack or mope the to take a long breath--in tact Dyspepsia, breathing, completely undt tor wy dull, vocation. Noticing the ad. was your Modene, Anderson' Vegetable Elixir, and baving a previous knowledge of the high resided, I in which embraced it W28 nel1 in postou, wuere A bare the opportunity providiug au) melt suvat soul a wustactory bottle, and resulta.

have My ta Ecu li regularly neadache lent the at cuce, and by my the use of experience your no ditticulty du tuy treatmeg, so much contidence have I iL Alizir, I ti. rapidly regaluig your melane, that several aad of ray al friends happy to have been bave induced by me ELCed the results. should you couser la to InaLt a ciai of 11, formation of any service, you have any to use ic. yours, CHAD. CALICAN.

Put up ty 0. ALL soie proprietor, Mase. Cleveland, Obic successor to the late Leinou, of Roxbury, Sold In Cleveland by We Druggists generally. 4 PALM egale Agents, Oleg land, Pride $1:00 per bottle. 108 319 LIST OF UNCLAIMED BAGGAGE lengicing in the C.

E. R. Baggage Room. ('LEVELAND. April 12th, 1858.

1-Small Plac Box, marked F. coLtalus exch Grass. 2-Auser Trunk, markup Capt. Bartbolemew. 8- Large Pice warded O.

W. Bates. 4 Valise, marked Q. M. Case.

Trunk 'marked o. A. contains Vomers Clowning, Letters, frunk marked B. F. C.

apman, contains Mena Ci thing. Letters. T-brack Trunk mated Willians Castilio, contains Kens Cloiung. Letters, Truus O. Colburn.

9 BICI bag mursed W. LeWitt. 10-Sinall Green Bor: marked tt. Doyle. 11 Isole a1 Slaps marked A.

well. 12 'Truus marked Join F'uller. Chest marked Sir. J. Fail: pg, contatts Tin Ware.

14-Pine Bux marked J. Ford. 15 Dry Good Box marked Mrs. U. II.

Ford. Trunk A. F. Valise marked P. E.

18- black 0.1 Cloth Bag D. B. marked Gooley. Air. Ford.

19-black Bag 2)-Large Dry Good marked Jacob, Garte, contelza Beddrug, Books, de. 21-L'ine BuX luarsed Gilbert. 22-Kusset Truck marked Mariah Ilenderson. 23-Long Black 1 runk marked C. F'.

H. 24-Car Bag marked Diary A. Hobson. Valise marked B. Hull.

2-Black l'almer C. lust, 'contains Mens Clothing, Letters, 27. 1 ulk marked Joseph dare, contuina Mens ClothIng, Letters, Clock, 23-La ze While Box mud. Led D. Harper.

29- black Trunz Mark.u James Johnson. Valise ma: kad 0. G. 81-Black 'Truuk warked A lgusta Kellogg. 82 -Blue Chest marked 'I holes Keau.

88 Pine boX tie, contains Light Stands. 84-Unpained CheEr Mina Kuzzel, 8 Le ters. dc. 35-lted bu cu Guest J. nana Kropf.

valise d. Lockey, Contains Linen Shirts Letters, die 37-Black Sail 1's Bays marked Peter Watson, Bocks, Let (IS, dc. 88 Black oak Chest marked Marshal, Contains beddi: 30 wad marked lIenry 40-Pluc Box leery Mier, 41-Dry Box marked McCarthey, ('incinnati. 42 Black Truck marked Pease, 43-Pino Box marked I'. D.

Sack marked Nathan Recd. 43-Cleudca blue Chest marked Call. Echade, contains bed. Hiug. 40-Small Pine Box marked Thomas Seeller, talus clothing.

47-Hair 'I ruok marked P. S. contaiDs co: bing, dc. Box A V. leaf tobacco.

49-Dry Good marsed liev. alie, ContaiLa booke. Cues. marked A. C.

Smear. 61-20e Leather masked D. N. I bomrson. 02-Kuaet Valise marked A.

Turner. 58-Swall Wood Box marked Word, contains dc. line Chest marked To mas Warbuted. 65-Pa, or Covered Cheat marked Waburion, contains clothing, bock, Russet Valise Geo W. Willey.

57-Black Track marked JoLn H. Woolsen. 69 Trunk Albert Going, clothing, bosky, ARTICLES WITH NO MARKS. 60-Carpet Sick, rag carpet log chain. Black Truck, eggs, dagueletypea, farcy box, chihing, C.

C1- Black 1 ruuk, conte, Tante, boots. carpenter's toole, scale, dc. 62-Freuch Trunk, cot taine old clothirg, german books, 03-Leau Colored Chest, con airs catrage balle, Arc. G1-Sailore linen Bag, contai: a clothir g. 65-Sallora Linen bag contains cloth g.

6T-Liceu con g. 63-Flour Bag, conta 8 wOlit ne clotuirg. -Black Truck, contaius women clothing. 10-Dry Good Box, pillows, glass ware, bedding, bocte band box, 71-bla. Bag, contains woolen L'ar set, clothing, 72-dusset Truik; contair Goods.

contains Mens cloth ug, Mus.c LOx contains Las: contains Violin. white 75- woous chest shirts, lucking glass stinds, do. 76-black wood ('heat, contains Buckedite, Boote, hat, luen, sacs, worsen's clothing. c.heat, painted bluck, men's clothing. 19-White Sa.k, contains Beddi 80 Pine cheat, women's clothing.

81-Carj et tag, convalus women's clothing. only 82-Carpet bay, contaius women's clothing. 83-Carpet A As, contains men's clothing. 81-Curpet bag, contalce womeL8 clothirg and childress Blocs, black oil Bay, men's clothing. and ray, contain, Ivens clothing.

Blue Blanket, Tru.k, centalas ILen8 clothinz. 88 -Black of cloth Covered trunk containe women: clothing. 89. -One Scythe aid Spathe. Small Piue Lox, cortaines Masons tools, Le.

91-Carpet Bat co tains mess clothi K. 92-Blacz oil cloth bay contain men Clothing. 93-Emegraut chest, contains tia Ware and German's goods. Va- bundle ci Beddirz. 94-lIair trunk, contaiue bedding.

96 Linen back, contalue bedding. pine box. contains Dutch clothing, 98-Grain bay, 8 slurs clothing. sack, coutains and tin ware 100-Grain bag. co.

taus Mens clothing, bouts, 101-Long Box, contains beddi nded, taw. gun bag, irons, clowning 4c. 102-Blacz Trunk, contains womens lettere, Owners are requested to come forward aud calme this bazgage on or vetore the 27th day of July, otherwise it will be a old at auction by U. Mollen, on uut of whom it may concern. H.


E. D. PAGE. Lost begeage Agent. April 12-013-td.

TOTICE, TO WHOM IT MAY CON. following properly will be sold for Freight and chargea, at Public Auction, at 0. CUTTER SON'S AUCTION STORE, Bank Cievelaad, en Op Saturday, May 15th, 1858, Unless previously called for thereon. by Owners aLd Charges Paid SALE TO COMMENCE AT 10 O'CLOCK A.M. HI.

Youegall, Norwalk, 2 Boxes II. U. Go. ds, 1 Chest, 1 1 Table, Chairs. James uun, Philadelphia Creesing, 1 Saddle and Brid.

de. D. L. Townsend, Huron, 2 Casks Glass Ware. Miss J.

Bodley, 2 Boxes Oic th 1g. Geo. Lightuer, 1 Box Books. J. Vau Portage, 3 Buica P'atent Medicine.

T. K. Pomroy, Fremont, 2 Bundles Hoo8. Furnell, 1 Chest. A.

Ketberg, Cleveland, 1 Trunk. Clare, Trunk. Look, 1 B.rrel Hickory Nuts. J. Voso, Alpauy, N.

8 Boxes. J. B. lligbee, Bellevue, 1 Baru Duster. Love Kesrney, Sullivan, 111., 1 Looking Olesa.

Illes smith, Elyria, 1 Barrel Patent Medicine. Joel Turrell, Norti R.dgeville, 1 Barrel Patent Medicine. J. W. Bullock, Elyria, 1 Piece Casloga, 8 Bundles Castings.

D. L. Wright, 1 Store Hearth. Browu, Cleveland, 1 Cultivator. NO MARKS.

1 Box, 1 Fanning Mill, 8 Cheats, 13 3 l'low Points, 2 Barrels, 8 bels Corn Planters, B. adstead, 1 bal Iron Ore, 2 Bundles Paper 1 Plow, 2 Trunks, E. B. PHILLIPS, April 8. Sup's.

U. T. R. K. PASTURAGE 1858.

THE subscriber, about PASTURES 800 acres in OF the Cuyahoga THE Valle. will be open on and alte: May Per. SOUR who may seud Cowe hereby tha. charged for the intire 8800 torom aate or entrance 1, unless they give Lotice in at the t'rae ofan earlier withdarawal; aud, al: that the unuer. igned will 1.0t be liable tor any culmals that may a.ray or be injured, while ou sald preinizes.

Terrue. 5) cen's per week, parable every Mondsy, in ad. vance, unless arracK- pre mace with the suh crib for the Apply at my cfce, ever Merchanie' B.ok, lior enect, cr. to m. FORD, Herdsma at the en 'auce gated, Lear Aelcraft ripe Foundry, cr ac his brick dwelling house on Univerely Her s.


and refinement, the pleasure in tay. Ing that he is now prepared to an entire new article in the Un ertak Lg line superir10 anything ever betore roduced. It is of his own manufacture, inade the Casket form, and is highly ornamented, with a tuick plate giass running the entire length of the top. 1 HE CASKET has nore of the gloomy and unpleasant apof the old style of They are perfeCtly air. ught, and are very light and courenient tor transportation, or putting in vaulte, or common luterments.

Per ons losing friends and wi: hung to procure ytaing in the above llue, will dad it much 10 their interest by calling aLd for themselves, where: bey will tinu every attention giveu. DANIEL W. DUTY, 26-c59 3m ARGAINSI BARGAINS STELLA SHAWLS, Jet received by Bs, a At S. Hyman large as portent, comprising ail styles and qualities, winch will be sold greatly reduce prices. A every LL WOOL which will be DELAINES- sold at CENT Consisting A YARD, of worth (0 cents.

S. HIMAN Corner Superior street and Puo. Equare. WE large los ARE of JUST IN RECEIPT OF A DOUGLAS SIIERWOOD'S PATENT SKIRIS, Which we are telling at tach S. HYMAN ap36 Corner Superior street aid Pub.

Square. LEXANDER'S KID GLOVES -FULL I. BALDWIN 00. BUTTONS. New S.yles of Gilt, Pearl, Glaea, Gold Stone, Real Moraci, Sulk, etc.

J. H. DaW ITT, Morrison'a Block, No, 1 Pub.ic Square. RAILROAD CARDS. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.

THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, CON. necting the Atlantic citic: with Western, North- western and South western States, by 8 couttnuous daily Kallway line of SteamI his also connects at with ports on the Wwwern Rivers, aud the at (eveland North-western and Lance; aking the woot direct, cheapest and retiuble route Sandusky with Steamers to all poil la (D by which can be lurwalued to ai.d rom the HALES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND P'ITT8 FIRST Shoes, lIate and Caps Bocks, Dry Goods, (u boxes, bales here and 75 per 100 De. truube,) Drugs (in boxes und baits,) r'ea. Fur. SECOND Domeglic Sheetirg, Shirting and (411 original (in Leather, Liqacr vin GO per 100.

13. caeks,) Vi all Paper, Wool, and Sheep l'elta, cast ward, LAIRD CLASS- Chains (in casks) Hemp Macks,) Bacou. l'aiuta and (dry und Pork, in oll,) Salted Ous, (loose or (except In 60 per 100 1 land ard roB. COffee, FILL, Bacon, and P'ork (1u cauls or boxes, eastward, Lard unu Laid on, Nails, Soda Ash, German Clay, Far, Pith. nosin, Steel, 4) pEr 100 Bs.

Lured Tobuco, Vil, Queensware, gar, barrels aL FLOUR-76 per bbl until further notice, 35 cto per lu0 its until further notice. per bale, not excceding 000 further ucice, Lu Good, from point cust of P'hiladelphia, be MARK packages Kailroud' All cousigued to the A gouts of this KonG at a or Litesburgh, will be forwarded without cerention. EASIGUT AGENTS -Clarke Clucago; Parker Mewpaid, k. F. Co, St.

P. O'Kiley Co, Evansville, Ind, Wu lie, K. C. Meldrum, Madison, u. 8.

Pierce Co, 2 Leech No. c4 Kit; Street, No. Astor House, b. No. 1 Wibiam N.

L. J. cr, Magraw Koons, Baltimore; A. Stewart, Pittsburgh. HI, N.

HOUSTON, Ceneml Freight Agent. H. J. Sun't antoona, I April 1, 1857-8. 1857-8.

ARE Cleveland, corumbus Cincinnati Railroad. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. NAND AFTER MONDAY, DEC. 21st, 1567, Passenger Trains leave Clevelacu tollows: a. M.

ze Berta, urania New London, Welungiou, Crestline, Cardinaton and Delaware. 3:46 P. M. ConcuLau Might Passer gar, stopping st all Way and Gallion. and at Cardington and Delaware; 3:80, stopping to leave puS at all south of Pallion.

CONN SUTIONS. Shelby, Sandusky, Maneueld cad Newark Railroad, for Vernon, Newark, Lancaville, Crestline, 1 itsburgh, Fort Wayne, and Olicago Kailread, for Forest, Upper Manducky, Delphos, Lina, Ft. ay be, Lupurte, Cicago, west and cast.or A oveter, Massillon, Gallion odd Line, for Callefon. taine, Diduey, Unios, Muncle, Terre Haute, svansville, Lowsvlik, Cairo, St. Louis, ac.

Deicware, Dayton and Cincinnati Line for Richmoud, Springield, Indianapolis, Day. ton, Hamilton, Terre Haute, st. Louis, at Cincinnati with OLio and Mississippi Railroad tor Louisville, end al ch the Chio liver. Columbus Little Miami and Indianapolis, bus, and Xenia Haute, Railroad St. tor Xeula, Dayton, Loveland, "Terre and Louis.

Morrow, and the Ohio ane ppi Railroad at Cincinnot 10r Lous ville, Evanevite, Cairo, Si. Louis, aud a I points on the Gato Columbus, Central Ohio disilroad luiLbus, 'for Piqua and Canes Inc laud dc, Kaliroad for Urial For to all pomis, anu apple st the Union Ticaet 51 Sypor.or street, or at Passenger Station. Nov. 23, 1857. F.


TO TAKE EFFECT ON AFTER APRIL 15, 1528. Golug East. Going Wes Clev'd Yagst' wn. Trains Leave Yugot wn Clev'd. Mail.

Exp. Exp.l Mail. A. P.M. A.

M. P'. M. 3 80 10,40 8,31 7,19 8,51 10,19 8,05 1,51 9,6. 7,81 4 41 9.811 1,01 6,12 Aurora.

3 03 6,19 9,12 0 49 8,85 10,21 6,09 8 8 4,57 03 6,23 6,16 braceville, 11,401 7,02 8,27 8.:15 7,15 Warren, 7,00 7,86 6.89 2,01 1,53 Girard 2.83 101 8.04 Brier 6,11 6,001 2,03 2,19 8,15 Oleveland wits. Cleveland Toledo, Cleveland, Columbuc Making Connections and Cincinnati, Cleve id Erie, nod Cleveland Pittaburgh Hail loads. At Solon with Hacks to Chagrin Falls, etc. At Mantua with Hacks to Ravenna etc. At at Warren Braceville with with Hacks to Sharca.

Greenville bi Hacks to Newton etc. At Bloomfield, Youngstown with Stages to Cartie, Lowell, Poland, Canield, Or. and Enon Valley, and thence by Y. F. W.

U. R. R. to Pitteburgh. April 14.

CHAS. L. RHODES. Sup't. HEALTH! GRACE: AND BEAUTY! Conferred upon LADIES, by wearing DOUGLAS SHERWOOD'3 NEW EXPANSION SKIRT, WITH THE ADJUSTABLE BUSTLE, WHICH medical authority BEEN to be the DECIDED most benefcial BY garment eve- introduced for the sadies' use, the weight being only Ail 12 oz.

DOUGLAS SHERWOOD'S celebra cd SKIRTS stamped with weir trade mark, and node genuine 80 For stamped. cale at all the principal etorca la the United Statee and and Cautdua. The above SKIRT is tor sale in Cleveland, unig by S. I YMAN CORNED OF SUPERIOR STREET AND PUBLIC SQUARE. Ladies are Invited to call and cramine.


37 WATER STREET. ESSRS. Collins COLLINS dissolved, and JcuN LINDSLEY, B. GOODSELL, late of tLe of Fuller disguived, naving cansolidated under the above Arm styles, will continue the HAT, CAP, FUR AND STRAW GOOD BUSINESS, With far greater advantazca than heretofore offered in this market. Being the ouly Houre in the city exclusively in this line, we are confident.

by givi it our utire and utter we can oder such inducements ay will fully compete with the Eastern market. We shall have at all Limes a full sortinert of the above Goods suitabie for the season, varying in style price, and qualivy sui able for the Western trade. Orders by will receive prompt and caret. latter. tir u.

COLLINS, GOODSELL LINDSLEY. mar27-b87-1md TIN WARE A'T WHOLESALE.COUNTRY can find a good stock cf TIN WARE, Made of the very Lest of stock, at extremely low prices, at JACOB WANSOR'S, No. 6, l'ublic Square, directly opposite the Old Court House. 500. PIECES OF HAMS THOSE ANI SHOULDERS, FINE SU.

by Carten Wrights. 600 Bags Java and Rio Coffeca. 800 Cheats Y. H. Impel al and Black Teas, freeh and chrap.

1th 3 fall of GaUCERIES for the Jobbing Trade, in etore and arriviag. To be cheap broiapt pay. BABco*ck HURL, inh12 In Wuter street. JAMES SPEAR, Central Market Ground. Pitwburgh Street.

DEALER FURNITURE, IN NAW STOVES, AND BEDS, SECOND BEDDING and HOUSE KELPING ARTICLES GENERALLY. Per. sous wishing to go 10 house keeping, as well as thus wishing to choir will and this the most a consinical last in tho rity to purchase cal IT 20 30 obly HINDS. New Orleans Molasses. OnLEANS SUGAR; Just received and tor sule by J.


MENECA. Sma 1 ure. black Black Velvet Ki bon-, all widths; Robes a Quille, in Del.a:nes; CO do Organdies; Stella Shawle; Fou.a.d Silas; BlacK RoD: 8, Ride strire; Clark's enameled pool Cotton: Colored and White, 10: Sewing Machines; Milward's Needits. GOODS--BY EXPRESS. E.egant Stella Shawls, Cha Borders, New Sty les Robes a Quille, co Dre: Si a 8 nd variety, While l'iqua Clothe, 7-4 aLd 8-4 Berages for Shawle, Derge hob a a Quito, Ca Blinerca and Vestings, Goods for Boys' Wear, Ber ages.

3197 E. I. BALDWIN CO. DERSONS TO AVAIL by enquiring at No. 89 Vi albut 8 themselves of the advantages I P'rivate School, cin do MONEY carcasses of dead GEO.

liorses, Cattle SCHMIDT or logs will free of charge, thereby avlug an expense ut $4,10 or ly leav ing orders at the 01 BENION 80 and 82 De troit street, we aide. TO LOAN ON WATCHES, or bought for cash. Watches Acd Jewelry for sale, No. 8 Water street, corner of Superior, (up stairs. June 1-264-lyd Ww.

WAGNER. RAIL ROAD CARDS. THROUGH TRAINS EACH WAY DAILY, Sundays excepted. Pittsburgh, Wheeling, Harrisburgh, New York. Bullimor, Philadelphia and THE CLEVELAND PITTSBURGH RAIL ROAD COMPANY, A Having Wayne made an I An arrangement I.

with Co, for the the Pittsburgh, For, their Track between Rochester and Pittsburg, of WIll run Trains Dairy, mending (Sundays March excepted,) 1563. 33 tollow: wit PITTSBURGN AND WHEELING MAiL. Leaves Cleveland, Bridgeport P. M. 1.00 P.M.

Baltimore. ...12, 5,10 0 P. M. 31 New Philacel; Lia. 6,80 I'.

P. AL A COMMODATION. Leaves Cleveland, ARRiVE 4.15 P. 4.05 P.M. 6,20 6.35 P.

I'. M. 9,40 P. EASTERN EXPRESS. Leavea Train Cleveland on arrival of from Chicago.

10.20 P. M. Bridgeport opposite. A. 3 This Train rung through Pitteburzh on Na urdav ev.

Philade P. P.M. enirg. Pas engers can leave New 6.80 A. Al.

for on V. evening at 10,00 P. Mi. GOING ECUTH AND EAST CONNECTIONS ARE MADE At At Hudson, for Cant: Cuyatoga Masslion. Falls, Wooster Akron and Milier: burch.

and At At Bagard, Steubenville, for Carr for Cadiz, lion, Dover Coehocion and aLu New lotta At Wheeling, for Baltimore and At Bellair, for Cambricge, Zane ville and Circlerille. and AL new for Baltimore, reladenua KETURNNG TRAINS. CLEVELAND, DUYFALO AND ODICAGO MAIL. Leaves at, 6,00 A Si Bridgeport Dr Arrives at Wheeling 0.10 A. M.

do at Hutalo at. P.M. 2,45 P.M. AL Chicago 9,00 A. M.

FAST TUTOUGH EXPREsS. Leaves P'ittsburgh 2,25 Arrives at Cleve Buta.o and 9.60 1'. Al. do at 6,00 A.M. Chicago 2,00 P.M.

A Leaves Favenna at. 8,20 A. 51. Arrives do at lludson Cleveland st at. 9,10 A.M.

Arrives do at lludson Cleveland st at. 9,10 A.M. Dr Connections are made with Returning Trains fric. same points as are made going South and Last A. PO CLEVELAND for Ldueky.

Toledo, Detroit, Outcozy, Buttale, Niagara Falle, ai.d Canada, Yours. Warren and hea Baggage checked through to all polate, gad Tr of charge. For Tickets or information apply at the sInion al Superior reel, at the office in the Depot, arG at Kail Road 'Ticket J. FARMER, Sup't, Cicre aid. F.

1. MYERS, Gen. Ticket Ag't Clevelped. CLEVELAND AND TOLEDO BAIL CHANGE OF TIME, ON Traius AND Icave AFTER Cleveland as followa: MONDAY, MAKUl 8:00 A. MI.

For on bu' 1.8, 'Toledo, troit, St. Louie. Cincinuati. a c. 5:30 P.

M. For Sutions on Nerutrn A Cincinzati, dc. 10:00 P.M. Via Norwalk, for Toledo, Chicago, E. D.

PIULLIPS, March 12. 1548. (leveland and Erie Raii Road. winter Arrangement, AFTER MONDAY, NOV. 28d, 1307, Passengers Trains will follows: LEAVE CLEVELAND.

8:80 A.M. Mall Train stops at all way stations, except Wick line, Mentor, Perry. Vulonville and Sastrool, and arrives at ICrie 12:87 l'. kirk 8:46 P. But Jo P.

Li. 3.00 P.M. Accommodation Train for Conneaut and War tions. 4:00 Y. M.

Express Train stops at Mine vile and only. Girord, and arrives at Dunkirk 9:86 P. 11:00 P. Mi, 10:10 P. ME.

Night Express Train stops at Pamesville, la, Conceaut and only, and arrives at Erle 1:55 A.M.; 4:15 A. IT. LEAVE ERIC. 4:06 A. M.

Night Express 'Train al Couscous Ashtabula, and Paine rille only, und BUT.V03 Cleveland, 8:08 A. M. 1:05 A. M. Mail Train stops at all way stations crept PAY brock, Unconville, very, and Wick and arrives st 8:06.

Mi, 5:10 P. M. Day La press Train tops at Girard, Contanat, Asa tabula and l'ainesville only, and arrives at land 9:00 P. M. All of the through trains going Westward connect at Cleo land with Tratue bor Toledo, Column bun, fin: tic.

And all the ard Cola see Dunkirk with the traics of the New York and Erie n. and at Buttalo with whose of the New York Central and ald New Work Oly H. NOTTINGMAN. Superintendent. (levelard.

Nov. 93, CLEVELAND. ZANESVILLE CINCINNATI Rail Roads. IN ON going and South after March 8th, 1858, ou the Passengers 11 JLEVELAND ROAD 3. Orville and Millersbury.

Connecting at Orville with on (changing curs at lur the PITTSBURG, FT. WAYNE CHICAGO 16. M. and est for Cauton, Massillon, Wooster, Loudeuville Mansfield. Trains leave for at 0.05 A M.

and 1:35 P. connecting at Orville with on tit Pisteburgo, Fort Wayde Chicago Rail Kurd, 31 which It, gengers from Canton, Mi Wooster, Louder! Mansdeld reach Cleveland by lube train 10:00 SIMON PARRING. AM. TAMMANY MALL Corner of and Frank fort peelte the 18 dark still auu City Hall, NEW YORK. This bowel conducted on the EUROPEAN PLAN OF LODGING ROOMS.

and meals, 43 be ordered, in the large sud wry 10: LADIES, AS WELL ES GENTLEMEN, laving recently added au Brogant l'arlor for the of Ladies. This popular l1otel 13 in the immediate vicrat. of Business aud places of and otere every Jo ducem to those who COi Ault al.d economy. lee going to C'ALIFORNIA Or AUBUrE, will te with all the deared, aud be protected in the chase of paoduge tickets. CHARLES BROWN, Proprietor.

PHOTUGRAPHS, REFORE THE DISCOVERY OF THIS truly wonderful ar: few were able to secure even pour like. leased of their freuds, but now a true to nte, la Wilithe reach of all. Every samnly therefore suouid have a well executed Likeness of cacu wetber when buodid uls Substance fade away, the Shadow would remuiu. have pracused chis beautiful art tor the last fourteen there are hundreds of pictures, which Lave taken, in of the sw. v.

vlug Irit uus of we dc parted tu8, Lie val. above price. There ale many however who neglect attending to this in. portunt matter Lutil it is too late, How often is it remarked, would give a hundred dollars if I Lad good Ambroty ge of my tutLer, mother, son or daughier, or cOLt friend that was but now is lot. Allow lue to gIve this advice: Secure the Likences of your friends while in Go 10 beat Artlet you can and if be does charge more than good Likeness la better worn ole or two doilars, tEas oue is worth owe dine.

1 amu a prevared to to All the best etyle of the art, the following Ambrosypes, Plain Photographs, and I'notographs in Oil, lite, or any size desured. Daguerreotypes of de. ceased persons takeu the eize of life, and warrented true to Ambrotypes cf adults taken as well in cloudy as In clear Weather. F.rrst Premium awarded at the New York State Fair for the Ambrotypes aud Daguerreotypes. Melodeon Cleveland, Ohio, LOV23 W.


I. perience in TRUSTS, laying out FROM HIS LONG EXParks, Cemeteries and Pleasure Grounds, In England, (where the highest br: nch of Landscape ILA an elegant Artie BO generally cultivated, he Is fully competent to give to thore WHO may employ bam professionally in the of their homesteade. W. N. has also a din.

sock of Large Ornamental Tress, and PAir Frost, Which he will plant and warrant for two years. at pricce. Every variety of Hardy Evergreens, Decidious Tres Flowering shruta, Fruits, Roses and Herbaceous L'ianta, cal any nursery. VINEYARDS PLANTED AND ESTABLISHEL On invorable terms. dell 295 al, WIGS! WIGS! WIGS! Geo.

Greenfich, 6 Bank Street, opposite Weddell House. of Ladies' and Geutlemen's Wize, Toupees, Braids, Bands, Curls, He has on hand A wost magnuc. o1 every variety of color, which he offers at Lue lowest possible cash price. lie also calls attention to his gelt cuou of French, Kogich aud American Combs, brushes, di C. Ladle' Hialr Dressed for port.

ca at his rooms or al their own residences. 1' pe'll to the Cuttirg of aid Misece' Inir. dec14 tilsend! 05 D. E. FIELD.

Watch Maker, Jeweler and Engraver, 15 BANK BLOCK, STILL GIVE HIS PERSONAL. ALTEN. tion to the kepalriug of Watches, Clocks, de. Jewelry of all kinds made to order and repaired. Engraving eXecuted in the very best Cr Sectacles react with warranted Pebble eg sod the tes Eagliah Glass.

ry respectfully solicited. April 21. 1567. 188 17 HOTEL, Corner Fraukfort street and City- Hall Square, opposite the City Ilall, NEW YORK CITY. 'This Hotel 13 conducted on the EUROPEAN PLAN OF LODGING ROOMS, and meals as they inay be oruere in the spacious Refectory.

There is a Barber's Chop, with Baths in with. This popular Hotel is in the mumediate vicinity of co utile ness, and the principal places of aLu offers every inducement to these who consult convenience uLU coolomy. Tho: going to California or Europe, will be furnished with all the tutormation they way desire, and also be protected from imposition in the purchase or passage R. FRENCH, Proprietor. N.

B. -Beware of Runners who say we are full, s3 maul are interestea in saying 80. marli-b45 8w YOU ARE IN WANT OF ANY KIND of PRINTING, take your orders to the PLAIN DEALER JOB OFFICE. GINGHAMS received. English and American, S.


Erie, town, 301 a OLD Franklin toe city capccial. little unwalk it 1 ev. can. ANY MADE! to pu re and all ao their shown 1 certificates be. complaints quautity the is 3 CO3 promptly tour ct for which take the goicg next from be.

open. up by sufferer that with unclean di the be this remark. 0.0 arise. the no the to lon3 ea the bowels four these cure rapidly and auld No has dinuer De sud P. 2 4.

51 AsBus deaud life. to tc to vI di he no I in and way o1 pani by Dr. upon ence None lIe cret ung, out whO liar every N. ally Ladies lare aach will All 4 8, 21 19 ...16 at- the 107 at and 2.8 Ly Line in 1 and ued 1 or the tor poor in The tire. bert Lad in Wis.

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.