A user-centric analysis of preferences and performance of speed pedelec commuting in Flanders (2024)


Europe is facing challenges to transform into the fair and prosperous society
it wants to become by 2050. The European Green Deal sets out the growth
strategy to meet those challenges. One of the sectors in need of action is mobility.
Each year, the vehicle fleet, predominantly cars, grows in numbers, size, and
weight. For the near future, the European Union wants multi-modal transport
that is less polluting and more sustainable. Despite the introduction of the
EU regulation 168/2013 by the EU council and parliament about the approval
and market surveillance of two- or three-wheel vehicles and quadricycles, a
lot of new light electric vehicles entered the market. These vehicles could fit
the vision of the European Union. For the specific case of Belgium, a country
plagued by road congestion and bad air quality, the speed pedelec is a highly
promising light electric vehicle. In the trail of the already popular electrically
power assisted bicycle, manufacturers experimented with two-wheeled vehicles
with more power and higher assisted speed, to which the legislature created a
suitable framework. In the first year with clear local regulation, more than 6000
speed pedelecs were registered. In a few years, more than 25 brands entered
the EU market. The reaction of riders, other road users and policymakers to
this new vehicle were divergent. There was a clear need for data about road
behaviour, technical quality, control algorithms, human power amplification,
cruising speeds, . . . in order to decide on the right measures to ensure safe,
sustainable commuting with these vehicles and to instruct manufacturers and
policymakers to come up with the right answer on clean mobility.
This work investigates the performance of speed pedelecs and the users’
perception and preferences towards the speed pedelec for commuting in Flanders.
The experimental work performed in the 365SNEL project lies at the basis of this
PhD. In this project 105 participants were given the opportunity to commute
with a speed pedelec for three-week test periods. The fleet of 15 speed pedelecs
was lent out to 10 Flemish companies and provided qualitative, quantitative,
naturalistic speed, technical and anecdotal data. Focus groups were undertaken
before and after the test periods, surveys inquiring about the intention to adopt
were collected, and the speed behaviour of the users was tracked using GPS
signals. Outside the context of the 365SNEL project additional research was
undertaken: a study into legislation was performed, a measurement module
was developed to measure power input and energy output of a speed pedelec,
practical road tests were performed and a multi-criteria calculation tool was
created to calculate the effects of a one-to-one switch from a car to a speed
pedelec for commuting. Finally, a survey was launched to gather cyclists and
non-cyclists preferences towards road-seperate cycling infrastructure.
This research brings forth clear insights into the subject of ’speed pedelecs’: (i)
The perception towards the vehicle of non-users and users is different before
and after the test period. A main motivator was time gain before the test.
After testing, time predictability, mental and physical benefits, exercising and
mentally relaxing during the commute were more important. The barriers
remained initial purchase cost and perceived traffic safety. Lack of reliability
was an added barrier after testing (ii) The deciding factors in speed pedelec
intention to adopt remained after the testing period ‘Design’ and ‘Ease of Use’.
A change in ‘Trust’ and/or ‘Ease of Use’ had a significant impact on a change
in ‘Intention to adopt’. (iii) Practical cruising speeds are below the 45 km/h
maximum pedal assisted speed. This work shows that the cruising speed is
dependent on the vehicle, the users’ behaviour, the users’ capabilities and their
preferences. (iv) The division into 19 component groups facilitates comparison
and shows the diversity of the vehicle. Four parameters (i.e. assistance speeds,
power consumption per assistance level, assistance factor per assistance level
and the wind dependency) together with measurement strategies were proposed
to objectively compare the performance of speed pedelecs. (v) For an average
Flemish person, a speed pedelec outperforms a car for commuting in four
criteria: time predictability, moderate to vigorous physical activity, total cost
of ownership and lower CO2 emissions. (vi) With regard to preferences towards
road-separate cycling infrastructure, the only difference between a conventional
cyclist and an electric cyclist is the need for charging points at stops along a
cycling route. Every road user wants wide quality cycle paths with safe crossing
points, smart traffic lights and secure bicycle parking if they are or were to
These results first and foremost provide the first scientific data sets on
such a scale for speed pedelecs. Secondly, the text proves that certain key
preconceptions about the speed pedelec are wrong. Thirdly, the study shows the
promise the vehicles hold to combat the challenges Belgium and the European
Union faces, if they replace larger and heavier (internal combustion engine)
vehicles. Finally, the work ends with policy advice and new avenues of future
research in the field of speed pedelecs.

Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • KU Leuven
  • Cappelle, Jan, Supervisor
  • Vanhaverbeke, Lieselot, Supervisor
Award date21 Mar 2024
Publication statusPublished - 2024

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Van den Steen, N. (2024). A user-centric analysis of preferences and performance of speed pedelec commuting in Flanders.

Van den Steen, Nikolaas. / A user-centric analysis of preferences and performance of speed pedelec commuting in Flanders. 2024. 318 p.


title = "A user-centric analysis of preferences and performance of speed pedelec commuting in Flanders",

abstract = "Europe is facing challenges to transform into the fair and prosperous societyit wants to become by 2050. The European Green Deal sets out the growthstrategy to meet those challenges. One of the sectors in need of action is mobility.Each year, the vehicle fleet, predominantly cars, grows in numbers, size, andweight. For the near future, the European Union wants multi-modal transportthat is less polluting and more sustainable. Despite the introduction of theEU regulation 168/2013 by the EU council and parliament about the approvaland market surveillance of two- or three-wheel vehicles and quadricycles, alot of new light electric vehicles entered the market. These vehicles could fitthe vision of the European Union. For the specific case of Belgium, a countryplagued by road congestion and bad air quality, the speed pedelec is a highlypromising light electric vehicle. In the trail of the already popular electricallypower assisted bicycle, manufacturers experimented with two-wheeled vehicleswith more power and higher assisted speed, to which the legislature created asuitable framework. In the first year with clear local regulation, more than 6000speed pedelecs were registered. In a few years, more than 25 brands enteredthe EU market. The reaction of riders, other road users and policymakers tothis new vehicle were divergent. There was a clear need for data about roadbehaviour, technical quality, control algorithms, human power amplification,cruising speeds, . . . in order to decide on the right measures to ensure safe,sustainable commuting with these vehicles and to instruct manufacturers andpolicymakers to come up with the right answer on clean mobility.This work investigates the performance of speed pedelecs and the users{\textquoteright}perception and preferences towards the speed pedelec for commuting in Flanders.The experimental work performed in the 365SNEL project lies at the basis of thisPhD. In this project 105 participants were given the opportunity to commutewith a speed pedelec for three-week test periods. The fleet of 15 speed pedelecswas lent out to 10 Flemish companies and provided qualitative, quantitative,naturalistic speed, technical and anecdotal data. Focus groups were undertakenbefore and after the test periods, surveys inquiring about the intention to adoptwere collected, and the speed behaviour of the users was tracked using GPSsignals. Outside the context of the 365SNEL project additional research wasundertaken: a study into legislation was performed, a measurement modulewas developed to measure power input and energy output of a speed pedelec,practical road tests were performed and a multi-criteria calculation tool wascreated to calculate the effects of a one-to-one switch from a car to a speedpedelec for commuting. Finally, a survey was launched to gather cyclists andnon-cyclists preferences towards road-seperate cycling infrastructure.This research brings forth clear insights into the subject of {\textquoteright}speed pedelecs{\textquoteright}: (i)The perception towards the vehicle of non-users and users is different beforeand after the test period. A main motivator was time gain before the test.After testing, time predictability, mental and physical benefits, exercising andmentally relaxing during the commute were more important. The barriersremained initial purchase cost and perceived traffic safety. Lack of reliabilitywas an added barrier after testing (ii) The deciding factors in speed pedelecintention to adopt remained after the testing period {\textquoteleft}Design{\textquoteright} and {\textquoteleft}Ease of Use{\textquoteright}.A change in {\textquoteleft}Trust{\textquoteright} and/or {\textquoteleft}Ease of Use{\textquoteright} had a significant impact on a changein {\textquoteleft}Intention to adopt{\textquoteright}. (iii) Practical cruising speeds are below the 45 km/hmaximum pedal assisted speed. This work shows that the cruising speed isdependent on the vehicle, the users{\textquoteright} behaviour, the users{\textquoteright} capabilities and theirpreferences. (iv) The division into 19 component groups facilitates comparisonand shows the diversity of the vehicle. Four parameters (i.e. assistance speeds,power consumption per assistance level, assistance factor per assistance leveland the wind dependency) together with measurement strategies were proposedto objectively compare the performance of speed pedelecs. (v) For an averageFlemish person, a speed pedelec outperforms a car for commuting in fourcriteria: time predictability, moderate to vigorous physical activity, total costof ownership and lower CO2 emissions. (vi) With regard to preferences towardsroad-separate cycling infrastructure, the only difference between a conventionalcyclist and an electric cyclist is the need for charging points at stops along acycling route. Every road user wants wide quality cycle paths with safe crossingpoints, smart traffic lights and secure bicycle parking if they are or were tocycle.These results first and foremost provide the first scientific data sets onsuch a scale for speed pedelecs. Secondly, the text proves that certain keypreconceptions about the speed pedelec are wrong. Thirdly, the study shows thepromise the vehicles hold to combat the challenges Belgium and the EuropeanUnion faces, if they replace larger and heavier (internal combustion engine)vehicles. Finally, the work ends with policy advice and new avenues of futureresearch in the field of speed pedelecs.",

author = "{Van den Steen}, Nikolaas",

year = "2024",

language = "English",

school = "Vrije Universiteit Brussel, KU Leuven",


Van den Steen, N 2024, 'A user-centric analysis of preferences and performance of speed pedelec commuting in Flanders', Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

A user-centric analysis of preferences and performance of speed pedelec commuting in Flanders. / Van den Steen, Nikolaas.

2024. 318 p.

Research output: ThesisPhD Thesis


T1 - A user-centric analysis of preferences and performance of speed pedelec commuting in Flanders

AU - Van den Steen, Nikolaas

PY - 2024

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N2 - Europe is facing challenges to transform into the fair and prosperous societyit wants to become by 2050. The European Green Deal sets out the growthstrategy to meet those challenges. One of the sectors in need of action is mobility.Each year, the vehicle fleet, predominantly cars, grows in numbers, size, andweight. For the near future, the European Union wants multi-modal transportthat is less polluting and more sustainable. Despite the introduction of theEU regulation 168/2013 by the EU council and parliament about the approvaland market surveillance of two- or three-wheel vehicles and quadricycles, alot of new light electric vehicles entered the market. These vehicles could fitthe vision of the European Union. For the specific case of Belgium, a countryplagued by road congestion and bad air quality, the speed pedelec is a highlypromising light electric vehicle. In the trail of the already popular electricallypower assisted bicycle, manufacturers experimented with two-wheeled vehicleswith more power and higher assisted speed, to which the legislature created asuitable framework. In the first year with clear local regulation, more than 6000speed pedelecs were registered. In a few years, more than 25 brands enteredthe EU market. The reaction of riders, other road users and policymakers tothis new vehicle were divergent. There was a clear need for data about roadbehaviour, technical quality, control algorithms, human power amplification,cruising speeds, . . . in order to decide on the right measures to ensure safe,sustainable commuting with these vehicles and to instruct manufacturers andpolicymakers to come up with the right answer on clean mobility.This work investigates the performance of speed pedelecs and the users’perception and preferences towards the speed pedelec for commuting in Flanders.The experimental work performed in the 365SNEL project lies at the basis of thisPhD. In this project 105 participants were given the opportunity to commutewith a speed pedelec for three-week test periods. The fleet of 15 speed pedelecswas lent out to 10 Flemish companies and provided qualitative, quantitative,naturalistic speed, technical and anecdotal data. Focus groups were undertakenbefore and after the test periods, surveys inquiring about the intention to adoptwere collected, and the speed behaviour of the users was tracked using GPSsignals. Outside the context of the 365SNEL project additional research wasundertaken: a study into legislation was performed, a measurement modulewas developed to measure power input and energy output of a speed pedelec,practical road tests were performed and a multi-criteria calculation tool wascreated to calculate the effects of a one-to-one switch from a car to a speedpedelec for commuting. Finally, a survey was launched to gather cyclists andnon-cyclists preferences towards road-seperate cycling infrastructure.This research brings forth clear insights into the subject of ’speed pedelecs’: (i)The perception towards the vehicle of non-users and users is different beforeand after the test period. A main motivator was time gain before the test.After testing, time predictability, mental and physical benefits, exercising andmentally relaxing during the commute were more important. The barriersremained initial purchase cost and perceived traffic safety. Lack of reliabilitywas an added barrier after testing (ii) The deciding factors in speed pedelecintention to adopt remained after the testing period ‘Design’ and ‘Ease of Use’.A change in ‘Trust’ and/or ‘Ease of Use’ had a significant impact on a changein ‘Intention to adopt’. (iii) Practical cruising speeds are below the 45 km/hmaximum pedal assisted speed. This work shows that the cruising speed isdependent on the vehicle, the users’ behaviour, the users’ capabilities and theirpreferences. (iv) The division into 19 component groups facilitates comparisonand shows the diversity of the vehicle. Four parameters (i.e. assistance speeds,power consumption per assistance level, assistance factor per assistance leveland the wind dependency) together with measurement strategies were proposedto objectively compare the performance of speed pedelecs. (v) For an averageFlemish person, a speed pedelec outperforms a car for commuting in fourcriteria: time predictability, moderate to vigorous physical activity, total costof ownership and lower CO2 emissions. (vi) With regard to preferences towardsroad-separate cycling infrastructure, the only difference between a conventionalcyclist and an electric cyclist is the need for charging points at stops along acycling route. Every road user wants wide quality cycle paths with safe crossingpoints, smart traffic lights and secure bicycle parking if they are or were tocycle.These results first and foremost provide the first scientific data sets onsuch a scale for speed pedelecs. Secondly, the text proves that certain keypreconceptions about the speed pedelec are wrong. Thirdly, the study shows thepromise the vehicles hold to combat the challenges Belgium and the EuropeanUnion faces, if they replace larger and heavier (internal combustion engine)vehicles. Finally, the work ends with policy advice and new avenues of futureresearch in the field of speed pedelecs.

AB - Europe is facing challenges to transform into the fair and prosperous societyit wants to become by 2050. The European Green Deal sets out the growthstrategy to meet those challenges. One of the sectors in need of action is mobility.Each year, the vehicle fleet, predominantly cars, grows in numbers, size, andweight. For the near future, the European Union wants multi-modal transportthat is less polluting and more sustainable. Despite the introduction of theEU regulation 168/2013 by the EU council and parliament about the approvaland market surveillance of two- or three-wheel vehicles and quadricycles, alot of new light electric vehicles entered the market. These vehicles could fitthe vision of the European Union. For the specific case of Belgium, a countryplagued by road congestion and bad air quality, the speed pedelec is a highlypromising light electric vehicle. In the trail of the already popular electricallypower assisted bicycle, manufacturers experimented with two-wheeled vehicleswith more power and higher assisted speed, to which the legislature created asuitable framework. In the first year with clear local regulation, more than 6000speed pedelecs were registered. In a few years, more than 25 brands enteredthe EU market. The reaction of riders, other road users and policymakers tothis new vehicle were divergent. There was a clear need for data about roadbehaviour, technical quality, control algorithms, human power amplification,cruising speeds, . . . in order to decide on the right measures to ensure safe,sustainable commuting with these vehicles and to instruct manufacturers andpolicymakers to come up with the right answer on clean mobility.This work investigates the performance of speed pedelecs and the users’perception and preferences towards the speed pedelec for commuting in Flanders.The experimental work performed in the 365SNEL project lies at the basis of thisPhD. In this project 105 participants were given the opportunity to commutewith a speed pedelec for three-week test periods. The fleet of 15 speed pedelecswas lent out to 10 Flemish companies and provided qualitative, quantitative,naturalistic speed, technical and anecdotal data. Focus groups were undertakenbefore and after the test periods, surveys inquiring about the intention to adoptwere collected, and the speed behaviour of the users was tracked using GPSsignals. Outside the context of the 365SNEL project additional research wasundertaken: a study into legislation was performed, a measurement modulewas developed to measure power input and energy output of a speed pedelec,practical road tests were performed and a multi-criteria calculation tool wascreated to calculate the effects of a one-to-one switch from a car to a speedpedelec for commuting. Finally, a survey was launched to gather cyclists andnon-cyclists preferences towards road-seperate cycling infrastructure.This research brings forth clear insights into the subject of ’speed pedelecs’: (i)The perception towards the vehicle of non-users and users is different beforeand after the test period. A main motivator was time gain before the test.After testing, time predictability, mental and physical benefits, exercising andmentally relaxing during the commute were more important. The barriersremained initial purchase cost and perceived traffic safety. Lack of reliabilitywas an added barrier after testing (ii) The deciding factors in speed pedelecintention to adopt remained after the testing period ‘Design’ and ‘Ease of Use’.A change in ‘Trust’ and/or ‘Ease of Use’ had a significant impact on a changein ‘Intention to adopt’. (iii) Practical cruising speeds are below the 45 km/hmaximum pedal assisted speed. This work shows that the cruising speed isdependent on the vehicle, the users’ behaviour, the users’ capabilities and theirpreferences. (iv) The division into 19 component groups facilitates comparisonand shows the diversity of the vehicle. Four parameters (i.e. assistance speeds,power consumption per assistance level, assistance factor per assistance leveland the wind dependency) together with measurement strategies were proposedto objectively compare the performance of speed pedelecs. (v) For an averageFlemish person, a speed pedelec outperforms a car for commuting in fourcriteria: time predictability, moderate to vigorous physical activity, total costof ownership and lower CO2 emissions. (vi) With regard to preferences towardsroad-separate cycling infrastructure, the only difference between a conventionalcyclist and an electric cyclist is the need for charging points at stops along acycling route. Every road user wants wide quality cycle paths with safe crossingpoints, smart traffic lights and secure bicycle parking if they are or were tocycle.These results first and foremost provide the first scientific data sets onsuch a scale for speed pedelecs. Secondly, the text proves that certain keypreconceptions about the speed pedelec are wrong. Thirdly, the study shows thepromise the vehicles hold to combat the challenges Belgium and the EuropeanUnion faces, if they replace larger and heavier (internal combustion engine)vehicles. Finally, the work ends with policy advice and new avenues of futureresearch in the field of speed pedelecs.

M3 - PhD Thesis

ER -

Van den Steen N. A user-centric analysis of preferences and performance of speed pedelec commuting in Flanders. 2024. 318 p.

A user-centric analysis of preferences and performance of speed pedelec commuting in Flanders (2024)
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